Wednesday, November 11, 2009

HEALTH CARE SNOWEJOB PART 4: .... DONT ASK, DONT TELL ... Capitalism Hill Style ... Just show us DA MONEY Rick!! ...

I just had to post this quickie here in this journal for memorabilia sake, after getting a good laugh out of it. This is a look at our heroes in action ...and show's the "LOVE" behind the scene's that is shared. Understand now ... that this is done all out of the commitment of our insurance industry and affiliate's,and our political representative's .. to save and reform health care for ALL American's ... to show their love for us...and patriotism for America ...God Bless them ALL and God Bless America! And special thanx to them patriotic teabagger's who stand in the weather element's to support those who love us so dearly! :)

cnn rick sanchez w bernie sanders on lobbyist in the health care debate.flv ... Thanx to THECORRUPTORG



  1. Hey, they need the money. $1,400,000 should just about cover the cost of abortions for the average Religiopublican Senator's extramarital girlfriends during the rest of his career, since their insurance won't pay for that any more.....

  2. You have a real point there Mr.infidel...I never even thought about that.They have so many money scam's to keep up with,a few of them slip past me I reckon.But not just the abortion fee's which you know damn well even an evangelical politician would pay for in a heart beat to save his own name from disgrace(and especially their paycheck)...and look at it as fulfillment of a "larger" cause as reason for doing so(more BS), but also to pay for the drug's and no-tell motel room's and sex toy's, rental car's,BDSM costume's and other trinket's and even the young men that folk's like Pastor Ted (Haggard)may like to indulge in. And I'll make the record straight here...that Ted has NOT been diagnosed as a homosexual... but a heterosexual with homosexual attachment's , and has been forgiven for his circle jerk and sodomy act's by the grace of God.

    Thank You Sir for your input ....

  3. Another thing I want to point out that anyone who know's Washington DC and the escort service industry as well as lobbyist's...know how big bisexuality even is, as far as practice... and also how many young men are employed behind the scene's in Washington that are OPENLY gay.One may be suprised how many guy's that may have been known as "ladies men" and may be married,also may have indulged in same sex contact.
