Wednesday, April 21, 2010

TASTE OF TEXAS: Part 1 ....The "BAT CAVES" of TEXAS ....

This posting is about the Bat Cave's that Texan's are so fascinated with .... even some tourist's as well. More info on Texas Bat caves HERE ... and science batty for bats .... Oh well .... who knows what discoveries are to come from these critters?!

Bat Caves of Texas- Texas Parks and Wildlife [Official] ... Thanx to TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE


Kid at annual Batfest, Austin



  1. RC
    Me and Melissa live down the road from Howes Cave NY.
    She hates Caves.

  2. WoW! That was a cool video. If I ever visit Texas, again I'll check out the bats, :).

  3. Mr.Tim: Actually Guy, I was checking out the cave's there online when I first ran into you, I stumbled across some stuff while looking for Howes Cave, cause I been all over New York State, and didnt recall that town. You and your's in the car for all them hour's(?) .... ya'll goin down state to the City(NYC) or something? or outta state? Upstate for a romantic ride on the "Maid of the Mist" at the Fall's? When you mention your wife's name .... I think of that Allman Brother's song "Melissa" .... what a "live" band they were! I seen them once do a show that was nearly 3 hour's, I shit you not .... they even had an intermission, to do it in two part's ... it was at the Pittsburgh Civic Arena, and the roof opened during the 2nd half of the show, and back in the early 1970's .... that was a sight, since there wasnt many roof's in the world for that matter that could open and close on venue's! Allman Brother's kicked ass "live" too!

  4. Ms.Rita: Cool that you liked the "bat thing". I was just down that way a few time's in the last couple month's(work though), some nice country down there (Hill Country). But if you make it too Texas again .... look me up, and I'll show you a couple sight's .... same for you Mr.Tim!

  5. RC
    Thank you Man.
    Me and Melisa are going to Washington DC. May 26,27,28. We've never been on Vacation or had a Honeymoon so after 30 years it's about time.
    Maybe we can get arrested in some sort of protest.
    If I see Obama you want me to convey any thoughts? Ha!

  6. Thought's on Obama? I think he is doing a remarkable job! I never in my 54 year's ahve seen a President confronted with a plate to deal with like this one, I am more than pleased with his performance. DC is quite a town to see guy, the cherry blossom's are a big event in that town, I will tell you right now ... the cost of living there is going to be high, as far as "expense". Baltimore(MD) is not far from there, and has some of the most colorful neighborhood's they are known for in the country, truely a unique look too. DC is a fast town too .... so dont keep all your money in your wallet if you carry a wallet, I just scatter it around on my person, in those cases. Hope ya'll have a great time dude!

  7. Bats intrigue and repulse me at the same time. A very interesting video.

    DC and Baltimore have high crime as well as good food and interesting sites. In either case, I'd only take what I think I'll need - in a money belt - and leave the rest in a safe deposit box at the hotel. No walking after dark.

    The harbor in Baltimore and the monuments, museums in DC. Would love to see the Vietnam Wall and the construction of the MLK Memorial.

  8. Ms.TNlib: "Dont go out after dark"? (in DC) .... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh :) I been through DC a few time's when up on the east coast, however I was never there as a "tourist" or on "vacation" though, so my experience in DC would be a lil different let's say. But I did get to see some monument's and such, most of my time were in urban neighborhood's, you can say, I was just "visiting" folk's I reckon. A guy I know just was up there a week on vacation and told me it's pretty much the same as back when I was there, except inflation was steeper now. Pleased you found the bat video interesting Ms.TNlib! :)

  9. Thanks for the "bat tour" of Texas.

    That's a lot of bats.

    So every bat colony is eating tons and tons of bugs all the time? It's disquieting to think what all those bugs might be doing if the bats weren't eating them. Maybe we should appreciate bats more.

  10. tnlb and RC

    The walking thing kinda bothers me as sometimes I can't. What about cameras,of course I want to take a zillion photos. Again I'm thinking that walking thing..standing in line a long time...shit

  11. Mr.Infidel: That is a point to think about! What in the fuck would they be doin? From what I have heard in the past, that many of those insect's like to go after "crop's/ agriculture", and that is one of the biggest businesses of this state. Perhap's without these critter's we would be buyin more of our grapefruit and orange's from place's like California and Florida(?) But thanx alot for bringin that up Guy, because it make's me curious as well .... I am going to try to look up online, just how hazardous or damaging them insect's and such are now. Cause "some" insect's are a necessity as well. I mean .... they "are" part of nature, and I figure must have done something, you know .... just like "bee's" play their role, etc.

  12. Mr. Tim: I wouldnt even worry about that Guy .... you will figure out something when it come's up, just think about enjoyin yourself. Lot's of folk's I hear have problem's standing alot or whatever .... and I am confident, you can figure out someway around anything that get's in your way. Beside's .... around alot of them site and monumental area's there are a bunch of benches, which you can take a break when you feel.

  13. It might also be interesting to calculate the total mass of insects which are converted into bat droppings in Texas per year -- probably a pretty awesome quantity -- maybe it accounts for Governor Rick "batshit crazy" Perry.....

  14. Knowin ole Rick .... he would agree with you and probably say ...."You Betcha"!! :)
