Friday, September 17, 2010

ANDREW COLLINS: "Police Brutality Part 3" ... Excessive Force, Evidence Tampering and Cover Up's ...

This posting of "Police Brutality Part 3" will focus on the current case in the City of Dallas (more read/ news here) , when Mr. Andrew Collins was beaten by DPD officer's after he led officer's on a chase, that started around the MLK Blvd @ Malcolm X Blvd, and South Central Expressway vicinity in South Central Dallas. The video below is some coverage of local news on it, as well as some actual dashcam footage recorded from the squad unit in pursuit. Then I will add some word's to this ... since I am very familiar with this neighborhood, as well as some of the stunt's pulled as far as cover up. (Police Brutality 1 & 2 here)

News and cruiser dash cam video below (the original video I had to replace, because it was deleted from YouTube)

POLICE BRUTALITY Cops Assault Man While Another Cop Moves Dash Cam ... Thanx to DANCEROOSTER

First of all I want to point out, that this case is completely different than the brutality cases seen with Denver's Michael DeHerrera(PT 2)... and the case in Prince George, MD with John McKenna(PT 1), who in both cases ... did not even taunt officer's whatsoever. I mean when I first seen the actual dashcam of 5 minute's from this DPD case, I was wondering what is wrong with this guy Mr. Collins? Is this just stupidity? ... or is he getting an adrenaline rush? ... is it because of his petty warrant's? ... or the pot he has on him? ... or did he simply think he can out run cop's, because of the ability for cycle's of this type to out maneuver a car? ... was he looking for a lawsuit? And also ... this was reckless and very inconsiderate of him ... it was only a little after 9pm on a sunday evening, and this neighborhood is very residential with pedestrian's/ citizen's still out and about ... and many small residential street's, that you simple intensify danger to pedestrian and/ or traffic, doing speed's of over 60/ 70 mph that even cycle's are limited in maneuvering capabilities. He was jumping curb's, running stop sign's and light's, and even going down one way street's in the opposite direction of traffic. Bottom line ... it is luck that no one got severly injured or killed as far as bystander's. Yet also ... if the officer's in pursuit of Mr. Collins done as they were told by command, and abort pursuit ... Mr. Collins wouldnt have continued to push it, and just aborted his flight/ flee as well.

But regardless of whatever inspired 28 year old Mr. Collins to act in this manner, none of this excuses the also outrageous action's of these officer's even just in the pursuit, not to even mention the beating. When they called in their pursuit to command ... they were told by command to abort the pursuit! It was a petty charge, just a few traffic warrant's ( I mean ... I been pulled over for a few traffic warrant's, where cop's wouldnt even arrest me on them, because it wasnt enough they thought, told me to scram/ go, and try to get them cleared up ) and the reason they were commanded to abort pursuit, is because of the pedestrian and/ or traffic injury/ fatalities or harm that these type's of pursuit's have resulted in time and again ... they just drop it, and bust the suspect at another stop later is all ... no biggie ... drop it and go to the next call. But no ... these two officer's in particular, didnt want to leave well enough alone and do as they were instructed by the command ... but to chase down this guy Collins, because their adrenaline was pumping, they were being taunted by Collins and pissed, and they were determined to beat the shit out of him, whether their superior's gave them a green light or not. And dont think it dont work like this, it DOES work like this ... and more than you may realize ... I have seen way too much of this in Dallas, as well as Los Angeles! (both town's spread out geographically with mega road's/ freeway's for easy access, unlike more compact northern cities) As a matter of fact ... Chief Brown and crew later found out that up to 22 officer's just followed in later, and all participated in some way to covering this up! This wasnt even reported back to command, wrote up or anything, and in my opinion ... all 22 officer's are involved, whether they participated in the beating or not.

This is where cover up's and evidence tampering come in ... on all the officer's part's, not just the one's using the excessive force. If it wasnt for an anonymous officer slipping a note on a desk at DPD Central South Headquarter's/ Division (which is only block's at that from the beating location) ... you can bet your paycheck ... not a damn thing would have been heard of this. Just the other officer's who arrived later and redirected their dashcam's ... in my opinion should be fired as well, along with criminal charge's as far as falsification of report's, evidence tampering, etc. The 4 to 6 who were involved directly to the excessive force ... were also all rookies with under two year's on the force, and most likely even younger than Mr. Collins, and had no veteran officer's or shift leader's present ... why is that? Much heat at first came down on Chief Brown, for the delay in releasing the tape's ... but Chief Brown was totally in the dark ... he had to talk personally to the suspect just to even get any info at first ... because so many beat officer's just zipped their lip's and wouldnt say or do a damn thing basically. And personally if it was up to me ... I would fire all ya'll ... all 22 of ya'll! There are plenty of folk's that need a goddamn job and qualified applicant's out there for the force ... this is just lousy job performance in every damn category! As far as the FBI investigation as to what was the officer's motive? ... I can save ya'll too alot of time and money on that right here ... the motive and goal of officer's was to give him an ass whippin, because he pissed them off, and they couldnt just chill and drop it as command instructed them to!

Enough said!



  1. Mr Collins is lucky. Up here in the Seattle area the cops shoot first and ask questions later. We've had two suspects killed by police under questionable circumstances. Needless to say the community is not happy about this.

  2. Yes Demeur .... I been hearing also about Seattle's problem's and the shooting's ... and also read about the cop's getting shot in Seattle too, which flare's anger's amongst officer's, but other thing's about Seattle too I gathered, like the Jaywalking case I posted sometime back. Cop's here have shot a few as well ... actually Chief Brown's son who was also a Dallas area police officer, was just killed himself in the line of duty here. My point in these police brutality cases cases that I been posing ... is that in all these cases ... police say they feel threatened, and that's understandable ... but you have thing's like taser's, and pepper spray etc .... that will quickly immobilze very effectively suspect's ... without getting into a wrestling match, or in many cases getting your uniform dirty. Communication's between folk's are not very good at time's either ... the Seattle jaywalking confrontation that I posted for instance could have so easily been talked out. Alot of these cop's in a case like that just simply have bad communication's skill's and dont belong in the area's there assigned frankly.

    Thanx for your voice here Guy ....

  3. Just for reference here, as to comment's from Demeur in Seattle. Here is a case of excessive force in my opinion and just a tad stupidity I posted no long back, that just created an unecessary confrontation in Seattle basically.

  4. Not all people an handle power. I wish there was a test for that.
    Of course cops have the ultimate power. As with human nature, it can go to your head.

  5. Hey Tim!

    I had to redo this response to you, because of the detail's. But my point in these posting's, is because you have other method's to subdue a suspect, taser's, spray's, etc. A few year's back (4/ 5 year's ago) I had worked a Dallas nightclub district doing security (uncommissioned by state and inde) we had several DPD officer's who moonlighted and worked with us, commissioned and inde security officer's, etc. I got to spend time around a couple, and seen what a night on the street's can be like for cop's, we had very busy friday and saturday night's, drunk's, fight's, traffic, car break in's, robbery etc ... I cant give too many detail's because I dont want to incriminate either officer's that I worked around, and WONT( I mean, this one cop I worked with saved my ass from harm's way out there, and watched my back, although he got a tad rough too, and was young, he thought I was too lienient at time's, or a bleeding heart). Sometime's I didnt like what I seen, and it can get a lil rough, the pressure and the taunting by suspect's, etc, then these DPD contract moonlighter's had their day job's too on the department, some of the thing's though I learned working around them .. was how the stress factor was ... I mean ... this town like many other cities has alot of action, okay(?) and the stress just build's, and you get a lil rough at time's. I mean ... the one cop I worked with .. was young, cool, about 30, worked taping off homicide scene's in the day till forensic's and detective's do their thing, he moonlight's at night, and was a former gang member as a teen, and even worked gang unit a few year's. But we would chat some night's about his day job too in homicide scene ... then the gang unit squad stuff, etc ... he had alot of pressure, was young and basically no life beside's work, wife left him with the kid, got the house,etc ... he got on the bottle, etc. It's weird out there on the street ... and like you said, were human. I seen shit I didnt like .. and the cop I worked with in particular ... was like a gangbanger himself actually (attitude)... that's about it though.

    Thanx for your input Tim ....

  6. After though over a couple year's doing this Tim ... I liked the scene and nightlife of course, but when your working alongside with law enforecemnt, it's different than when you were one of the party goer's, and see a different side. I had a couple squabbles myself with out of control folk's on the dope or booze, and had to wrestle some .. I mean ... you have no choice sometime's, but beating anyone ... absolutely not, beside's I had pepper spray too. (man, could I tell some stories of that job ... it was really a trip what we seen some night's) I got to know all the street folk's first of all, so I had good relationship's with the crack head's, homeless, and crack gal's who turned trick's to get their dope, etc. It was the club goer's who got the roughest actually, after a few drink's, alot of fight's between lover's (gay and straight), even had a couple suicide's, hold up's, etc ... you got alot of runner's ... folk's who will flee, and even those who will taunt. I was turning 50 at the time ... and quit ... I was simply getting too old for that type of action ... and burned out on what I seen too, but there was alot of cool folk's too, and cop's, and alot of good night's as well. It's weird trying to explain it, kind of a love/ hate thing I reckon.
