Saturday, March 13, 2010

KITTIE: .... does "CUT THROAT" .... and "WITCH HUNT" ....

It's more than past due that I post this group, Kittie, of Canadian Metal artist's out of London, Ont. I have kept up with this group now for about 5 year's .... although they formed back in 1996. Their compose and sound has really been shaping well, and distintively formed a trademark in the industry, and a really tight sound. I consider them personally as an alternative metal band. But I enjoy them much, and look forward to much more even out these ladies, and wish ya'll the best to come. Thank You for your hard work and great art!

I have many pieces that I love by them .... but chose 2 piece's here that are a couple favourites. This first piece is off the "In the Black" album, released in 2009, and called "Cut Throat". And what an excellent piece of art this is, in every category .... Enjoy!

KITTIE Cut Throat (new 2009!) Official Video ... Thanx to KITTIECHANNEL

This next piece as a studio piece was from their "Funeral for Yesterday" album released in 2007, and called "Witch Hunt" .... some classic work here!

Witch Hunt ... Thanx to KITTIE- TOPIC





  1. RC
    This type of music is in my opinion is real complicated to perform. Lots of technical stuff. I just don't hear that good and so I don't have a clue what the hell their singing.
    I might like it better or perhaps not.Do you play an instrument?
    Thanks for the posting..

  2. Next time I'll put on my glasses to post..Ha

  3. Do I play an instrument? It's the other way around Mr.Tim .... instrument's "play us" .... I had a lil fun on various instrument's, not as a serious career or anything though. As a lil boy I had a drum kit, and loved archery/ gun's hunting/target, hockey and football, and of course .... James Brown record's! But over the year's knowing many in music .... I had access to just about anything I would want to play around with( got a nice lil keyboard's set here at some recently, for a lil home fun). When you get to know a couple in art's, and hang in them area's .... you meet more and so on, record release parties or whatever. Sat in on a few project's concerning staging, aesthetic's, or being very opinionated I reckon. I dont care much for overproduced or manufactured/ manipulated sound. which you see so much of in the industry, what they call "re-creating" you, basically making you into what they want (to market), That is why I am so supportive of smaller inde label's. As Al Jourgensen (Ministry, Revco, etc) say's when he dont consider his first album as an album of his (it really suck's) and say's that is what made him such a "redneck" of the industry, now in his 50's and retiring the Ministry .... he set up "13th Planet Studios", on his property where he live's also in El Paso,Texas .... and will be producing the artist's instead now .... which he indirectly done over the year's anywayz since he worked and helped create so many group's. The base of the music is still the same as back in the day's of Williamson, Brown, Blue Bland, Berry, etc etc.... but yes .... the equipment and tech has evolved .... same ole spirit, new equipment and product.

    Later Guy.... and thanx fer droppin in!

  4. Another thing to point out Mr.Tim .... where you mention about the complexities of performing some music .... actually most of the piece's you see .... are actually first hatched simply with an acoustic guitar and a foot tapping on the floor, as you or any blues artist would do .... add the tech stuff, and you wouldnt know it on the final product! :) Like any other piece of elctronic's we grow on in life and use as a tool, once we become familiarized with it, we utilize it.

  5. Also as far as being complex to "perform" .... that's simply where your sound engineering come's in ... which has a flip side to it .... being .... if your engineer dont mix and sample, etc just right ... your whole band and sound will suck "live" .... unlike the "studio" where you can do cut after cut .... during a "live" performance .... you only get one goddamn cut .... so they better be as trustworthy/ dependable as your left or right hand. The old timer's like Cash, Reinhardt, King, Cole, Waters and those ... didnt have to concern as much with that I reckon. That's also why I say that those on Broadway should get bigger buck's than they do .... a live stage performance you get one chance .... those big screen actor's that get paid million's per film ... get all the "take's" they want! Oh well .... one of the other "bitch" part's of life I reckon.

  6. hello sir,
    I have been reading your blog for awhile and thought it was time I told you I appreciate your music posts. I love all kinds of music including hardcore and had never heard Kittie, so thank you.

  7. Greeting's Ms.Winsome Dove!

    Thanx for stopping by and your comment's. I started posting music video's over about the last 6 month's, so have no certain sector .... their just like and there, no organization whatsoever. :) But yep .... I am a big fan of the art's, and an old timer like Mr.Tim (well .... 54 that is).... so I have been to a Hell of alot of great show's (and a few that sucked as well) and met some really creative artist's as well over the year's.

    I paid a visit to your site, which is fresh and apparently still in it's constructive stage's, but I will return! :)

    Take Care ........

  8. BTW Ms.Winsome Dove .... I see you live in the City of Boston .... what a great music city it has been for year's, and just a great all across the board American city period .... many music icon's had root's there. One of my favourite's as well year's back out of Boston had to be the "Car's" as well. I also loved the early Aerosmith piece's back in their mid 1970's explosion too! Have visited Boston as well a few time's .... what a town! Actually lived close by long ago in Montreal,Quebec as well as Brooklyn/ NYC area.

  9. Boston born and bred, sir; moved south for bit but had to come home. The closest I've been to Texas is Mobile, AL. I've always been drawn to the Brit bands but it was awesome growing up here with great venues for local and visiting talent. I have very fond memories of the punk scene in the late seventies/early eighties. Interesting time-such fun!
    BTW, I also enjoy your non-music posts and thank you for the warm welcome.

  10. The "Punk" scene of the late 70's and early 80's .... OMG Ms. Winsome Dove .... you make me drool just thinking about those time's! 85/ 86 spent some time in London and knew a guy who played bass in a local punk/ hardcore group in London, and hipped me to the scene there which was really tight! Great industrial scene as well .... New York had a great scene as well .... Dallas had a great scene but smaller, um, um, um, the memories .... some pretty crazy but awesome time's! :) Thanx!
