Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dallas Police response to victim's of crime and accident's ....

What motivates me to this posting is a couple thing's...for one ... what neighbor's and other's around the City of Dallas are complaining about... and two... because I want to add some more local issue's to this journal, that need attention and brought to awareness. I also want to point out right now,that this is not a post to insult or cut down Dallas Police officer's at all... most officer's are doing all they can as far as street patrol is concerned.But I do question City Hall,Council Member's, and some of those who make the decision's within the Police Department.

Yesterday early... I was with a few fella's that are neighbor's to view/examine their vehicle's after they were broken into during the night... the usual was stolen...stereo's,tool's,tire rims, of them right next door to me had his battery stolen from under the hood as well...they break the car window,then pop hood and trunk or whatever.They did call the police... and it was a series of hit's, and IS a FELONY...but they told me the police told them on the phone to call back in 4 hour's, to try to set up,to get a report wrote so they can mail you a report to file with your insurance. And this is an old familiar tune in this town. I have also had neighbor's as well as other's all over Dallas...try to report even home break-in's/burglaries... and they as well had to call back hours later,then usually within a week or so you will get your report to file with insurance. Does anyone INVESTIGATE "crime scene's" anymore? Two of my neighbor's had no insurance coverage on "theft".Later when enough called back... they were told that DPD does make round's on patrol in the neighborhood.

Two of these guy's yesterday asked me what they can do?... since I know a little about the law...I told them... as far as the report's and such...not much. I told them...if they catch it in the act...defend you and your property.Then question's they asked was... what technically justifies defense? Do they have to have the good's in their hand's? a weapon? have attacked you? Will they sit in jail for murder with an expensive bond they cant afford, for month's until their cleared?, and they feel no one may believe them because,these two victim's were black and low income. Well here's the bottom line... if they are in/on your property gained entry through break-in/force, you feel threatened.. you have every right to use deadly force. Yes ...a homicide investigation does have to follow... and your case has to be presented for Grand Jury determination through the County Prosecutor's Office, to determine if it warrants an indictment for murder/manslaughter. But if your straight up... NO... you will not sit in jail with a couple hundred thousand dollar bond while this is being determined... you will be granted in most cases(unless there is probable foul play)to be released into your own custody without any bond. And besides, the police have backed those who had to defend themselve's and property over and over as well as the District Attorney's Office.And trying to find a jury to find fault with you defending yourself and property in Texas(Dallas) is like pissing in the wind! I told these guy's..."Understand fella's... this is NOT New York City, San Francisco,or Washington DC...this is Dallas,Texas!!" ..."Nor do ya'll have to be like brother Al Sharpton...and get stabbed on the subway during your mugging... then pray for the thug's who just jacked you"(No disrespect to Rev.Sharpton or the cities I mentioned..but a point to be made).The guy next door dont speak much english... and just gave up...their from Mexico...and decided to not even try to get a report, and just took the loss...which is fine and YOUR choice...but as I told Dan and Rick who want a report and to defend themselves... you have your right! Dan and Rick were in no mood for giving in... or praying for the SOB's who rob them!

Another complaint I hear is about response to car accident's, one poor gal for instance just had her car totalled by another gal on the LBJ Freeway by the house here awhile back... I pulled over to see if they needed any help... she said they were physically okay...just a little shook up.But she told me the police already pulled up... and didnt even get out of the patrol unit...asked if they needed an ambulance? She said the cop's then... told her to have a good day... and quickly drove off. She called 911 then to complain...because she was expecting for at least a report or something... they told her to trade insurance info with the other back tomorrow with their info...and they will mail a report for insurance... but that police cannot stop for any accident unless there are major injuries or a fatality/death.This one gal's car front end was totalled, her air bag saved her from possibly death... at least severe injury... and she was in disbelief and somewhat outraged at the same time... who can blame her? She moved here from Minneapolis... and said this would never happen back home.This is just one of many cases that I could point out.

We understand the call backlog of police officer's... and we have several hundred new recruit's being hired... but many folk's do not feel they get any attention at all who are victim's of crime's and accident's. A few year's ago pressure was let up some for traffic unit's... by having now Dallas County Sheriff,State Police(on Tollway's),and DART(Dallas Area Rapid Transit) Police handle the traffic ticket's/ violation's and such ... this was done to enable Dallas Police to focus on more serious crime's and patrol's....well...uhhhh... it's been a few year's already, and folk's are still asking what do they need to do to get an officer when they need one? Hammer the hell out of City Hall for one... and everyone else you can!

I'll just leave it at that............


  1. Interesting post.
    We just had a new gun shop open up in town & I'm seriously considering buying a new weapon. I have a 22 pistol, but I want to ratchet it up a notch. What are your suggestions for a single woman who might need to make an impression, just in case.

  2. Buenos Dias Senorita Rita!

    I love the .22,simply because of the cheap ammo.I pointed out in a post recently of a young man who bought an assault rifle online for only $200 buck's,that takes .22LR (long rifle,more kick than short)ammo,and their nice for easy handling,close range and easy concealing,etc. However my Dear, if your looking to upgrade some...bottom line...I got 2, I recommend.First the 9mm(clip). Everyone these day's from the lawman to the street banger loves them...and for good reason!Their as smooth/easy firing as the .38 with a kick as good as a .357. And also, if you upgrade...unless you wish to keep your .22,you can probably get some trade value with it on your next purchase! The ammo is more expensive,but if you go to the range for a few round's,if they have it...just buy their "reload" ammo for target round's,and save your good stuff for home and person.You can also check into getting some of the hallow point ammo,whoever makes and sell's you it will give you the detail's of the enhanced effectiveness,just ask them to. Also another good piece,slightly more reasonably priced is the good ole .38 snubnose(off duty back up piece)I know it's old school revolver type,but they have some nice ones,and their great for close range like the .22,more kick,great concealing lil babies, etc. I myself alway's consider the price of ammo as well,if I am frequenting the range.You live in a more rural setting and may have some real nice places to make your own range too! But that's just my opinion...I could rattle on all day on this(I'm just a sicko for gal's with whip's and weapon's too) :) I am sure many dealer's would agree here. BTW dear, I bought a dvd not long ago called "The Brave One" (I'm a big Jodie Foster fan) she play's a victim who decides to get even, great movie, kind of like a remake of Bronson's "Death Wish".

    Anyway hope thing's been well fer ya dear... and your acting/play show went well, and was fun! Any other time you have a question also,you can e-mail me anytime if it's personal, I am descreet. :)

    Take Care Girl............

  3. BTW Rita... that lil ole area you had posted pic's of last where the sanitation/dump site is, look's like a nice lil area for practice too. I'm just saying if it's free and your gonna be doing some work around there...what the hell! But in picture's... it look's like there are some real good spot's for practice up there. Well... depend's on outdoor firing law's too I reckon...but hell...I'm sure other's do it.

  4. One more thing on ammo usage,cost's etc.When I went to a range for instance to fire say a .357, I DONT use .357 ammo...simply buy the local .38 reload's to use for practice and they also work for the .38 I was using.In other word's....38 ammo worked in the .357, it's just that .357 ammo couldnt work in the .38.( besides, the way I went through ammo,I couldnt afford it!)

  5. Thanks for the info! I want a gun that is not heavy & won't kick too badly when I shoot it. I have small hands & some guns are ackward for me.
    I notice that used guns are fairly inexpensive. Is it wise to buy a used gun? Especially off the internet?

    BTW, the "dump" has a warning sign right as you drive in, "NO FIREARMS"
    But there are plenty of other places to shoot.

  6. No problem CC with the hand size thing or kick or whatever...there are a wide variety of arm's to cater to anyone...even the 380 is a nice little piece.As far as online..I known a couple folk's who did buy online...but they really know their stuff on arm's too.I would suggest in person for your situation,also I am sure there are gun show's or whatever in the area.Nothing wrong with used gun's at all,look simply to make sure all is functioning is all...your seller will show that all to you.I been online myself for 1 yr and 3 month's...and over the last few month's I have decided to not do much of anything online(to each their own)except obtaining info or whatever.There is too much that cant be trusted when you are dealing with just anyone that changes names as well like the season's...too many obvious scam's I found,and too many people just doing thing's that are not healthy let's say for folk's. For the last 20 year's or so this has been a free for all,and the security in cyber space really need's to get tightened up alot from what I see. I had to actually be online for a year before I was able to see what the hell was going on here...and too many to be frank...are really full of baloney too... it's just that they have sites that look elaborate or sound good...(too many phonies)but if you look deeper you will find much more than what initially meet's the eye.But no...I dont trust much of anything as far as that online...unless I really know what I am dealing with.

    Oh yeah...there is plenty of places I am sure to practice...and you will meet a couple folk's too in doing so...and learn thing's.None of the piece's I suggested have too much kick or whatever,and are very efficient,I already took them factor's into consideration.

    Have a good un CC! :)

  7. BTW CC...when I mentioned about the 9mm with a kick as good as a 357 I misworded that...I didnt mean kick...actually it's much smoother than the 357 but has a comparable "impact" to the target.
