Friday, October 1, 2010

Reem al Numeri : ... A young girl's PLEA ... and her PRICE, for a basic Grade School Education ...

Reem al Numeri

This posting is not to just complain about this, since it is not in my country or part or my religion/ culture ... as much as it is to show a picture of a current reality that so many in our country of both polarizing political side's turn our head's to, because it does not fit into our political correctness to discuss either. But this is the plea and testimony of just one of many young girl's, not just Yemeni girl's, but various countries globally ... that we support and do business with even ... sometime's even praise in some fashion. Of course ... I am grateful as an American that I didnt have to raise my own daughter under these type's of religious law's, I wouldnt want to father daughter's in this type of society, ... and certainly not as a grown man would want to have forced or even voluntary sex with a little child, as many of these men apparently do ... however, like in many countries under these law's ... it is a living, an investment of sort, as some friend's of mine from Morocco have explained to me in detail ... where the little girl's are actually looked at not just as property, but a commodity/ asset of sort to bring in revenue to the familia by selling them off, even significantly younger than this girl. READ HERE And compliment's to CNN.

Child Bride Horrors Last A Lifetime ... Thanx to WRATHOFKHAN

I feel that this is importante to acknowledge so that we have a more clearer understanding of just who our mega offshore investor's/ finance, contractor's, down the line support, and even of the countries that have lobbying power's in some case's, more than the American people do in our own Washington government, and clout with some of America's finest. I have no doubt that I would not do any business with any of these countries, and impose the strictest sanction's as well as far as business is concerned, I frankly wouldnt give a damn how unpopular it was! ... we cant? Bullshit! We can do more than we realize we can do ... if we stood firm, instead of the way we conduct ourselves, like weasel's ... clouding our perspective's/ vision with the pathetic mindset we do. It is incredible as much as we all rant how we love children all over the globe ... that a little girl would have to do this just to learn the basic reading and writing skill's ... even more incredible of the parasitic mindset that ignore's this.

Even more .... the law just to raise the age to 17 was blocked by conservative's in this country, and 100 leading religious cleric's argue that to make an age limit law would be "un-Islamic" and a violation of Islamic Law, which sadly even translate's to at "best" for these girl's ... that even if the government made a law of 17 before they can be sold or traded off ... the fact is ... that they would still be marketed the same way ... just at an older age of 17 ... but still unable to choose who they marry, or if they marry for that matter by their own choice ... and would still have to follow the regulation's to even get not just familia and community support, but just to get any education.

Also I would like to add this bit as far as sanction's and economic's, and as a response to the gentleman Demeur (a blog that I frequent) ... when he asked in his comment posting, what would sanction's do since they are so poverty stricken, have nothing, etc? ... a damn good point ... but also here is a brief read on the Yemeni economic's history and what's going on as a response to this question. First of all when I commented in the above 2nd. paragraph, concerning "lobbying" ... who and why is there any lobbying done on behalf of the Yemeni Government to begin with? For the small investment's in the little free market oil reserve's they do have, that are not to deplete until around 2017? Or perhap's the agriculture that can bring in some business? Strategic defense reason's? And even if the Saudi's have decreased funding to this neighbor ... what in the Hell are we giving "still" billion's to them directly from American tax dollar's as well as extended giveaway's and credit from the World Bank? ... another avenue (World Bank) I'm sure many of our bailout dollar's went to as well. So ... in my opinion ... we can act as long as we keep feeding this government with our goddamn dollar's ... what it is ... is those at the top, are so goddamn cheap that they alway's use their lobbying power's to make sure that the taxpayer's pay for every goddamn thing in these countries, the same goddamn way we are paying for an invasion of Afghanistan so that the major corporate (Chinese Gvmnt owned) miner's of China, can milk their copper, coal, and any other goddamn resource they can ... all at our expense. Your goddamn right we can do "SOMETHING" ... it's that no one want's to. My question and proposal to the Yemeni Gvmnt would be frank and simple ... "Do you enjoy the goddamn paycheck's and support we give you? ... Then lighten the fuck up! ... or I'll toss you to the fucken dog's like the Saudi's did!"



  1. It's the same in many countries RC. Corporations merely use these nations for whatever resources they have. Most of their leaders are corrupt. Yemen unfortunately doesn't have much to begin with. The U.S. uses it was a filling station for it's ships. The Saudis to their north treat the country like a red headed step child. When you have nothing what would sanctions do? Corporations just move their assets to the next third world country. Sad but true.

  2. Demeur: A damn good point you brought up ... and that question was inspiration to add a paragraph to take a look at that and answer your question, since that would be something that would make folk's ask similar, and feel like "What in Hell can we do?".

    Thanx Guy ....

  3. This is an interesting post and of course I think what is happening to these young girls is absolutely outrageous. But do I have an answer? I only wish.

  4. As the song says....The world is a bad place, a terrible place to live..
    aww but I don't want to die....

    These people are barbaric. It's always the females and kids that suffer the most. We send money and aid... it doesn't reach the people.
    I wish I had the answer..I hate bully's and my first response to get em. I know that can't be though.

  5. Leslie(TNlib) .... Thank You for your comment here, I realize how hopeless folk's feel on this, and also all the problem's of our own we have in our own country. I just feel awareness is importante, and it sure is getting atencion, and especially pressure, I realize it's not "our" society, however, we alway's give everything to many of these countries, and indirectly support it. You cant boycott the gas you put in your car, cause it's world, and you dont know where it all came from, but awareness and pressure, especially on those in Washington. Ayaan Hirsi Ali know's the score well, and is one of those die hard advocate's of exposing and fighting this. Read her book "Infidel" ... great book! Another thing ... some of these folk's like to bring this type cultural practice to the west as well ... or offshoot's of it, look at what has happened in some of the European countries, and wanting community council's of similar Sharia law that are exempt from the law's of the actual country they live in, based on equality of belief's, religion, and right's ... where Euro women can be raped ... just because they dress like what to these guy's call "whore's", so they are out to attack women all over the globe, or at least to make women conform, and get "into their place". I'll shut up now, thank you again Leslie, take care.

  6. Good Afternoon Tim!

    The world brother is what we choose to make it ... we create our reality ... as a whole .. the human species is far less barbaric than it was in it's history, just several hundred year's ago ... cannibalism was still common, even conquering an enemy then feasting off their flesh, and of course raping and killing little girl's and eating them as well after. But the species evolve's and for the most part, most dont want to live this way any longer .. folk's want something different is all .. and they will achieve it ... but you cant when you support the enemy of the species, the majority of muslim people even hate this, it has hurt them the most. This sort of support we give run's over rampant today, even in our country with some hardcore christian sect's, who we let get away with more and more, that it even hurt's the majority of God fearing people ... and not just these countries that have religion's that rule, but the communist's such as the Chinese have a terrible track record ... and they arent even religious at all ... but the inhumane atrocties show's clearly that you dont even need a religion or culture, but only an iron fist, yet try to go into any large scale market and try to find product's tht are not made in China ... who is allowed to buy our real estate at discount price's as well?, who sell's out what we most value? And why? I have wrote so much about this throughout this journal, and will continue to, and many more will as well. I simply dont like doing any business with folk's I know I dont have to is all.
