Friday, March 27, 2009

North Korea and Iran's nuclear programme's ... and the sweeping disease of Paranoia...

The other day I was in a line waiting to be checked out at a Walgreens Pharmacy store in Pantego(Dallas area suburb). There were about a half a dozen folk's in line, I was at the end...when the cashier who was taking care of the customer at front...just got off the phone with his wife...and turned to the customer and said "My wife just said she seen on the news that Korea is firing off missile's that are nuclear weapon's",etc ...Well...the next thing you know...within only a minute or two...everyone in line was talking about these weapon's with semi-fear in their eye's and voice. I then decided to jump in...and said ..."Whoah,whoah,Sir ...this is nothing but Woof Ticket's...there is no reason whatsoever for anyone to think that North Korea is going to use these missile's on the USA" So a couple folk's asked me why I think that? I very briefly explained...since we all had a common goal...and that is to get the goddamn job done...which this clerk should be more focused on and getting the goddamn line moving...instead of relaying media sensation's from his wifey at home watching the tele!

Look ... I have alway's questioned the nuclear thing...only because of enviromental reason's.But at the same time I realize that it play's an important part in 21st century society...for power need's as well as weaponry...and the fact is...we are in a situation where we unfortunately need nuclear weapon's...because other's have them.

But when I hear fellow American's these day's speak with that tone of sadden's me. Because of how we respond to so much we are fed with fear and paranoia, I mean...I fear myself...but, what is actually needed to fear...and then utilize it as a tool instead of a misery maker. The media is only doing their job''s not their fault...they simply "report"...give them a dog and pony show...they'll report it. And paranoia seem's to spread as fast as an epidemic disease.

The reality is...we have one of the best nuclear missile arsenal's that money can buy ...thank goodness our politician's havent yet tried to sell them or pawn them!(just kiddin) We also waste alot of time worrying about Iran's nuclear programme. must alway's be aware and have concern's...but remember...all these folk's...whether it's Iran or North Korea or anyone else see's that many other's in the world have nuclear power and weapon's...and why should they be harrassed or sanctioned or anything else for wanting to have the same? I personally would not only sit down with no pre-condition's with anyone at the table...but also would not ever interfere with their programmes of defense or energy need''s not my country...and not my position to tell anyone how to defend themselves.North Korea is one of them countries that doesnt exactly have alot going for them right now. They are only sending out a message in the bottle as well...just to let us all know they are still here...and want to be player's as well.

The last thing them or Iran would want to do is to use nuclear missiles against any US properties anyway's. And even if someone got a hair in their asses to do so...dont worry about it.Why? Why do you think? ...we have plenty of intercontinental missiles at bay. And it is good business to make that perfectly these table talk' a respectful way of coarse. I understand their position...I'm not some hard nosed bastard like GW Bush was.I am far more understanding and bipartisan as well as liberated and especially civilised, and not just violent...I believe in well calculated and organized warfare.

We should be more respectful in my opinion...and especially honest. Do we think that these people dont see us as a manipulative entity who goes in the name of freedom to invade some of these land's strictly for corporate/political interest's? I am a straight up and fair man myself...and have very strong moral's. But not to just display our respect and fairness...but to also enlighten them on the reality. Which is that we agree to stay out of their business....BUT...if they attack us or attempt to...I would use everything I have to try to eliminate the threat, and their infrastructure and population's...especially the women and children...Why? because women and children of the enemy should be the second target proceeding the first which is to immobilize/cripple the defense force...because children grow up to avenge...and women reproduce the next generation, thus showing the importance of eliminating them both. And this has nothing to do with hatred or nonsense like racism. This is strictly business...fair and bipartisan.

And this sensationalism with paranoia is nothing more than a disease.


  1. The only way our nuclear weapons can be used as a defense is the threat of retaliation -- that is, "don't hit us or we'll hit you back". This only works with rational opponents such as the Soviet regime.

    The rulers of Iran and North Korea have given us good reason to believe that they are not rational. If an enemy nuclear bomb were fired at a US target, we could not stop it. We could retaliate, but that would not avert the damage to the US. With people who either do not believe we will retaliate or do not care, the only effective defense is pre-emption -- destroying their capabilities before they have the chance to use them.

    In evolutionary biology, there's a technical term for animals which are unable to feel fear when there is a genuine danger. The term is "dead".

  2. Not feeling fear is one thing, but taking fear to hysteria is another. As I said...I utilize fear as a tool...because it is essential to survival.But I disagree with you on the weapon's/defense thing.I dont let those dictate to me/us what I/we should use for defense...I dont feel in a position to dictate to another. This isnt weakness to is fair is all. Whether they are irrational or geniuses or retard's...the point is.. continental USA is a huge country, sure...they can hit a target or two...but who will get the biggest hit? A country like North Korea or Iran would be pounded like redheaded step children,and wouldnt have a snowball's chance in hell of a victory in anything except going to a "better place".

    Another thing about the "fear" subject...if you let fear just drive you irrational and crazy, how the hell will you have any time or rationality to get the job done?

    I dont need corporate influenced politician's who only care about their own interest to tell me when the hell I'm in danger or some goddamn sound bite to tell me when and if it's time to "fear"...and I am far from "dead".

    Anywayz...Thank You Sir, for your input.

    PS: I do know that there is one thing we agree on, on this...and that is that "we need" defense...anywayz you slice it.

  3. BTW Mr.Infidel...I need to look into the detail's of coarse, but I believe that we have technologies in place to intercept incoming missiles? Do we not? At least...this is what I thought.

  4. I believe that we have technologies in place to intercept incoming missiles? Do we not?

    No. Not even close. At best, such technology has been tested here and there, with very dubious results. It certainly is not "in place", in the sense of being actually deployed for use. If a missle from North Korea came flying toward Portland, there's not a damn thing we could do to stop it.

    Also, even if anti-missile defenses worked (which is unproven), and even if we actually had them in place (which we don't), they wouldn't protect us against nukes delivered in other ways -- smuggled in by boat or truck, for example.

  5. Thanx for your response Mr.Infidel. I must have only heard/read then, the research end of it. Actually this is something I need to read up on...because I was actually thinking that this technology was already "in place". And I also wonder...why in the hell wouldnt it be? All the money we blow on other stuff I mean, that is not as important. but that's it's just in the work's or research or preliminary stage ...heh? No... I actually thought this was in action. And if this is indeed the case...this is NOT good news at all. Thank You Sir...

  6. What you've heard about may have been the Japanese threats to shoot down the North Korean missile which is supposed to be tested soon. It's theoretically possible to do this if one can catch the missile immediately after launch, though I don't think it has ever actually been tried. To do that, of course, requires being able to launch the interceptor from very close to the missile launch point (or perhaps from space, but no country is anywhere near deploying such technology yet). Even then, it's far from certain it would work. It will be interesting to see what happens if the Japanese try it.

    There are various ideas for shooting down missiles in flight after the initial launch phase -- particle beams, high-powered lasers, etc. -- but as far as I know, no country is even seriously working on developing such defenses yet.

  7. Actually Mr.Infidel... it is interesting that you mentioned that because I read that the Jap's are mobilizing what they call a missile inerception system on North Korea's launches just recently... although I wasnt exactly sure how the system work's or if it actually does work. But I thought this has been being worked on since the day's of Ronald Reagan. The Jap's are going to be another problem in the future the way I see it...Why? Well because they seem to be losing land to the sea..and have problem's with volcano's and earthquakes which doesnt help. I believe that they own over 15% of land in mainland USA and about 70% of Hawaii.Now, the way I see it is a day will come when they may want to relocate large population's to this country...and that being the reason for buying so much land. Why would they want to relocate here? I dont look at them as a culture that likes to spread out all over the globe or be forced to like the Jews were at a time...they have long and strong cultural root's and are very devoted it seem's to keeping together. I just wonder how accepting our government would be if they wanted to send million's of Japanese to a place like Hawaii for instance...I believe that the base under Hawaii is actually more stable ground then Japan...but ...that's another posting! Thank You Sir....

  8. Reagan talked about missile defenses, and the idea has probably been of interest to military strategists for as long as missles have existed, but even today the concept is only on the remote edge of actually being feasible.

    Even if land in the United States is owned by foreigners, it remains US sovereign territory; and US laws, including immigration laws, still apply to it. Japan has always had a problem with earthquakes, but now that the country is developed and can afford modern seismic codes for its buildings and so forth, they kill much fewer people than in the past. Japan is certainly not losing any significant amount of land to the sea.

  9. Thanx for your comment's especially on US Sovereign Territory,US Law's/Immigration Law's.

    Yes....from what I gathered, the land loss isnt very significant in Japan...and it is a lil hyper for me to speculate on something that would naturally be generation's away...being alot can change in that time(and will). But it interested me after I started weighing in ocean level's rising, tsunami's,quakes and volcanic activity...and looking at what seem's to be a remarkable population considering their land mass. I'm getting to sound like them folk's on paranoia mission's heh? :) Well it was fun thinking about it at least! :)

    Later Guy........

  10. On a more positive note, there's this.

    The problem, of course, is that when incoming missiles might have nuclear warheads, you need to stop them all. And being able to stop one missile with one interceptor doesn't guarantee that you can stop ten missiles with ten interceptors -- or even with a hundred.
