Monday, February 2, 2009

Look for NEW plea's to come...from the artificial elite...

Because of all the outrage over bonuses in the billion's going to Wall St. executives and top crust...they have been very silent...understand that they as I write this are cooking up a new and improved slab of BS to feed the peoples through and with their government implant's. I expect this to come soon. Their target is the other half of the $750 billion first bailout...and they have to score fairly let it sit in come back in a few month's afterward's...and double dip on the 2nd. stimulus...they may bite the 2nd. stimulus indirectly though...through other channel's they do business with. These folk's are good at what they do,so never underestimate do you think they got so wealthy?...being dumb? The peoples shouldnt trust anything they is all lies...not one bit of any of it is even true.

The arguement they are probably going to that the bonuses are simply compensation...and that $20 billion or so annually is relatively small...and that these executives depend on those bonuses as well as other employee's for pay. I am a free market man...I have no problem with any person raking in a billion buck's, or any kind of pay,bonus,profit's,etc.If you do good work...and the payoff is grand, they should get multi-million dollar bonuses. And $20 billion in comparison to what we are giving small. They will also probably tell us that the money we pay them goes into a different account, which bonus/compensation doesnt come out of. All of this is not should be ignored. This is a good time to determine which politician's are true and which are not(most are not).

The bottom line is...they are asking for financial support...this mean's that they cant even rely on those top crust that they pay high salaries to..if they could...their value wouldnt have declined 50% and more...nor would they be in the rut they are in. As long as we are the ones paying to keep them above water, we the peoples are the ones that are making action happen...not they. We should stop calling them "elite"...because we are brainwashing ourselves to believe that you can just dress up any failure jackass with a crapload of book smart's in $25,000 buck's worth of garment's and ornamentation...and have someone that is worthy of the title "elite"....all you have is a clever talking overpaid walking financial encyclopedia. Dont forget the "bottom line" ...they are asking and pleading for YOUR support. And their goal as I said only to try to maintain and continue into the future...a similar system...that can only lead to recession over and over. A true one that can get in a situation that is a problem...and get out of it...and find solution' that can "work" out problem's...and most importantly...succeed.

The institution's themselves will paint a picture that if they dont pay these people right....they will loose them. LET THEM WALK...they drove the institution into a are rewarding incompetence. There are plenty other's lined up to take their place.When Enron broke into a scandal in Houston several year's back...guess where all them employee's were getting offer's to? ...these same investment outfit's in Wall St. Even though their action's were considered crooked...these Wall St. firm's wanted them...they were the hottest ticket to recruit for these firm's. So ask yourself...where are your tax dollar's really going and to salvage? Listening to their plea's can only numb your brain.


  1. This is about the banks, not Wall Street, but people need to know what these "elites" we're bailing out have been doing.....

  2. Thanx for the detailed article Mr.Infidel.I actually heard something awhile back about bank's and the importing of large new hires...but it wasnt directed to an investigation.And I also know that you are right about this isnt
    actually Wall St. In other word's...Wall St.consist's of much more than just investment banker's. I use the name/term too loosely I reckon...because it is easy to identify these day' "Wall St/Main St", and figure folk's just naturally know's what Wall St. consist's of...but I reckon many who never been to New York City...dont know. As for me personally Mr.Infidel...I am not prejudice at all,but I would absolutely stop/regulate any company that was getting tax/government support from hiring outsider's period...this really sicken's me. Also, as of now.. I would also tighten up the immigrant flow into this country much more...indefinitely... at least until we can get our act together here. This has nothing to do with being against foreigner's as some would think.. this is simply trying to take care of home and then when we prosper...other's will prosper...if we continue to would only effect foreign market's as well. But to be also frank Mr.Infidel... I just would like to see and try the result's of little or no help to several of these institution's. I just simply dont buy that the world will come to an end without them, but that's just my opinion.
    Right now everybody who is anybody in the world market scene from Japan to Russia are pointing their finger's at America for economic declines. One of the thing's that was suprising to me year's back when in the Wall St. district, was the amount of illegal drug dealing going on down there in the bar's,
    primarily cocaine...2009 it may have all changed...I dont know.

  3. Well, if the Wall Street guys have been on drugs while making business decisions over the last few years, that could explain a lot.....
