Thursday, November 26, 2009

SLAVERY 2009 .... a "taste" ... 21st Century Style ....

***** USA TODAY: Human trafficking a growing crime in U.S. ... (newsread ... I updated this piece with a later article)

This posting is inspired because of another myth that our society seem's to mostly believe ... that "slavery" no longer exist's. This is just one case of one person out of million's that fall prey to this ... and is much heavier in the USA than most people want to think ... or at least admit to. I am also inspired to post this as my familia ... some of who are also recent immigrant's, prepare for a familia get together today at my daughter's home in a nice lakefront community outside Dallas, where everyone in her neighborhood does well and lives the American dream, and never had to face this reality. Today we will be watching Cowboys football on big screen and stuffing our faces with turkey and a 10ft variety of food's to choose from, and enough drink's to get a football team smashed. But these slave's will be the choice of meat consumption today for other's across our Great Nation, along with drink's.

First place ... slavery has alway's existed ... and will continue to as long as our species is still in this primitive stage of it's evolution ... we are still all animal, which will change in generation's to come. This particular case was about a Ukrainian immigrant ... but I see it also all around Dallas with immigrant's from Asia and Latin America. And not just prostitution or exotic dancing ... even adult male's are commonly enslaved on "what they owe" to those who made their move here possible. Meaning having to work free hour's, and getting caught in the IOU cycle that is difficult to get out of for many. This Ukranian gal's fee appear's to be exotic dancing ... but any of us with half a brain know's what else come's with that, especially us guy's.

In some countries where it is done mostly with it's own people instead of immigrant's that are poor countries ... such as Thailand, other Asian or Latin American or African countries ... it isnt even kept secretive ... it's a way of life, basically ... you want your familia to eat ... you become a sex slave ... even in childhood year's. Even young boy's in Afghanistan for instance are dressed up as girl's and dance to entertain grown men ... and you know it goes further than just dancing ... regardless of how anti- homosexual these same men would boast of being. Here it's more secretive and behind closed door's ... because also ... it is an uncomfortable image ... and American's like to create a reality in their mind's of being the perfect society ... and liberated ... and denying the nature of human reality.

We dont no longer put folk's on slave ship's in shackle's and beat them to row across the ocean in the belly of the ship. We just now ... smile ... and say ... here's your choice ... you do this or starve to death ... a much "nicer" way to enslave folk's ... and more liberated and fashionable.

POST NOTE: This is not to slander prostitution at all, or exotic dancing. I as a early runaway teen was taken in off the street by a group of 4 prostitute's at a time to live with them, and work around the house for them to earn my stay ... I had learned alot from these gal's ... and much more than I would have from other people. They treated me like a son they never had. The difference is ... none of them were forced into the business ... it was their choice ... and they treated it like any other profession.



  1. If sex slaves are so common, do you know if Macy's sells them? Finally something worth braving the shopping crowds for.....

  2. Not that I know of Mr.Infidel ...however ...if this mean's anything ...from what I have gathered on information concerning retailer's with a massive inventory of slave's might look into WalMart. :)

    Thanx for your comment's ....

  3. retailer's with a massive inventory of slave's might look into WalMart. :)

    50% off, slightly trampled.....
