Friday, February 26, 2010

AMERICA: .... Creating "CHANGE" and paving a "FUTURE" .... It's "Shovel Ready" ....

This posting is mostly inspired recently by a few folk's, not online .... but folk's that I talk with out and about around town on a daily basis, several never even get on a computer for nothing beside's to look up some quick info .... and many young adult's I know gave up blogging several year's ago anywayz, and dont even like most of the blogging world, and what it has become, from what they tell me. I only been online 20 month's .... but they (those under 30 yet over 18) tell me that this has changed quite a bit .... and that year's ago you could actually get real and more sincere blogging and info, now too many political agenda's and slanted inaccurate info than ever before ... I frankly dont know .... but this is what many young adult's tell me in person, and why they avoid certain territories and communication method's online. And many older adult's I know in life .... dont like reading much about the political battle's online or on the tele or radio wave's .... because frankly they are just tired of listening to both side's rant .... and too busy just trying to make it, and hoping not to loose what job they do have .... there is alot of skepticism and even fear .... from all walk's of society, period. And alot of just plain ole disgust. This is why I posted so much about this in the beginning of this journal .... why? .... because you could see this increasing long ago, and why.

I am not making this posting to raise debate with fellow blogger's or to try to say I am right, or to promote a certain party, or to rant with anger as I done in so many of my previous posting's on this .... I am frankly just burned out on getting angry with politician's and the 3 entities of mega churches/ religion, corporation's and politic's/ government's, since I already know the outcome and obstacle's that we have to deal with and must .... someway .... somehow, that I have wrote too much about in the past. I am not right or wrong ... I have alway's presented the reality as is .... I know what lies ahead .... if we do not reach some common ground, and really start to change. And this is why I recently gave so much support to the democrat party .... not because I hate republican's .... or hate Rush Limbaugh .... or hate such and such or anyone, I have voted republican almost my entire life. But what we are going to face as I have posted over and again in past posting's is going to be rough if we dont get our act together, and clear up some of these old way's of doing business as usual. And the longer we keep playing these game's of old, the longer it will take for this "way" to collapse and start anew transition wise, which is going to happen sooner or later anywayz, so to continue these game's is really nonsensical.

I have also been questioned by several in person on a local level, about everything from my patriotism, to my idea of what democracy is. And even told straight out that I sound like a socialist. Let me be clear here .... I am not trying to sound like anything, or want to be popular .... I am simply talking about reality and what we need to expect the longer we fiddle faddle with this. I bring up this because when I bring up countries such as France for instance .... I am hammered by folk's saying that is not democracy or America. But technically it is a democracy, and you can get to vote for candidate's of the left or right just like here after you reach your 18th birthday. You have the same corporation's that operate in America, even some homebased in America .... that operate in their country .... and give French worker's more and better benefit's in the country of France to worker's than they give to worker's in their home country of America ... and this is fact. Large mega companies that arent even close to bankruptcy and ending up in the poor house. We are lied to relentlessly about this in particular in this country .... frankly our country has to be about the largest "lie haven" in the world ... with probably about the highest amount of people that actually buy these twisted and manipulated figure's. So why would these worker's in France get better benefit's from an American based corporation than what American's would in America? Because France has a government with stricter regulation's and protection of worker's right's is why. You want honesty ... you got it! I realize France has problem's .... who doesnt?

I am also questioned about where I stand on taxes ... since I have voted against a state income tax in Texas most of my voting life by voting GOP in Texas? Texas has been doing fairly well, even through this recession, compared to some state's, and I dont fix what is NOT broken. I was not born in Texas, but am here for a reason and not just the weather, you heard of the east and west coast's, well .... this is the new coast as America evolve's, with let's say ....a unique future ahead of it. And for year's Texas has just been doing great period on just about every level, of course with the exception of thing's like letting same sex marriage go through ... which I didnt care about anywayz ... Why? Because I know that it is discrimination to not allow same sex marriage and only a matter of time before it will have to be ruled in favour of gay advocate's for same sex marriage all across America. I dont worry about issue's like abortion, because I know that to overturn Roe Vs. Wade would create a new nightmare in this nation .... and to do such would be like putting a gun to your head .... even GOP politician's know this in their heart regardless of what crap we are fed in campaign talk, it will not be overturned. Gun right's were an issue for me as well for year's ... I was a hunter as a kid and young man .... carried gun's since I was a kid, and been an NRA supporter for year's. And I also know that the idea of taking away gun's from American's is another crock of crap .... you cant do it ... period. There are over 200 million "known" gun's throughout this country .... and that isnt even counting all the illegal gun's which are million's more that are imported through black market avenue's as well from other countries. So dont try to tell me their going to take our gun's away .... they cant. The people will fade away from gun's on their own without force in time.

So why would I all of the sudden support tax increase yet at the same time complain of taxes? I oppose taxes based on what such a high percentage of taxes and break's go to in this country .... I am NOT against taxation at all. It's just that in a country, again like France .... where people pay high taxes, they actually get a Hell of alot for their tax dollar's. Let's be frank here .... they dont have to work 2 to 3 part time job's with no benefit's, no sick pay, no insurance, and worry if they get sick they will become homeless. They get at least 4 to 5 week's off just vacation a year .... because their government see's to it that they do. If they want to go to college ... they dont have to go into damn near bankruptcy on over inflated student loan's, that have them in debt 10's of thousand's before they even graduate. I could go on and on .... that's just a taste. In this country ....the more tax you pay .... the more these corporation's milk it and give "nothing" in return and have the nerve to actually tell our people's government what they can and cannot do .... or they will cut off their support in campaign's and throw them to the dog's one way or another. There is plenty of capitalism, free market, and small business as well as corporate in France ... and union's to also help. And those same entities and corporation's that play along with it there ... dont here ... and are increasingly trying to destroy union's and worker's right's. These same entities here are responsible for million's of legal immigrant's they sponsor directly or indirectly through legislation to be imported to America to fill job's, that frankly should be first considered for our recent graduate's who just shelled out an arm and a leg to their financial affiliate's to get their degree. You want "truth" .... I'll certainly give it to you. I have no problem with paying over half my check in taxes, if you can guarantee me that I wont end up in some alley or similar enviroment eating whatever I can find, we actually have Veteran's living like this in our country, and dont tell me we dont, spend a day with me in the street's and I will take you to them personally. I pay all my check as it is now to the market's and barely keep a roof over my head and a fair amount of comfort ....and am insured ... but know if I get some catastrophic illness, injury, accidental or any way ... I'm probably better off killing myself in this country, cause it would absolutely drain me financially like million's of other's, insurance or no insurance the way were set up.

I am alway's told about past recession's and past remedies, or what happened in the Great Depression or after WW2, and what they done to resolve the problem then or what the chart's say. Let me be plain and simple here .... this is not the market or world of the early 1930's or post WW2, or the era of our founding father's which I also hear so much reference to. It is a new era, with new challenge's, and new population and immigration figure's, new player's, and a different playing field. "IF" we continue to do business as usual and keep lolligagging we are going to see the morale of our social order decline across the board, and a chain reaction of other event's which I wrote plenty about throughout this journal, that would be pointless for me to point out all over again. Dont tell me that the time's are going to be better and it will get back to the way it was, because it cant and it wont, by continueing the same ole same ... you simply cannot change without changing.

I am not saying that this country should do as France or become France, it wont either way we do thing's. But I am saying that we need to REALLY act, and pulling stunt's like today from Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky pulled, on bucking at the last minute emergency unemployment benefit's and insurance or similar political grandstanding stunt's from either of these side's are just going to make ya'll's relation's with the American People worse than they already are, and bring down social morale and trust even further. It wont? Keep playing these little game's and see what ya'll get. Even our President is sick and tired of this nonsense, I have posted myself so much about how people are going to buck him left and right in the beginning of this journal, but thought at least he could get a lil more cooperation than what he has, you can THANK solely corporate America for most of this, including the mess and debt we are in, then government (both side's), then the people for ignoring the early sign's and those who thought you can get something for nothing, but the corporate sector orchestrated the foundation of this mess. So there are many title's that one could call me .... from a socialist to a nutcase. Which is fine .... I only show the reality, not what is popular, or fashionable. Pick any posting throughout this journal and it show's just that with consistency throughout. I am not right or wrong, or left or right, or anything more than a reflection of reality.

Enough said ......


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I have stated time and again that I will NOT censor or delete folk's comment's, and I wont, I have never broken a promise in my life. Where you see that blog administrator removed comment is accurate. But this was not actually a comment, or had anything to do with this posting or subject even remotely. It was from something called WHSX (?) or similar .... and was all what appeared to be Chinese type writing, and when you click on one of the word's .... a Asian female model appear's who is advertising some type of sexual service's. I am not against sex service's either .... but this journal is not an advertising board for any business .... okay? It had nothing to do with any of the topic or journal or was even an individual, commenting.

  3. RC You write from the heart.You also are well thought out. Perhaps someday you might write a book. I'd buy it. We have many of the same thoughts, cause your nuts too! I'm a little crass in my writings. Whatever you do my friend keep writing. I think it's how we are able to function. Not that it matters but your right on this..

  4. Well Thank You Mr.Tim. As dumb as this may sound .... I frankly wouldnt even know how to write a book! :) Hell, I couldnt even keep up with half these blogger's, their blog's are really professional looking, and they have vocabularies like I would expect to hear at some university lecture for that matter. :) I dont actually have credential's either as far as formal education for that matter.

    But all shit aside .... I am writing this journal or blog, whatever they call these, because of a personal commitment that I cant discuss here. In other word's, I have to .... period.

    But I also enjoy your honesty in your blog as well, and yep .... you should keep ranting! :)

    Later Guy ...........
