Sunday, October 11, 2009

LGBT Rights ... is there all TALK and not enough ACTION? ....

I just wanted to add this to this journal to take a look at how slow Government is when it come's to the right's of the American people, too goddamn slow in my opinion ... period!

CNN: Part 2, Sirius XM's Michelangelo Signorile and others Debate Obama's Speech to Gay Group ... Thanx to MICHELANGELO SIGNORILE

Now I understand what Rosen is saying about having patience, doing it the right way, etc, etc. That's the thing though ... gay folk's have been very patient, doing everything by the rules, waiting and waiting and waiting ... and it's a shame that a veteran like Choi has to even confront a battle like this at home ... after what veteran's like him have done to show their patriotism and love for America! No ... absolutely ... I agree more with Choi, Savage, and Signorile here ... how much goddamn time do you need to simply make law ... basic rights that our citizen's should just have without having to wait year's to get? Their sick and goddamn tired of waiting period! Doing it right ... or having to seek top brass military approval is just horseshit. Basic rights is just that ... BASIC ... there is no right or wrong ... it's a matter of equal rights ... and very simple ... you just sign the goddamn law, there is no need for study, debate, or the other crap ... get it the Hell done!

Even bisexual's that keep low profile's should be concerned with this ... but many ignore it ... there are many that are bisexual in this nation ... that dont even say a thing about this because they can just swing either way and play the field ... but they should be concerned ... because it may effect you in some way later down the road ... especially if you keep it fairly concealed. There are also the transgender's/transexual's ... they are all under the same umbrella ... because they can ALL be discriminated against ... simply because of sexual orientation. Straight folk's dont have to worry ... and believe me ... straight folk's do some of the most kinkiest crap you can imagine ... far from normal sexual practice's ... yet they are exempt from similar criticism and discrimination ... because they are considered straight?

Right now there is a case ... I just briefly heard about going on here in Dallas County Court's where a gay couple is filing for divorce ... the judge want's to go along with it in Dallas...but now higher up's in the court's for the state want to not let it go through ... because it will screw with the peoples majority vote defining in Texas ... marriage as being between one man and one woman ... and open a door for marriage here ... I need to look into this more and get a posting on it, because it just came up this last week here in court. They were married somewheres in the Northeast legally ... but relocated to Dallas ... and simply want to divorce, and thank goodness ... they are ready to fight the state here on this. Why? Because Dallas has a large gay community ... and other Texas cities ... Dallas has an open lesbian Sheriff as well, Lupe Valdez ... and came very, very close to having a gay mayor who is a City Council member in the last election, Ed Oakley ... who barely lost by a couple point's. If Ed won ... and I voted for him as well ... Dallas would have been the only American city with a gay sheriff and mayor. Dallas' LGBT community has been too patient especially ... this is too strong of a community here to put up with this nonsense ... especially having Texan's from rural area's vote and decide what we do in our goddamn cities!



  1. This is a good example of how Obama is too deferential. The President does not negotiate with the military, he is its commander. It's not like legislation where he has to worry about what Congress will or won't do. He could protect gays in the military at any time, simply by giving an order.

  2. That is exactly what I was wondering on some of these issue's. And it is not only this one issue... but I would like to see the President actually be a little more aggressive...I like his thinking on many thing's,but I would also like to see a little more "executive power" being excercised...and a few more flick's of the ole wrist and pen out of him as well!

    Thanx for your voice here Mr.Infidel...have a good un.
