Monday, March 1, 2010

HEALTH CARE REFORM: .... another "FORM" of "REFORM" (PT.1) ....

I am posting this quick video, because I havent touched enough on this in this journal .... I recall one posting about how to milk insurance companies and Medicare and the scam and storefront clinic's behind that. But this is actual mainstream daily business as usual, that happen's to most of us .... just get out a copy of one of your old hospital stay bill's if you happen to have one, and look in detail of what you are or were charged. You should see some cost's that seem a little high for miscellaneous item's and/ or service's of some sort.

This is VERY critical in how much we pay in premium's and out of pocket etc. The bottom line is this .... in order to achieve true health care reform .... it's much deeper in this country than just trying to insure 40 million uninsured ... and most of this is focusing on that .... primarily because insurance giant's are drooling in delight of the possibilities of getting those ten's of million's to pay premium's .... get them into clinic's and get the clinic doctor's to presribe them drug's that they have to buy monthly or bi- monthly as well. But this entire system is abused whether intentionally or just plain ole out of habit, and doing business as usual. Cleaning up this mess .... would clean up billion's upon billion's of waste actually.

Basically what is happening in this cesspool is not just the insurance companies at fault, but everybody is caught up in a way of doing business, to well .... make "business" .... even inurance companies get milked as you can see here, which I know all to well, but cant legally get into the detail's here of what I have witnessed let's just say .... but it is one Hell of a business .... and another reason why our damn cost's are out of control. This is not to defend insurance companies .... I simply posted this to look at the reality. Even our Medicare/ Medicaid System's is getting severly abused by just citizen's who make a living off of milking these social service's and doing illegal activities .... they milk our insurance companies as well drastically. The scam's that goes on, on the street's is absolutely incredible of way's to milk these industries and social programme's.

$1,000 toothbrush? ... Thanx to CNN



  1. RC
    Forgive the Pun, But it's sickening. Reminds me of Pentagon purchases. The thousand dollar hammers and such.
    Even people abuse the system. I know of at least five old people that go to the hospital to have their toenails cut in the emergency room at least once a month. Even with me, I've turned down thousands of dollars worth of test. When pressured the Doctors back down. They hate me..Ha

  2. You hit the nail on head as far as reminding you of the thousand dollar hammer's .... I was actually thinking the same goddamn thing as I was writing this. But you remember that list well I bet, from common hardware nail's to toilet seat's, and every small business damn near that I knew that had government contract's were marking up invoices price wise, I wont mention companies in specific, but it cover's damn near every industry coast to coast. I mean .... that's a companies dream to get government business and contract's ... it's the big buck's .... and all of this is big buck's too. Make's me also wonder ..... if American's knew what "real reform" would take .... would they actually want it? Would those folk's want to stop those toenail trimming's, for example? :)

    Thanx fer stoppin by Guy .........

  3. RC
    The Frank guy I couldn't think of is Frank Gaffney. Of course he's not the only one. Believe it or not another is Dick Armey.
    Later Dude

  4. Thanx Tim .... on the Gaffney and Armey point's. Yeah .... I reckon there's more than you can shake a stick at, in some way too.

  5. A truly free market where the cost is not hidden from the consumer will solve most of this.

    More government involvement will only make it worse. Ask anyone who's been to the VA.

    Also consider that since the Dept of Education was established in the late 70's education has gotten more expensive and our students have gotten dumber (lower SAT scores).

  6. Your point's are well taken Mr.Silverfiddle. As for our education system ... it will become obsolete in time, school's period, I have alway's posted their only good for basically creating social skill's and interacting with other's of the created system, we have enough technologies to where we dont even need school's, to me their a thing of the past,but that is the era in which we live, we havent evolved to that point yet. I also believe that human representation as government can be replaced with technologies instead, that technologies can evaluate better, quicker and with more efficiecy than human political representative's, but that is another posting that I havent been ready to post ...YET ... in time.

    As far as treatment across the board of our Veteran's, I have posted alot in this journal on that .... it's disgusting .... not just with VA care and service's .... but every damn thing. I've met and known alot of Vet's, they are the most abused and neglected segment of American society beside's children .... it's pathetic the way we treat our Veteran's ... absolutely shameful!

    Thank You Sir ..........
