Friday, October 23, 2009

Hell of a time to get "Born Again" ...Guy ... Geeeez ... Stop Ya'll's goddamn whining! ....

I always hear that folk's find Jesus usually in Jail/Prison ... but during a score (hold-up)is not very common.Good thing he didnt have a partner ...cause the partner would be one miserable SOB the next morning waiting in "chow line" at County! The most annoying part of all the goddamn whining and hug's and kisses!

***** ABC NEWS: Clerk: Robber 'Just Broke Down' Out of Desperation ... (newsread/ video)

Ms.Rita(comment's)of the "Around Town with Rita" blog, made a good point on some perhap's of the more fundamentalist type of religious folk's may look at this and talk about thing's like "prayer work's" ... think of the "power of Jesus" or a number of other religious connected thought's ... even "miracle's".It's a nice thought...and I realize the power of spiritualism ... but understand...when you are dealing with a scenario of the flesh and reality that you live CANT bank on that ...if you could...we wouldnt have any of the problem's we have .... period.

In my opinion...this is a rare case ... and all the whining, hugging and kissing or what have you ...did do some good here...but in most cases it could worsen your situation as a victim.To make it simple(and YES...this IS simple)when you are a victim being taken down in a score in this manner, dont say what your told, you can look at your assailant... but dont stare too long...this can worry the robber for "ID" purposes, more than any camera. You may argue though that making that "human contact"...showing the robber that you are human, emotion's, connection etc. would be good to do? Understand...this is not some well calculated art or fantasy piece of a serial killer...where you are simply an object to play a role in a scene ...this type of crime/act is more spontaneous and not focused much on you, the focus is to try to get the money/good's with the least amount of hassle and time...and to cut and run....period.Dont avoid eye contact ... just dont use prolonged direct eye what you are told in a timely manner ... make them comfortable that you are NOT going to try to talk them out or in of anything,they dont need to ask twice ...and your not a hero or challenge...and just another Joe/Jane trying to earn a living ... you have NO conflict with what they are or doing in other word's.And if you do have a gun and are armed...if they already are drawn down on you...dont pull it out...unless you dont mind getting shot ...bottom line...too much talk or action in a situation like this can complicate it.If the assailant is a dope fiend for instance...and edgy because of that and adrenaline... they can easily react too quick and shoot in panic without thinking.Again...make them feel their thing and get the hell out.

And for those who decide to fall to their knee's and repent in a job/score like this yourself a goddamn favour for Pete's sake .. dont go take down a goddamn score like this if you dont think you will be able to see it through! Cause the court's and law/law enforcement dont give a rat's ass whether you get born again on the job or took down a score...and their job is to take you down!This man claimed he needed this money by a certain time for his kid...they will be in the street etc. Dont be so goddamn stupid! You could have taken and pawned or sold that gun for more than $20...or a number of other thing's to hustle up a some quick cash...other than pulling a gun on someone...threatening their goddamn life ... and facing a goddamn death penalty in some cases over some chump change ....Geeeez! What the hell were you thinking? ...or should I ask, if you were thinking? Now your ass is sitting in County lockdown without your kid...and you have to wait probably month's if you dont make your multi hundred thousand dollar bail, or even if you do...because your familia had to put up their goddamn home's and car's or whatever as collateral to just get you a 10%/15% bond out, which their "cash" end is not refundable.... and wait for a court/jury to decide later...if you were sincere about your sudden change of heart.



  1. AHHHH! A robber with a heart. Well, he ended up robbing her anyway.
    No doubt, this will be touted as "proof" of a miracle & passed around among the fundamentalist set.

  2. "No doubt", indeed Ms.Rita ... and as I later pointed out...the last thing that victim's should do in this to try to save your assailant, and run to hug and kiss them and cry together ... you can do all that shit later when ya'll see each other in court...or get on their visitor's list and go visit them in County and have little prayer session's. Geeeez ...

    Thanx for your thought's Ms.Rita... :)

  3. People find Jesus in prison? What's he doing time for?

  4. Actually Mr.Infidel ... I never really found out...But my guess is it must be serious offenses ... because I been hearing for at least the last 30+ year's that he has been there. :)

    Thanx Mr.Infidel ........

  5. Wow---what an incredible tale, with so many thoughts that come to mind. This was a story of desperation and need, but also one of faith and literal salvation. I would classify this as a miracle---I think many, if not most, armed thieves like that would have used the gun.

  6. Thank You for your visit and comment Mr.Jodell. I loved your list on your blog of what this country need's too! :)
