Monday, March 29, 2010

ERIK BROWN: .... a Christian Conservative's .... $1946.00 "BD/SM LEZBO LAP DANCE" and "HAPPY MEAL"? ... an "ELECTION'S ERECTION", too BIG to FAIL ....

Look .... I dont know all the detail's here I reckon, or if this was to cover for our loved one, RNC Chairman Mike Steele, so I'm not going to jump the gun, we will find out more soon enough. Nor am I out to knock an ole boy's fetishes .... we all have our lil fetish role play's to some degree. However, this is tax payer's "expense" or at least an expense to those who financially support the GOP I reckon.... which I feel should be made public and investigated. I have posted in past posting's about these type's of expenses even in the corporate world that are all written off on taxes and reimbursed time and again. But this, also in this link, should be picking up some more gain in the next few days .... so dont shoot me .... I'm only the piano player. Also let me point out that Mr.Brown is NOT a politician, just simply work's for the GOP, but the expense was picked up by the GOP. Something like this can actually become an "Election's Erection" and simply "TOO BIG TO FAIL", so to speak .... well .... I reckon time will tell, heh? I hope it was a good show Mr.Brown, considering the price tag .... I frankly never been to a show like that .... but sound's great! :)



  1. RC as the inspector (Claude Rainnes) said to Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca I'm shocked that's there's gambling going on here. At which time one of the underlings gave him his winnings.
    Somehow me thinks it goes on more than we tinks.
    I must say though Mikey Steel is entertaining....

  2. Mike (Steele) is such a great and wholesome guy .... damn good salesman ... could sell you a 6 month old dead cow actually, if your lookin for a true American political BS artist, they dont much more highly recommended than ole Mike! So let me give this "Shout Out" to Mike! And he dont need that job .... he does it for "love of country" and his party .... a good salesman like him could easily get a good advertising/ marketing position with someone like "Hair Club for Men".

    We love you Mike .... and God Bless America!

    I never seen that bloody movie "Casablanca" .... and know a few guy's from Morocco who alway's tell me, especially when they been drinking beer .... that I need to watch that damn movie. Beside's .... most folk's who met my dad when he was alive and visited Texas .... all said that he remind's them of Humphrey Bogart.

    Thanx for your couple buck's here Mr.Tim!

  3. Yeah, that's right. He was electioneering. Trying to rustle up votes from the exotic dancer community. Yeah, that's it.

    I don't really begrudge them. Every Republican who's hanging out in a place like that is one less to be hassling people in airport restrooms.

  4. Thanx for your voice here Mr. Infidel. Larry Craig is the one who made the Minneapolis Airport .... "famous" I reckon .... although Minneapolis' airport mens room has been popular for this activity from what I heard and read, way before even Larry pled guilty to lewd action's or whatever the petty misdemeanor was he pled to. But back to the West Hollywood piece here, I'm certainly not against these action's myself .... I felt a need to post it in this journal because of the "cost" factor, and the GOP supporter's who would have picked up the tab, if someone didnt catch this. This kind of thing as I said before is so common place in this country to begin with where I explained before how the professional escort and massage place's work, through company name's they choose as entertainment or restaraunte or other enterprise title's and all these expenses are wrote off as company expenses by executive's who use these high dollar service's ... Dallas and even Washington (DC) are some of the nation's top cities in catering to this, most folk's think only of place's like Vegas and LA. I feel that any guy/ gal should pay their own way when it come's to entertainment of any kind ... even if it was the movies or Disney World .... it's not a living, or business, or health necessity ... it's entertainment.

  5. I find it interesting that it's Steele's job to raise money for the GOP. They had $20 million when he started. They raised $90 million so far but only have about $10 million right now. $100 million is a lot of money for strippers etc. if you ask me.

  6. Demeur
    As my wife's mother once said,
    "You know how Men are".
    I still don't know exactly what she meant.

  7. Thanx for your input Mr.Demeur. I didnt even wonder or think of the fund's part .... had no idea of how much any of them raised or have actually. But you know how these freak's are when it come's to spending money that isnt even their's .... politician's these day's have this idea that money grow's on tree's .... weird how democrat's these day's are the more fiscally conservative of the two entities .... Boy have time's changed!

    Later Guy ..........

  8. ERIK BROWN: .... a Christian Conservative's .... $1946.00 "BD/SM LEZBO LAP DANCE" and "HAPPY MEAL"? ... an "ELECTION'S ERECTION", too BIG to FAIL....

    This hs got to be one of the best blog-post titles in history:-)

  9. Thanx Mr.Infidel .... It just rolled off the top of my head (maybe I shouldnt use the term "head") because I viewed it simply as that. :)

  10. I keep forgetting your in Texas where they probably jam broadcasts of MSNBC with Olbermann and Maddow.

  11. Thanx for stopping by Mr.Demeur. No .... (in case your joking) they dont jam broadcast's here in Texas of any kind actually. But I can understand if you never been to Texas and think that .... I mean it wouldnt suprise me .... I cant even believe the stuff I heard about Texas over the last couple year's online myself! I mean .... some of the shit just scared the living shit out of me! :)

    Later Dude!
