Thursday, March 25, 2010


First of all .... this particular link is to ABC NEWS with link's within it on a series being done by ABC NEWS all week long on "Middle Class American's" who are struggling with this "unseen" recession. I say "unseen" because even though it is perfectly clear as day to those living in this segment of reality, many we have elected in our government are so busy with other issue's .... that will not usually look at an issue until it get's in their face .... and believe me ... it will .... in time.

Throughout this journal, which is almost two year's going now .... I tried to point out what to expect .... if you took a clear look at the math of what we were in and doing about it. But many folk's just simply ignore by choice. For one it's unpopular to speak too frankly about the condition. One thing people love to do is lie to themselves .... and believe in the lies they tell themselves, damn near our whole life is living in lie's .... one after another, or just ignore saying certain thing's .... I am no exception ... so many thing's that are in my mind, I would just not write about .... because I hope that they do not come about is why, so I block them out .... have been for year's. But when event's start to materialize, and the math of evidence is overwhelming .... you have to face the reality and take action. I try to be as sensitive as possible when I write in this journal, since public has access ... and try to use discretion as much as I can, and try to be fair is what is most important.

While the official line is that the recession is over .... the reality is, that it's just started .... well ....for many that is. This is the same reason why when I started this journal I was trying to point out the math work .... and the effect's and result's of it. The fact is that many American's never felt a recession as well .... even when it was official. For most it was simply cutting back on a couple movies, or dine-out's, tightening their belt's, a less exspensive vacation travel or whatever .... nothing that can really hurt anyone too bad. The worse part of a recession is the word "recession" .... money DONT disappear ... it only change's hand's. It is difficult to feel loss when you dont have to begin with ... and when you get to a point to where you really feel loss ... it's usually a more grim situation than you want to admit. As far as the credit card's and major bank's .... well what did we expect? Another thing .... it takes two to Tango, you have to use discipline ... and discipline is one thing that many of us dont practice .... look at the picture and dont live beyond your mean's ... we have this consume, consume, devour, devour mentality .... many live beyond our mean's .... because our indulgence's lead to our compulsive habitual nature for many. "KNOW WHEN TO SAY NO". We have become accustomed to buy more than we will ever use .... and our great economic triumph's have been based on that solely. And I am no exception .... I squander foolishly like there wasnt no tomorrow .... I am as far from a cheapskate as you can get, when I have any money, but it also got me in trouble in the past.

But this unseen recession will have an effect on this countries economy to come, and is the reason I talked so much about this in the past .... because it isnt only our representative's not taking action .... but we dont ourselves. We have to learn to change as well. The folk's who will suffer in the million's .... will need help .... if the government help's, someone will have to pay, get my drift? .... there's a "Domino Effect". Which is also why I said so much that some of this "system" need's at least to somewhat collapse .... plain and simple ... and it will eventually. The way we are doing thing's .... you simply cannot expect much as far as "change". We also need to get rid of many of our politician's on both the left and the right, too many people been doing the same thing for too long ... and it's simply outdated for the global economic's of the present. There come's a time .... when you MUST LET GO. We talk too much about the way it was .... or the way we used to fix it ... or use the past to try to determine what's to come .... the 20th century is over and done .... period.

The reason I use the term "unspoken depression" is because we like to run around with this big shit eating grin and tell ourselves ...."it's going to be fine", then when push come's to shove and the time's get tougher, our frustration come's out. Which we are seeing now with the extreme right .... trying to bully their way around from health care to a number of other item's that will soon surface. Even though I have tried to talk about this in previous posting's .... I tried to be mild as possible .... what you see out of these frustrated on the far right, is only the tip of the iceberg if we dont act NOW. Because in time .... it WILL escalate to even other folk's even on the left. The bottom line is that American's are getting a little sick and tired of this constant game of "good politician/ bad politician", the left and the right .... and good vs. evil .... it's only a matter of time before people across the board get keen to what is all happening. I am well aware of what is happening myself, and have prepared for this for well over a decade now. The math was all there to see year's back .... many simply ignored it, from the war's to the banking bailout scam's and the flip-flopping of political rep's. Depression still find's it's ground's to breed within the psyche .... and it's only a matter of time before it exposes itself .... and hurt's everyone in it's way as a result, it is truely indisciminate. The lack of action's from especially Sen.Chris Dodd are uncalled for, who's Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee. This week only he has started to deal with some of this financial regulatory reform .... which he better get a move on .... because the people are simply running out of patience. Middle Class America as I have said in the past .... are the primary cylinder's of this great economic engine .... and ignoring an oil change will cause engine "damage" and especially ...... "overheating".


  1. RC
    Good post man. Dodd in my mind is a crook. Even the revered Ted Kennedy was a fuck up. He had the chance when Nixon was Pres. to join The republicans in Reform of Health Care.
    He refused because it came from the Republicans. A Bill that was far superior to what we have. Thousands suffered and died because of his arrogance. In my mind the only fix I can think of in Term limits on all.

  2. .... Heh, heh, hhe, heh, heh .... "term limit's on all" :) you said a mouthful there Mr.Tim .... and an unspoken phrase that is the worst nightmare to everyone on the Hill who get's them easy paycheck's and benefit's package's. Thanx .... I didnt know about that story of Kennedy ( I was doing too many drug's back then to know what was going on).... interesting to look into though, thanx ....

    Thanx for droppin in Guy .....
