Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Head-O-State" and "Stimulus Package" ... and the good ole fashioned free market ....

What bring's me to this posting on this beautiful Dallas sunrise, is a couple funny piece's I veiwed on the Infidel753 website that I frequent ... on sex/politic's. So I just wanted to post a little something myself about the 2, and to show ... that not all business is suffering from this recession.

I was in a neighborhood adult dvd and sex shoppe the other day up the street looking for a birthday card for a buddy. They have some pretty cool and hilarious gift's and card's...and of coarse a wide variety of dvd rental/sales, sex play equipment/devices and private dvd viewing booth's for partner's to watch dvd's together or whatever, and their open 24/7/365.

They alway's showcase the hottest new item's for sale in the front on display. One of the popular item's was called "Head-O-State" ... which was a phallus (also called in modern America, a "dildo") which is a replica of a male penis, with a strap-on attachment used in sexual play for adult's. This one had a tip of the head of President Obama, and I think it swiveled or had some kind of special feature's to the head of him,maybe it vibrated or something. The other was a package with lubricant...and some battery operated electro stimulation devices,that you can clamp on to the genital's and electro stimulate your partner during role play or whatever, they called it the "Stimulus Package". Both are reasonably priced and come with a limited time warranty as well.The gal working the counter told me that they were the last, and they had the 10% off day in effect if I want to purchase them,while I was checking them out. She said that the next shipment wont be in for a week...and they sell both so fast, that they can barely keep them in stock!

It's obviously a bipartisan store I reckon...since one of the popular displayed dvd's was called...."Who's Nailin Palin?" ... and a gal was on the front cover that looked very much like the former Alaska Governor. The good sales tell me the recession is winding down ...regardless if some retailer's are reporting slumping sales ... that's just that good ole fashioned free market I reckon!

God Bless America ... and our Head-O-State! :)


  1. Kudos to the brains behind who coin such terms !

  2. The possibilities are endless. They could have an adult diaper called the "Vitter shitter", a gay contact website called "LarryCraigsList", a wife-swapping group called the "Sanford Soulmate Circle", and so on.

    When I see "head" in connection with politicians, though, my first thought is of Bill Clinton.

  3. :) I have noticed that the economy has caused some folks to be a little more creative in their sales.

    Very funny, infidel. :)

  4. Goddamn! ...seeing 3 comment's on here, almost scared the Devil out of me! :)

    I agree Mr.Prash ... and it take's a certain kind of mind to think up of title's for movies such as "Strap On Sally" or "Driller"! That's what I love about these day's ... the talent get's more competitive...than back in the day's of the ancient Greek's (that's where Phallus comes from BTW)sure took long enough to get to this bloody day and time!

    You got the hang of it Mr.I nfidel ... some pretty good damn title's I may add. And you know I love my main man ... Larry"Stall Mauler"Craig! I done one of my earliest post's on him...I'll just never forget how he went to the press and made that first public announcement and said ..."I am not a homosexual ... never been a homosexual" ... I thought to myself "Hell Larry...I dont give a rat's ass one way or the other...."
    I just loved that look on ole Larry's face while saying it, and how grandiose he sounded ... I thought for a moment I was listening to the voice of God! Hell, aint nothin wrong with an ole boy having a lil fun in the restroom between flight's.

    Most definitely CC...when you tighten the belt...thing's alway's get more efficient!

    Thanx for ya'll's input! :)

  5. Greeks and the Romans, the days of Caligula...ah ah ah ~ :-) lol

  6. So that's at least one place where bipartisanship is alive and well.

    (Now you'll have 6 comments -- brace yourself, RC! :)

  7. Thank You for you visit Ms.Elizabeth ...yep ... I braced myself! :)

    I reckon quite a few entertainment and vice businesses are bipartisan, heh? :)

    Take care ............

  8. BTW Ms.Elizabeth ... at first glance I wasnt sure if you were refering to a place where there is "bipartisanship" ... as the store...or the mensroom at the Minneapolis Airport where ole Larry was tapping his footsie's. So I took it you meant the store. But I still bet ole Larry when in the moment of passion dont mind what party the a belong's too! :)

    Later Ms.Elizabeth........

  9. But I still bet ole Larry when in the moment of passion dont mind what party the a belong's too! :)

    Well, if he did care, he would no longer be practicing bipartisanship, but rather "bi partisanship".:-)
