Tuesday, September 14, 2010


After 2.5 year's online now (or a computer for that), this is a posting that I been meaning for long to post, but one of the many I havent got to yet. And just over the last month or so ... I been downsizing the oversaturation of this journal/ blog, just to get rid of alot of posting's ... I deleted around 200 posting's which amounted to about 1/3rd of it. Also because I am not really a writer ... just another person of million's that pay my monthly fee to have access to the internet ... and of course decided to write the stuff that I talk about, see, and experience, in everyday life on the street, and elsewhere's. I also pay for my tele as well (cable) ... cause today it's about the only way to get any decent programming. I dont watch any of the pop culture show's/ movie's whatsoever ... only thing's like the Science Channel, National Geographic, History Channel, Discovery, etc., and of course this time of the year, my NFL Football ritual (Hockey too, loved playing both as a kid)! But these station's as well have no immunity to it, or mercy for the viewer's whatsoever. And I dont want to sound like some commie asshole who is anti free market, because I'm not at all ... in fact ... very pro free market. Even have a daughter I live with who is a marketing coordinator ... who's business is to market the marketer's though, if that make's any sense. But this is something that must somewhat annoy alot of folk's I figure to some degree, so I figured on posting about it.

Below a list of what I am slammed with constantly ... as well as million's coast to coast ... which is more like getting a form of punishment for being alive these day's ... in the disguise of showing me how to save money, by spending money? Which is a phrase all over everything now ... almost all ad's I see is to save me money by giving them my money ... does that make any sense? But let me just make a list below, off the top of my head here ....

I turn on the tele, and now no matter what channel ... I can be watching a show on science ... and BOOM ... I get ad's and commercial's on how to make your booty look more shapely, or girdles for men, a saturation of drug's to give you an erection, or how to sell your gold and home's and make fast cash (of course ... cash is basically worth only a fraction of property, but recent desperation and lay-off's have people in need to pay bill's) and insurer's and bank's have to take the cake .... along with all the other's we gave bailout money to, because they were globally melting down ... well thanx to us ... they sure as Hell arent melting anymore. Even the drug's ... they probably have a pill for everything now ... and each one ... come's with a warning said at 50 mph ... of a list of 10/ 20 other side effect's that you will get to help the one problem that you take the pill for. Now it's gotten to where the ad's are popping up in the middle of the programming all over the screen, it just get's worse and worse by the year. Also the volume of these commercial's is raised significantly on all tele, internet, and radio ... blaring it ... I reckon to double make sure, it is crammed down your throat no matter what.

My home phone landline I have to pay for an additional answering service as well ... because most of the call's I have ... again ... are companies that want me to call them back because they want to save me money. Or to take part in a survey, or to change my cable/ internet service, cell service, or even the electric utility company I use. I mean ... at least 90% of the call's I get ... are to sell me something ... but now even ... I have all the political campaign recording's ... of everyone who is running for local office ... of both these pop culture parties that control only ... the democrat's and republican's ... both of course telling me how they are good/ right and their opponent is evil/ wrong. Even my bloody cell phone get's ad's after ad's popping up 24/ 7 on a deal or something for me. So far as I'm writing this ... the home landline alone has had 3 incoming call's.

I go to a bloody supermarket to pick up a few item's ... I loathe shopping period, and like to get my shit, and in and out the door asap, I can shop quick as lightning almost! But am saturated with rules and deal's there too, which I decline and spend the extra buck or two just to get out of there. They have booth's wanting to sign me up for this or that, an account(inside bank branch) or prescription's (which I never had any prescription's to begin with), ad's and coupon's popping out at me up and down the aisle's, and video's, including rain forest sound's in the produce section's with flyer's, and cow mooing and chicken squawking recording's in the dairy section, with more flyer's, and pop culture Top 10 music from the 1990's coming from speaker's in the ceiling, with more ad's in between song's, nauseating song's at that, that the only reason you would bop your head to is because they crammed the same song's 15X time's a day down your throat on local radio when they were hit's! If I want to buy the sale ad on a product ... I get asked if I have a store membership card?, cause I need one to get the sale ... or other shit I have to sign up for, or buy 3 other product's to save a buck or two on this other product I want to buy, or a set of detailed thing's I have to do ... geeez ... it get's to be a nightmare just trying to buy ... or simply just trying to buy fast and get out the door. Then when I go to pay in line ... I got someone running up to me who tell's me for my convenience to go through the self check out to scan my own item's, sack them and so forth, for the same price! Geeezz ... I am spending there to buy product's/ good's ... not to do bloody volunteer work! And how many clerk's lost their job's over this? Then when I check out ... do I want to donate to the "Folk's with One Eye Missing Foundation" (fictional name for example) or whatever, if I say "no", even nicely ... everyone is giving me a look like I'm a commie! Even if I'm in an electronic's store or such ... the price of the sale ... is after I go through a lengthy mail in rebate process ... with more crap to do and get involved with, if I want to get the deal ... just give me the sale price, and we wont have to even go through all the mail-in or paper work.

I go out to the car from there or from home ... and the car windshield has flyer's stuck to it usually under the wiper blade's, if it rain's at all or some dew ... it just stick's to the glass and get's all over if I run the wiper's. My front door and back gate door have flyer's stuck on them daily ... I shit you not ... everyday, even my home mailbox as well as my PO Box is stuffed, all again ... for more way's to save me money by spending money with them. Even if I ride the metro train or bus ... it is one flyer after another and ad ... with digital screen's now on the train's and buses to sell me more stuff! Get off the train ... and some religious person ask's me if I know Jesus? ... with a pamphlet in their hand ... I just say ... "Sorry no ... but you can ask the transit officer over there" ... and walk as fast as I can to get away. I have had Jehovah's Witnesses knock on my front door even .. when I had a note/ sign on the door that say's ... "Please, No Solicitation" ... but they knock ... I answer ... and ask if they read the sign? They say ... "Sorry ... no speak English" ... so then I had put it up in spanish as well ... and they still came by ... but then they dont see it!

I turn on the internet ... and ad's are popping up all over the place ... it's gotten worse than the tele even ... watching the news ... they now obstruct damn near everything you view at one time or another with constant more ad's sliding across or up and down, and now cant even click past the commercial's no more on many. My email is saturated daily with ad's from political site's even, site's that I never even visited ... both democrat and republican only ... and of course the usual ... their good/ right and their opponent's are evil/ wrong. Constant warning's of everything from the air I breathe to the food I eat to just waking up in the morning as to how everything is going to kill me ... but if I want inside help to survive it all ... they will help me for a price. I visit some employment site ... I get a whole schlew of folk's wanting to show me how to earn $700/ $800 buck's a day for a cost of $99.95! (fictional example) ... some now even got my email address, and I never even gave it to any of them! Or they want to re-educate me ... because I received all the wrong training/ education in the past ... and when they're done with me ... I will earn a couple hundred thousand a year ... get a wife, kid, swing set, a nice yard, and neighbor's who all think, talk, and act like me! I go visit a site to buy/ shop for adult novelties/ product's .... and all of the sudden ... girl's are popping up saying that they just turned 18 year's old, have a lollipop in their hand and pony tail, maybe a Teddy Bear (fictional example)... and they want to be my friend .... Geeezz ... I'm 54 year's old man! ... and that is far from my cup of tea as far as women! Perhap's I should refer them to one of the school's who want to re-educate me ... or perhap's to the Jehovah's Witnesses who want to be my friend too!

Now ... at the rate this has been increasing over the last several year's ... I wonder what it will be like in 5 year's from now ... and how much more money and time will it cost me to get it all?



  1. This is hilarious. They just don't understand that nowadays everyone's busy and in a hurry, and saving time is more important to them than saving a small amount of money.

    and cow mooing and chicken squawking recording's in the dairy section,

    It would be kind of fun if all sales areas did this. They could have toilet flushing noises in the bathroom supply section, retching and vomiting noises in the cheap booze section, vibrator noises and moaning at the Christine O'Donnell for Senate campaign booth, that sort of thing.

    I get advertising flyers in the mail too. The Post Office has started providing recycle bins right next to the PO boxes, so you don't need to bother to drag all that stuff out to your car.

    Those ads on websites are getting ridiculous -- there are sites I don't even read any more because the ads are so distracting. If I go to a site and I see a bunch of ads obscuring parts of the text, I generally just leave.

  2. Glad you enjoyed Infodel! Actually as repulsive as some thing's that annoy us may be ... when you set aside and think about it, it can seem amusing as well, I reckon. Yeah guy ... I just spend the extra few buck's just to frankly save time and BS is all. The other day I got a call on my landline that I actually answered myself ... a gal wanted to know if I would come into some office to participate with other's in a study (cant even recall off hand what it was) ... and I would get $100 to do so. I realize that $100 sound's nice ... but I said "No thanx" ... I mean ... I can only fantasize/ imagine what that would have been about.

    Thanx for your word's and visit Guy! ...

  3. Good post. You speak for millions, Ranch Chimp!

    I to love free markets but I hate all this crap! And the security and passwords and pins...

    My goal is to go live up in the mountains with no tv, internet, only a radio.

  4. Great posting! You're not alone. I've virtually given up answering the phone - it's all junk calls; and the mail isn't much better. It's sadly interesting that whole modes of human communication are now dominated/destroyed by advertising.

  5. Thanx Silverfiddle ... the whole mountain thing sound's cool, I think most people live in this urban reality because of having access easily to so much, and it's where the paycheck's are. I have already had my mind set on where I wanted to live if I had a tad more financial independence myself .. it's about 100 miles outside El Paso (TX) in a mountainous region of West Texas close to the Mexico border.

    Thanx for your visit and support here ....

  6. Howdy mendip ... well said as far as whole mode's of human communication's dominated/ destroyed by advertising ... damn good point! That's exactly why I dont hardly ever answer the phone myself ... it is endless guy ... I get so sick too of having to keep my hand on a mouse just to watch the bloody news ... because of all I have to do just to get the news clip's, from clicking through thing's, closing pop up deal's and readjusting the volume between news clip's because how they blare every commercial (increase volume)... it is force feeding us, and it just seem's to escalate.

    Thanx for your word's here Mendip ....
