Monday, March 2, 2009

"AIG"(Another Incompetent Guru)... and it's "ADD"(Attention Deficit Disorder) diagnosis....

"I cant believe's stunning...mind blowing...,etc" say's CNN's Christine Romans....her facial expression and eye's appearing as if she seen a ghost.And several other's act in shock. Well......I certainly dont find any of this shocking, not even a tiny bit...after all....just look at this journal..I been writing about this for the last year. And if the average working poor citizen like myself with hardly NO formal education can see this coming...I can assure you that this "shock" response of any of these experienced,educated,professional's including the Fed and the analyst's is nothing more than ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)in concert with natural born ignorance....with a sprinkle of lies. The problem's are quite simple actually...corporate forced globalization("forced",because it will come naturally with time)and a so called free economy/market...that is too interdependent on a few, making it not much different then a monopoly, and that we are a society that work's strictly on borrowing too much, and a system that goes back to ancient Rome and refined during the middle ages. In reality and the natural order of thing's, this will change drastically and fail bit by bit...we are a species who find it hard to depart with old ties you can say.

Nor should this be any suprise to anyone that today it was announced that OUR Government will overhaul it's bailout to help the besieged AIG unwind in an orderly other word's...just have an open monitary buffet with your I said before.What you are seeing the "2nd Bite" that I was speaking of a few month's back is all, and the investment banker's will tag on this one too as I mentioned...give it a few week's or so to really hit home on that...because they dont want to say too much while their partner's are biting us...I mean...their all in the same bed.This is also why I mentioned that we will get an economic stimulus for the peoples fairly quick...because they know if they didnt make this play/move they would get "made" too quick..this buy's them time in between bites...because the funding for domestic infrastructure we will get will be the small part of the big chunk...they will eat the most. It's no different basically then a dope cartel diversion...they let a mule/run get busted with 200 kilo's on the San Diego/Tijuana crossing of cocaine...which is being more heavily monitored, then they use the El Paso/Juarez crossing to push through a few thousand kilo's...while authorities are preoccupied with the petty bust as a "good collar/bust". They throw us a few bones keep us preoccupied..and throw in some other trinket's that rave us Octumommi's, or fag's wanting to marry to get us fired up amongst ourselves, knowing how silly moral crap alway's distract's us. So they are as easy to read as a goddamn road map!

The monopolizing part here that I that AIG does business now in more than 130 countries...and hold's over 74 million insurance policies. $162.5 billion was the initial package...and now we will commit another $30 billion to a company who we(gvmnt)are pushing to sell pieces of it's business to repay loan commitment's, in a market that is dwindling apart and less speculating and buying up these assets taking place...I mean...can you blame the private sector on this? Would any one of us buy a used car that has a difficult time getting into 3rd gear? Or an inferior product at a premium price? Think about it. AIG whines that they are "overwhelmed" by ungoing deterioration in the credit market's...heh,heh,heh...well ya'll(AIG) welcome to the reality that we all have to face...including your "bailout"bondsmen, us. I couldnt even tell with all the lavish junket's and spending they been doing that they are having it "SO HARD". ...Hmmmm... imagine that.

According to AIG/CEO Edward"Steady Eddie"Liddy .... AIG intend's to reimburse taxpayer's...and their plan to transfer 2 Life Insurance subsidiaries to the New York Fed....... would help reduce it's obligation to the American public. Hell Bubba...that's no different than owing me $5000 and giving me a Chinese counterfeit Rolex watch to hold on it! Some analyst's estimate that AIG may need another $100 billion more(Wonder if Steady Eddie paid them to assess see if we may actually buy that bite in a poll/survey, dont put it past them folk's). Their new excuse/problem is exposure to credit default swap' contract's... on CDO's (collateralized debt obligation's)... because the value's of these CDO's nose dived in 2008, and then taking sizeable write down's on it's subprime mortage backed securities holding's...which loss value from the housing crisis. Well...I got a solution for about just do what they tell us to do? Which is...pull ourselves up by our bootstrap' a faith based charity...or see a credit doctor and pray to the Almighty.

I think we seen enough on how this is going and the reality.....heh? This is nothing more than the same BS in new packaging...and of coarse the response from the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department dont sound ANY different today...saying that "Given the systemic risk AIG continue's to pose and the fragility of the market's today, the potential cost's to the economy and taxpayer of government inaction would be extremely high" ...Hmmmm....does that sound familiar to anyone else besides me? :)

PS: I want to also mention that I realize that "Steady Eddie"(Liddy) is not at fault here and I am not trying to say he is...he is new to AIG and work's for a buck($1) a year(clever). He's trying to repair that all of us who are involved or effected by it... can regain confidence is all. But that is my point here... I am not trying to be cocky here or anti-AIG...but why would I want to have confidence in helping someone that controls more than they can even handle try to expand even more? So you see my point.


  1. Well, if AIG (Anally Infected by Gibbons) has subsidiaries that sell life insurance, that suggests a way for us taxpayers to get some of those bailout dollars back -- too bad we'd need to die to collect.....

  2. Heh,heh,heh...Mr.Infidel...I wonder if Heaven takes US Currency or in my case...Hell? Do you happen to know...or can I find out online? Or if you can give me Satan's email address..that would help.

    I just added a post statement for those who are sensitive and may assume I am anti-AIG or against Steady Eddie(CEO) show how compassionate I actually am.

    Thanx for the laugh Mr.Infidel...I needed that...especially after finding out we just commited $900+billion today to rebuild Gaza...
    boy oh boy..I bet this call's for Hamas to party tonight and bring out the ole whip's to lay on the gal's...heh? Yee-Haw! :)

  3. My apology for the above statement of $900+billion to is actually $900+ million...I almost forgot their are such thing's still as "million's. :)

  4. I wonder if Heaven takes US Currency or in my case...Hell?

    Probably not, but I'm sure any bank can convert dollars into Hellish currency for you. They should have plenty -- they seem to do enough business with the Dark Forces.

    Or if you can give me Satan's email address..that would help.

    He doesn't have one. He used to, but the amount of spam he was getting was too evil for even him to tolerate.

  5. Heh,heh,heh(LOL)...I loved it!

    Thanx Mr.Infidel! :)
