Thursday, April 1, 2010

BIG BLACK: .... "Bad Penny" .... and .... "Passing Complexion" ....

In this piece for this journal's music selection I chose "BIG BLACK", (also later formed into the group "RAPEMAN")from the far north Chicago suburb of Evanston, Illinois. In my opinion one of the finest Punk Rock group's to come out of America .... nothing special as far as stage show/ theatrics, visual art's effect's, or similar ... but just a raw, explosive sound that drive's hard .... very intense live performance's, and just a truly awesome composition crew for this category of music .... on a scale of 1 thru 10 as far as "live" performance .... I have to rate them 9+.

However ... at the same time in the mid to late 1980's .... this group also raised alot of criticism .... some saying their lyric's were somewhat racist ... and some called them homophobic, or lyric's with controversial subject's such as rape, molestation, etc. I dont feel that this group or their art is either .... and wouldnt post them if they were. The thing folk's may not have understood about this group .... was there were no taboo's .... as far as lyric's were concerned. Most of the politically correct society cant accept that .... and are quick to take lyric's of art, and dissect them and re-arrange them to make them out to something that they are not.

However ..... much THANX to these fine gent's for their contribution's to Punk Music and the influence they spawned .... what an explosive group they were in the day! I chose of course a couple favourite's I have in my own collection ....this first piece is called "Bad Penny" ... Enjoy ....

Big Black- Bad Penny ... Thanx to DEADGUY138

This next piece is called "Passing Complexion" .... Thanx to NICOLE McMAHON




  1. politically correct hardcore punk-LMAO!! i think i would have liked these guys-wonder if they ever came to boston. i appreciate the timing of this post-recent family tragedy has me feeling the need to bang around in the pit. also trying to find a decent quality video of some old locals to put up next. "this is boston not LA" was a great compilation of some of what we had around here.
    have a great day sir!

  2. "Familia Tragedy"(?) .... Unfortunate to hear that, what ever it may have been .... time will alway's ease .... sorry. Bang in the Pit over it? Well ... I reckon that would be therapuetic for some .... depending on what it was over. To show you how old I am .... I havent been in the pit for almost 20 year's .... back in my late 30's was probably my last I would figure .... and cant even recall what bloody show it was! .... maybe the Ministry? .... fuck .... that suck's that I cant even remember the last time! (seen so many, since alot were free and invite's too). I also took a part time job for awhile (only weekend event's, at "Club Industry" in Dallas and also a way underground joint called "Slipped Disk") but not really for the money, but because an acquantence I knew owned a couple underground club's .... but worked the door and security for several weekend event's. One show that I cant forget was GG Allen (played "Slipped Disk"), right before he died, got to party with the band after hour's too! But GG performed naked on stage and shot up some dope and had some sexual fling on stage that I wont get into here, it was a crazy show girl! Has "Big Black" ever played Boston? .... does a Teddy Bear have cotton ball's? I would have no doubt they played Boston, how could a touring gropup miss Boston? Yeah .... post some Boston stuff when you get around to it!

    Later Ms.Winsome Dove!

  3. I am going to try to find that you were talking about "This is Boston, not LA" .... I know a couple folk's that still deal music and underground, Dalls has a few good store's still, the corporate folk's try to weed everyone out and water everythig down, with their influence, yet .... I dont think those folk's ever really "get it" .... you know? .... it's rare these day's .... I'm an old timer .... and still have shit like cd's and audio tape's ... most of the younger crowd just get's their music online I reckon. But yes .... I have quite a bit of stuff I've accumulated, and would love to check out some of the old Boston scene as well.

  4. Correction: I mispelled GG's last name .... it's "Allin". :)

  5. thank you for the kind words, RC,
    one of our young ones took their own life. It's going to take a very long time to ease that (and even longer for mom and dad). i used to think slam dancing was theraputic for life in general so that was the first thing i really thought of. I would not survive the mosh pits of today (really not much younger than you). Haven't been IN one myself for probably close to 30 years. BUT because i have children and i hear you are supposed to train them up they way they should go, we were hitting the all ages hardcore (and other) shows since they were very young :)and would stand at the edges of the pit. Now that they are older they don't need me for that anymore and i don't have friends with interests like mine so i haven't seen any bands in a while.

    the company i was working for in the 80's went through a few changes-i might have been commuting to New Hampshire by the time Big Black came around but who knows-definately sounds familiar.

    GG Allin... wow... i was definately out of the clubs by then but i did hear about him. the sex and drugs stuff wouldn't have offended but no way could i tolerate the smell.

    nice chatting sir... off again to look at more videos.

  6. My condolence's Ms.Winsome Dove. That is a difficult issue to also deal with as far as understanding, that ....Yes .... I have been around the experience myself, not that I ever considered taking my life .... I never have .... but have dealt with it. As I said .... time will ease .... there's simply not a damn thing you can do about what's already done girl.

    Mr.Allin was quite a charcter, he was pretty relaxed by the time I hung out with him ...after about one and a half hour set(show), a few beer's and some heroin ( I was drinking Italian tequila that evening/ morning called "Tarantula", a favourite of mine,which he took a drink of I offered him, and he loved it, although never heard of it ) he shot up again while we were all sitting on sofa's downing a couple drinx back stage after. I must say though, alot of what he told me was true, kind of a harsh look at the condition, but true ... if you want to dwell on the harsher shit. I think he may be from New Hampshire(?) somewhere's close by there. I read he died just month's after from an overdose of heroin.

    Nope .... you wont find me in any pit's today at 54 :)

    Take Care Ms. Winsome Dove ....
