Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mammatus cloud's invade New York City.... Apocalypse? or Invigorating Imagination? ....

What make's this posting is the response I have been reading and hearing out of folk's in the city so nice... they had to name it twice...New York, New York, after being invaded by what are called mammatus cloud's the other day,that supposedly looked like the cloud's in the movie called "Independence Day",where space alien's in space craft's came out of the cloud's and tried to take over the human race and earth.Why any advanced intelligent life species would want us or our polluted planet has alway's puzzled me?

But as these cloud's hovered over the Big Apple,everyone from up in the Bronx, to down in the Village, out to Yonkers to Staten Island had came out and pulled out their camera's and cell's to record the event, many with themselve's in the picture's.Endless blog posting's talked about the event,YouTube posting's and every major media across the land. Many thought it was some sort of apocalyptic message from God... thousand's from up in Harlem to Downtown and the Battery had said they seen Michael Jackson's image in them.... even CNN made a display of the likeness... and one of their reporter's seen him as well.Many just thought it was such a cool and rare sight... that they just wanted to gawk and click it,or just simply savor the moment over a drink... many felt a sudden urge for romance and sex even! Thousand's seen it, and there were just as many opinion's and concept's of scenario's to go with it as well.

But... it is a rare sight indeed in that area... it is much more frequent and common in the Dallas/Fort Worth area for instance because of the unusual and unique storm pattern's that form over this region throughout the year.The flow of imagination didnt suprise me... after all... when the movie "Independence Day" first screened in this country... some reporter's in Hollywood/LA interviewed it's first movie-goer's after viewing it.... and believe it or not...80% of those interviewed said that they believe that this could really happen. I am not saying it couldnt happen,I am just saying that the movie didnt make me think that. There's a place in Houston if I recall correctly... a latino community where Mother Mary(the biblical character) appear's in a tree stump or sidewalk or something, and thousand's come by to view it.

The human mind is really unique and complex I reckon... and the imagination of us is just as complex and unique it seem's. This was entertaining to me to say the least... I just wonder if I think hard enough... the next time some form over DFW, if I can see Johnny Cash,James Brown, or Sid Vicious(Sex Pistols)? Three that I love and miss! :)


  1. thousand's from up in Harlem to Downtown and the Battery had said they seen Michael Jackson's image in them....

    Anybody with delusions that boring probably deserves to get incinerated by a giant alien speceship's fire weapon.

    even CNN made a display of the likeness...

    MSM useless as usual. Sometimes I think they wouldn't bother to report a nuclear war unless the mushroom clouds were shaped like celebrities.

  2. Heh,heh,heh ...a hell of a way to put it... but a point indeed! :)

    Funny thing about it is... I tried to actually see the likeness that CNN showed for example... I twisted it, turned it, fantasized, etc., ... but I still did not see a shred of likeness or what the reporter was pointing out.

    Perhap's I just used too many drug's when I was younger, and it damaged my imagination skill's.

    Thanx for your comment's Guy ....
