Thursday, April 15, 2010

JOHN McKENNA: "Police Brutality PT.1" ... The Lawsuit .... and my own Experience and Thought's ....

John McKenna

This posting has to do with the University of Maryland student who was recently the victim of "police brutality" (newsread), or at least a serious case of "excessive force" ... 21 year old Mr. John McKenna. This kind of thing is fairly common all across the nation as well ... it's just most of the time, you dont get video and/ or audio of it ... in this case .... there is actually both. This also goes to show that anyone can be a victim of this ... this victim is a white male college student .... young men of color have been target's for year's, until advocate's of organization's like the NAACP .... started to fight back and crack down on this, but it's still widespread and growing ... many young party- goer's even across the nation of all colors are victim's of this, many get busted on one charge or another, then if they beat him/ her too bad ... they usually work out a closed deal with the victim behind closed door's, and you never hear nothing of it ... in other word's ... the most common is ... the authorities will agree to drop your so called "criminal charges" if you let it go, get my drift? Of course they pulled the same thing/ line on Mr.McKenna ... but ONLY dropped his charge because too much heat was coming down on the department. They even settled an out of court case recently ... same department ... on a Mr.Rodriquez here.

Police brutality, Maryland student beaten and brutalized ... Thanx to polidic

I have looked at the video several time's on this ... and something dont add up, being that at the start of this .... Prince George, MD County Police have been just fabricating one story after another. At first they came out with this "appalled" response ... all officer's were in a "state of shock". You're shocked? BS ... this kind of shit has been a constant complaint even in their department ... what ya'll are "shocked" about is ya'll got caught in such a clear video of it. Actually these kinds of force are even much more frequent in the prison and jail system's across the country to be frank. First they said that they will give more detail's as to who the officer's involved were, and the case when they are able to identify the officer's, and this was two or more day's after the incident. What do you mean "identify the officer's"? Every officer coast to coast are required to keep a log of what they do, especially on arrest's ... you have to have all that on record for the book's in less than 24 hour's ... if the suspect is charged and arraigned, which he was I assume (not sure of court arraignment/ bail hearing's there, Dallas Court's go 24/ 7/ 365) ... unless your telling us that you charged and arraigned the suspect on a report of anonymous police officer's, where no one signed the report's or paperwork ... you cant charge and arraign a suspect with fictional or anonymous officer's on the paperwork. That would even make your court in violation of federal law's. You need IAD (Internal Affairs Division) to investigate that? ... in the meantime you'll agree to suspend with pay the officer's ... the one's who you said you dont know who they are? (yes, their "first" response the next day, were they didnt know who the officer's were, then they later changed the story slowly) ... and forget and drop the charges against Mr.McKenna, if he just walk's away with that? Thankfully this young man has half a brain and didnt fall for such ridiculous nonsense. Because department's across America pull this shit all the time, usually with poor folk's, and get away with it, because the person in jail is just happy to get out, so sign's in agreement.

Whatever Mr.McKenna decides to do is his choice and business, and of course the attorney involved in his case which usually get about 33% to 40/45% of the settlement for their representation in the case. I would hope myself that Mr.McKenna hold's through on this ... and not just settle for some pocket change like Mr. Rodriquez did, cause their first move will be a closed door settlement offer, and telling them how it will save County Taxpayer's money ... do it for the community crap, or show how understanding, liberated, and forgiving you are, let bygone's be bygone's type crapolla, let "god" punish them in the next life or other sapling cliches ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... I know all their lines. : )

The video I noticed is from some elevated area, surely not ground level, the officer's who attend the rally are specifically tactical unit trained for crowd control, and are not only taught about "race sensitivity" ... but also how to be ready to kick ass at the drop of a hat, and a few hope for that opportunity to arise, even though they're not likely to admit it. Just a first guess after watching several times ... is they were more focused after the assault on the victim took place of making sure they could obstruct the view, by lining and condensing officer's on foot and horseback, so that any cell phone cameras on the ground level in front of them couldnt clearly capture it, because strikes still occured after their line up and move. Not all officer's may agree with this ... but they are a team, and that is how it worx. I dont see any aggressive moves by the victim, if it was verbal ... that isnt good enough. Assaulted the horse? ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh : ), that is so silly. Understand that if you so much twist your own arm/ wrist out of pain when being restrained/ arrested, by law across America ... that is "resistance" ... and many cases ..."assault on an officer". My guess here as far as assaulting the horse is ... he must have "breathed" too hard on the horse, and if that was the case ... animal rights activists should be all over Mr.McKenna (just kidding). If I was an attorney and had a fantasy case so clear, cut and dry to have to work ... this would be it! But this department has dished out one lie after another on this ... and ONLY now (after so much publicity) they are "talking" charges against officer's ... including the officer's they didnt know who they were ... the "anonymous" officer's let's say. There is more BS in these inquiries than given to a Senate Panel from banking CEO's.

I worked as a security officer in a nightclub district in my late 40's to about 50 year's old (2 year's, quit in late 2006) ... there was a good amount of action ... not one of them job's where you sit at some desk and greet people let's say. I am also one who has been in and out of jails myself and had run ins with the law, as a young man. So ... how did I get a position like that? I knew people first of all, and was specifically asked if I want to do it, because of my past, believe it or not. Actually there are many convicted ex- offender's who work private law and security agencies across the nation, you just dont hear much about it. Even many on law enforcement's payroll's specifically paid to gather info/ photo's/ blueprint's, for law enforcement who already have warrant's to serve in high crime areas ... that are a risk to law team's serving the warrant's because of the heavy fortification and fortresses that some of these fences and high traffic dope houses have ... including heavy arms, and other structure fortification's. Many Dallas Police officer's also worked the street's at night in the nightlife district's as "contract" worker's ... just moonlighting on the side ... it is abundant in this town especially (it's a big nightlife outdoor type town, especially summer), as well as many major cities. Most of the cop's were cool, but you have those who look to bust head's ... plain and simple, whether because of stress, family/ divorce problem's or a number of other reason's. I seen a few thing's I didnt like, and wasnt cut out for the job I decided, and getting too old for any physical confrontation's .... I had incident's where I felt compassion (see last paragraph) as well for even those violating laws.

But one short story that comes to mind here was years ago as a young man. I was young and I reckon "vibrant" let's say, and had an incident one night where two police officer's started "taunting" ... in a situation like Mr.McKenna in the above story ... actually I was about his age. Well ... we shot some word's back and forth, then one officer told me (exact word's) ... "C'mon mother fucker" ... I was about 15'ft away from him ... but I charged the officer fast and hard, and gave him a head bunt to between his chest and stomach, he lost balance, fell back and me on top of him, next thing, a baton hit's the back of my neck stunning me, from another officer, then the one I ran into squirm's out and he is hitting me with his stick. Anywayz ... I received head hits and a hit to the face that crushed/ broke my nose, and fractured the bone structure in my cheek under an eye. A series of hit's put me out, and next I woke up in an ambulance. Why did I do what I done? ... I dont have an excuse besides the verbal stuff, and besides it dont matter much, I was young.

I was told by a paramedic in the ambulance that someone called 911 who seen me laying in a puddle of blood under my head, there were NO OFFICER'S at the scene. I felt relieved in a sense since there was no charges or arrest on me, and I was on my way to an emergency room. Then in the hospital ... an officer of the police department came to me, to ask me what happened to me?, I told him ... I dont know?, lying of course. Then told him "I was mugged I think?" ... he said it didnt make sense because I had money in my pocket, and it appear's that I was attacked with a steel pipe, and it wasnt the usual mugging MO. I just then told him ... "I dont know what happened, it was too fast, and cant tell you anything else". Here's the deal ... I was in need of reconstructive surgery, and afraid if my insurance found out what I did to be in need of the surgery, they would challenge paying, I didnt know, and didnt want to take that chance, so ... I said I got mugged. Checked later ... and found out that the officer's who I got into it with ... never filed any report, or there was no record of the incident ... Why? ... I havent the faintest idea, cause technically I could have been charged with assault on an officer. They apparently fled the scene, left me there, and said nothing.

Enough said ....



  1. Absolutely believable.
    Years ago,I think around 78,I owned a bar in a rather run down city. I had cops hanging out drinking and some even worked for me as bouncers. I used to bar tend. I vividly remember their tales of debauchery. Taking so much pride in who and how they kicked the shit out of people. Woman/girls were fair game too. Not so much a beating but intimidating them for a blow job. One of the worse things were cops on cops fighting. We were all told to just stay clear and let them work it out.(always it seems about a girlfriend) One of the last memories of that bar was when one of My bouncers(cop)shot a gay kid cause he hated fagots. Shot him dead. Yeah I know what SOME cops are capable of.

  2. That poor kid. The whole incident is criminal.

  3. Good Morning Mr.Tim!

    No doubt from your experience running and tending bar, you know already what the "score" is, and thank's for your input of such as well. It's not easy for some to speak reality or experience's, especially those like yourself who post their "actual" name. I can understand any frustration you may have with the hypocrisy and BS we are fed as well, which I "sense" in your post's. Your a straight up dude, I can sense that. As far as the working gal's and giving BJ's .... aint that the truth! I mean .... there are "so many" gal's who have to service beat patrol officer's weekly for free, just so they dont get "citated". In Dallas they stopped arresting street walker's, because their mostly poor and dope fiend's, so "vice squad" just focuses on high scale ring's and operation's as far as deployment's, they have uniformed patrol unit's just issue "ticket's/ citation's" to streetwalker's so they dont have to jail and feed or help them. Most all of these gal's "have" to service a couple cop's or so, if they want to "work" the "hood/ street".

    Thanx for jumpin in dude!

  4. Good Morning Ms.TNlib!

    I think you summed it up perfectly stating it to be "criminal". The thing is, this is so widespread across America, although in Maryland it's documented as being one of the worst in the nation, you can find this anywhere's you go. While passing through Los Angeles one day in early April 2007, downtown looking for some burrito's (S.E. downtown LA), there was a latino demonstration going on of some sort, I witnessed LAPD crowd control that manhandled a late teen Latina girl because she didnt step up on the curb quick enough, they also had LAPD traffic unit's pull over damn near every latino trying to get into downtown, and shaking them down with random frisk's and ground spread's which is technically illegal. I had to lower my head, because frankly I was scared to get involved, cause I know LAPD well, and their tactic's from the past, they would have beat the shit out of me, then arrest me for law obstruction and assault, even if I didnt use any physical anything. And at 51 year's old .... I couldnt take the ass whipping I used to be able. They treated her like shit, girl .... it was sickening just watching these grown men treat her like that. When I got back to Dallas .... I "wrote" a hand letter to the LAPD, stating where and when this happened and what I seen .... they responded with a thank you note for my concern's and saying they were looking into the matter (which anyone with half a brain know's is BS).

    Later Ms.TNlib ........

  5. Also Mr.Tim .... sorry to hear what you had to experinece on your turf as far as the gay kid getting nailed and taken out. Some folk's just hate fag's man, and no matter how you try to get across to them it's unfair, I dont think most will listen or care, they just hate one thing or the other, and it become's part of almost their nature it seem's like.

  6. RC
    The only bright side to that story was The Cop did it in front of many witnesses. Hence he was sentenced and convicted. He might be out by now I don't know. The Girls the Cops were shaken down were just patrons of the local bars. Some who might have been underage and didn't want parents to know they were partying.
    Sometimes memories suck....

  7. Another good point you brought up indeed Mr.Tim .... as far as underage party-goer's getting shook down, and in some cases for sex trade since they dont have much as far as money to offer, and it is a great "play/ hustle" for the cop, because they know that the kid is likely to not talk so they dont get in trouble .... another point here that you made clearly showing how "youth" in this country and worldwide for that matter are "used". Thanx!

  8. Kind of sad to think that when we were growing up not much of this happened or at least not as common. Most of what I saw as a kid were teens getting into trouble stealing or vandalizing. People got into fights back then but didn't carry guns. The worst you could get was a black eye or a cut face. Not so today.

    We have a case up here right now where a cop shot and killed a drunk driver in his parked car in a parking lot. The guy couldn't go anywhere because the patrol car was blocking his and yet the guy was shot something like eight times. This even shocked the cops' partner who just testified against him.
    The problem is I guess that we have to pick cops from the human race and as we know there are some real A-holes in the lot.

  9. Demeur
    Good point. When I was growing up the only way you got to become a cop was if you knew somebody or already had a relative on the force. Around here it helped if you were Irish. There were no psychological testing then.

  10. It is not difficult to realize or even to understand that law enforcement has serious issues when it comes to abuses of power, like "Noble Cause Corruption" for instance. It's the nature of the beast as they say.
    Law enforcement agencies have to have checks and balances in place to keep these things in check. For instance, uncorrupted leaders keeping professional standards up in the force. Having citizen advocacy groups on the outside to keep Law enforcement in line is important, too.

    The thing is most people don't seem to care enough to keep the police in line as long as the abuse is not happening to them.

  11. Mr.Demeur .... Thank you for sharing your insight and opinion on this. No .... I wasnt familiar with the case you described .... but will look it up for sure.

  12. Ms.Rita .... Thank You for your point's here .... which is true .... I remember "Noble Cause Corruption".

  13. Glad you are still here to tell your stories RC. Cops used to beat the crap out of my friends regularly. One in particular was pulled off his own porch one day and beat right in front of his house. No one did anything about it. We were just kids, maybe 13 or14 years old.

    On a side note,
    i look forward to sharing why i'm not using my 'actual' name when it's more 'on topic.'

  14. Thanx for your input here Ms.Winsome Dove .... I can just imagine how many stories are out there to listen to. I know there are alot more decent cop's though then roughneck's looking to just kick a couple asses, but yeah .... it happen's like .... daily ... and like Ms.Rita say's .... I believe fact, unless it happen's to you ......

    I totally understand those who refuse to use their real name's on here, believe me. It can be just for "job" reason's, or a number of other thing's. I only use my real name because I am not in any position of importance, or work for anyone, or have to answer to any segment of society .... basically, I am a "nobody", which believe it or not, can be really great! I dont believe that I have much "privacy" to begin with, but have no problem with it, because with today's technologies .... any time you apply for any work/ job .... most of anything that has any importance, or may be of interest to a possible employer, is at their fingertip's, and at 54 ... I just dont care much anymore, and happy that I dont work some job in a flourescent prison of sort, where I have to look over my shoulder everytime I fart, or say anything, basically I dont have any reputation to tarnish, cause whatever I did, I did, and simply dont give a shit one way or the other. :) With job's as tight as they are these day's, and all the spying on folk's that like to remain low profile to a degree .... it's no suprise as to why folk's dont use their real name's in many cases.
