Friday, January 15, 2010

2010 HAITIAN QUAKE AFTERMATH: (Part 1) .... the Best, the Worst, and the In-Between ....

This posting is done in this journal to point out the best and worst and the in between that come's with this catasrophy .... which is exactly what it is ... simply being in harm's way at the time it strike's. This could happen just about anywhere's ... it is nature and how this earth "act's" .... it doesnt look at species, or gender, race, finance's, or political side's .... nature is the supreme dictator ... at least until a species or force can control it. My condolence's and sympathy sincerely to those who have to experience the aftermath of such. I seen so many video's worth posting for various reason's on this posting, I simply couldnt decide on one or two, so just ignored posting any.

During the long drive back home last night in the rural darkness ... I decided to listen to various talk show programme's on the radio to absorb what I could. It was absolutely saturated with this catastrophy and political finger pointing, especially also because of the comment's and reaction's of Rev.Robertson and talk show host Rush Limbaugh. I have also listened to both these on their statement's in their entirety ... not just the select part's that all the opposing pundit's wanted to point out .... I am "fair". I dont think either one of these people first of all are "racist" let me say ... I am basing this on the fact that I have sat and talked with actual "racist's" face to face. However some will base this on the insensitive type talk in some of their statement's. But believe me ....real "racist's" make both these guy's look like pussycat's, and their hate is for real ... not just anger, and racist's also come in all color's.

I dont know much about Haiti to begin with, with the exception of some of their long line of religious practice's and/or belief's and the "art" of it. As far as their political leadership or standing's right now ... not much. Mr.Limbaugh was pointing out all the down side's of their economic's, dictatorship government, not contributing much of anything to the international community and the list goes on, and of course I suspect there is many truth's there as well. However ... this is not the time and place in an emergency situation and catasrophy of such to start this type of political analysis and finger pointing. After all this isnt a country threatening Metro Miami/Dade with a nuclear weapon, or chopping off American's head's to post video's of jihad and threat's on YouTube. And Mr.Limbaugh's talk concerning donation's, not fair at all .... if people want to donate for whatever reason ... it's their money and their choice. The President wasnt telling American's to donate ... he was simply making it convenient to access the proper channel's to do so if they chose. And that's important to do .... because the scammer's in these kind's of event's come out of the woodwork trying to capitalize off of the miseries of other's and these type's of catastrophies.

Another thing .... and this wasnt exclusively of Mr.Limbaugh, but other's on the same side of the fence with him ... I noticed that there is this talk about 100's of million's of dollar's and such this will put us in debt by helping. This is nonsense, and there are other countries helping as well. There is no long term debt that could come out of this. This is mild in expense compared to the trillion plus that we will shell out to contractor's and other's over these manufactured war's and takeover's dictated by corporate entities that control the world's market's. Mr.Limbaugh also stated that the President is asking suffering American's to donate who are suffering due to this administration and what position it has put American's in as far as employment and finance's ....this is also nonsense ... our difficulties stem from a long negligence and lack of oversight and especially the strong deregulation of the Bush/Cheney administration .... none of this happened in the last year, so this is nonsense, political rubbish. This help for Haiti will have no effect on our economy or cost us any great amount ... unless ... we privatize this effort and give billion's to some panel created to distribute service's and aid with no oversight ... actually something like what Bush/Cheney would be more likely to do. So tell this nonsense to some jackass. This isnt about war or politic's, this is simply about lending a helping hand in an emergency and an act of compassion ... which even the strongest of us will need at some time or another.

Are we acting too slow? Well yes and no ....meaning that anytime we have a challenge like this ... because of red tape, political correctness, and too many in charge, we make it more difficult ... on the other hand ... you have to do thing's in a proper manner to get proper and efficient distribution. The bottom line is ... these type's of event's put's you between a rock and a hard place and there isnt no quick fix and solution ... but to make an effort and learn how to improve for the next ... because it wont be the first or last ... and they will all come fast, furious and with no warning beside's what scientist's can gather to try to better prepare us. Political talk or left and right finger pointing does not a damn thing but make it more difficult. As far as aid like medicine, food or whatever and expenses .... more nonsense. Do you realize even with no contribution's or no special budget account set up ... we could feed them and even other's all over the world? We are such a wasteful society as well ... look at all the food we just toss away and even drug's for some reason or another. Also when these quake's hit in any area of the world that has dense population's and structure planning ... it just make's it even worse.

The politcal punditry that I have been reading on this internet has been incredible as well ... absolutely insane and pointless ... beside's perhap's being maybe in some bizarre way psychologically therapeutic for venting anger ... other than that ... simply pointless.

As far as Rev.Robertson's statement on Devil pact's, and Dieties revenge or such, c'mon now .... what in Hell did you expect out of this man? He actually believe's this stuff as well ... I dont think he hate's Haitian's though, but I am 110% sure that he doesnt like it's religious history ... and feel's very threatened and afraid of it.

That's the Reality ..............


  1. That was a good post. The political finger pointing stuff is so disgusting. I just can't bring myself to listen to it, but I'll take your word for the gist of it because I'm quite certain you have an honest analysis with no hidden agendas. It's very refreshing. thanks

  2. Thanx Mr.Prash .... that's all I know Guy ..........

  3. Thank You much Ms.Rita ... that's just my opinion how I seen this. These folk's are hurting ... and have done no harm to us. And it seem's so unfair and unbalanced ... to use this all simply as a political wedge, or even about some other way to make a goddamn buck. Glad you enjoyed it Dear ....

    Take Care .............
