Saturday, August 9, 2008

Who will be.."America's Next Top Millionaire?"...coming soon!

They go to Florida...wrestle a the retired Jews of Miami Beach a visit,go to New York...say a prayer at "Ground Zero"...maybe toss a first pitch in the Yankee's game(baseball)(excluding Senator McCain)..they go to Missouri...and ride a farm tractor to the local burger joint...go to Texas...slap on a Sombrero (mexican hat),hug a mexicano,eat a couple taco's in Lower East Dallas...They go to Oregon..hug a couple tree's..go to Pioneer Square in Downtown Portland to talk about "human right's"...make a stop in San Francisco...hug a couple homosexuals...ride a trolley,make another stop in Los Angeles..hug a couple more mexicano's..visit the Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Blvd to see who's hand prints they fit into,eat a couple more taco's....visit a military base and shoot a couple 3 pointer baskets.This coming is all up to us...the American People to decide..who will be "America's Next Top Millionaire"?

This is not to insult folks who are millionaires at all...I enjoy being able to live in a country with so many millionaires...because it shows me that this is what one CAN accomplish in this country..I dont have to see equality,bordom,and poverty all the time,like in so many 3rd world countries and accept that there is nothing else to life.One night while on duty in Uptown...a gal pulls up in a baby blue Bentley sport coup "06"..I escorted her to her restaraunte...which was common to do for the ladies in the late night hours for protection...during small chat I asked her how much she gave for the was nice...she told me $220 (thousand she meant).She told me she takes it out on a Far North Dallas Turnpike in the wee hours of the morning..and takes it up to about 120mph or so, to you the engine good,at least once a week...she built her own company from scratch..and made a million..not given to her. That's what America is all about!

But what is how hysterical we all get over trying to make sure those we vote for are everyday people. We in a way...make these folks do things with our media as well...that they just simply wouldnt ordinarily do. How many Sombrero's do you have to wear...or taco's you have to eat...or cheap beer you have to drink...or homosexual's you have to hug before you would get sick of it?Or any other thing you have to do to show people that your "normal".Then when any one of much as fart's...we drag it out for day's wondering what was the cause of the fart.Some of us gripe over the expensive homes they live in...the reality is...if you are in a position like that...unless you have a home like that to entertain your guests,you will no longer have your guests support...because they will lack faith in you,meaning you loose their financial support as well.Senator Clinton had to come and dig up probably $20 million of her own cash...I mean...most of us would be aggravated coming up with $20K of our own cash for anything.Yet...we criticize her,and to be frank...she's a hard worker...period. Being an Obama supporter and seeing the criticism fellow supporters give her is ridiculous.They criticize McCain for being computer illiterate...maybe he dont like sitting on his ass on a damn computer,Obama gets criticized because the media portrays him like a rock star,is it his fault? Or because his name is muslim sounding...that's what his parents named him.You could never make President in this day if you werent a millionaire..period.

They are not on our social level and couldnt be if they wanted and keep their ranks.They have nothing to prove to me as a voter except wanting to take us as a nation forward...and making the right call's at the right time.But I need to change the oil on the's about 95 degree's outside,today's high (August in Texas...normal),and if one of them candidates want to change my oil for me to prove how regular they are...I'll accept the offer I guess.

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