Wednesday, February 24, 2010

GREEN POLICE: .... When fictional HUMOR .... turn's into non- fictional PARANOIA ....

During a long drive back home again the other night in the late hour's rural darkness, I decided to listen to some talk radio .... a show called "Texas Overnight" that is a conservative slant talk show hosted by Charlie Jones, ole Charlie I have listened to on and off for year's. It's an open line show where folk's from all over the state call in and just bring up various topic's and one talk lead's to another .... it air's I believe 12am to 4am ... and this was about 1am or so I reckon.

One of the topic's raised was the Super Bowl commercial a couple week's back presented by "AUDI" motor's, which was actually my favourite Super Bowl commercial this year .... I mean ... I thought it was hilarious and was laughing my ass off, and "cheer's" to AUDI! The most voted popular though for most American's was actor comedian Betty White (who's I reckon in her upper 80's now) being tackled or such in football for a "Snickers" candy bar commercial. But all shit aside ... I loved this AUDI commercial. And took it for what it was ....which is "humor".

But when this subject on this commercial came up, I was shocked how many folk's were bent out of shape over it .... saying that this is what America is coming to because of enviromentalist's, etc ... I mean like ... total paranoia. I mean ... sure there are going to be some enviromental law's made ... and I agree there should be to an extent ... at least more than we do now. But it's sad to let yourself panic in paranoia over a damn commercial like this .... look at the humor side of it .... it was a bloody car commercial, meant to be funny and show that their car's are in tune with more greener engineering is all. BTW .... the music score was done by "Cheap Trick" who is a great band live in concert .... seen them twice and love their show's! Enjoy .... please dont get frightened though ....

2010 Audi Green Car SuperBowl Commercial ... Thanx to FIGHTFIREWITHFAITH



  1. Zoom Zoom
    People are sometimes so sensitive.

  2. I feel we are a more sensitive society than I have ever witnessed in my life .... and I am a sensitive man at that! Um, um, um.

    Take Care Mr.Tim ..........

  3. Consider the people who actively listen to wacky radio shows late at night & actually phone in... it is my opinion that most of the callers I hear on those types of shows are nuts, or in the least over reactors.
    Hopefully, they represent a small segment of the population. :)

  4. Ms.Rita: This particular show and host is not actually a wacky one, or let's say like Coast to Coast AM" .... Charlie has some great topic's most of the time, He had a day show that I used to listen to year's back when I had one of them 8am-5pm type job's where I worked alone in a room all day that was about 20'ftx20'ft ... so all day I had the stereo on .... most of the time personal music collection I would bring from home, but the rest of the time I would listen to everything from PBS to BBC and local radio talk, the rest of the day .... and I called in frequently on local show's commenting on political issue's to a point where I became known as a regular to a show host who actually nicknamed me. But I do agree with you on that .... I even think I am a lil nut's at time's myself, for sure! I am just grateful to still have some sanity left after all these year's. :)

    Thanx for your input Ms.Rita!

  5. If people believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old, that global warming is a hoax on which most of the world's scientists are conspiring, and that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Communist Hitler, then it's hard to imagine anything so nutty they won't believe it. Even this.

  6. Greeting's Mr.Infidel!

    I am sure that folk's can buy a couple scientist's, or let's say be very generous with support for them .... I mean .... I figure that those polluter's for instance that are big money player's who try to oppose any regulation have their own scientist's on the payroll to come up with idea's to promote their idea's, delay regulatory legislation or sway the vote, etc. But I also believe that the overall majority of all scientist's are not gangster's out to make a buck or to sway politic's .... they simply as kid's loved "science" and wanted to explore further and make career's out of it, nor do they care to become gazillionaire's, and are satisfied just living comfortable, like most of us. For instance ... if my life didnt have the fall's that it did ... and I would have went to high school and on to university .... I feel I would have sought to become a "geologist", because I love the study of it since I was a little boy, it was my fantasy in a way to be a geologist.

    The whole gig about the "6000 year old earth" is very strange though, it just dont make a cotton pickin bit' o sense. Think about it a moment .... if the earth was say ....5000 to 7000 year's old (as one guy told me it's closer to 7000 year's old) You are saying that the dino's co-existed with us? Were the ancient pyramid's built without interference from these creature's as a gift to dino's to wipe their asses on .... or large emory board's for their claw's? Was the Great Sphinx meant to be an amusement sort of ride for tham ... I mean .... I can come up with just as silly idea's, and if I said that .... they wouldnt like it.

    Thax for stopping by guy!

  7. Were the ancient pyramid's built without interference from these creature's as a gift to dino's to wipe their asses on

    I really hope not. I touched a pyramid once.

    On the still frame that shows on the video when it's not being played, what the heck is that thing that's sniffing the tire? It looks like a cross between an anteater and a dog.

  8. Very good question Mr.Infidel, because I wondered the same bloody thing.... and now that you brought it up it's eating at me to find out what the Hell it is. Partly because when I was on the train one day riding to downtown at Mockingbird Ln station, before the train's go underground .... a gal was walking a creature on a leash that looked similar ... and it puzzled me since? If you find out before I do, please mention it.

    Later guy ......

  9. To anyone else that read's this. Mr.Infidel was questioning the animal in the video post.He was right, it was an Anteater ( turned tire sniffer I reckon ). But he is quite a popular chap these day's from what I read .... His name is "Mario" and he lives in Salinas, CA. I already sent the info to Mr.Infidel.
