Friday, January 14, 2011


This posting is to address some change's that will be made to this journal. And this posting is also to any reader who may have commented as well, and been sincere about their comment's and taking time to place them here, to explain to them as well this change, and also Thanx to those as well for their comment's. I dont "like" at all using comment moderation's, or like any censoring, I never had much of a life of that, but I have not too much choice here online unfortunately. I wont use any of the service to do it (only if necessary and/ or recommended, so I'll avoid as much of this as possible), instead just randomly, and/ or as specified, as I posted in my profile change's as well. Some other slight modification's will be also made to this journal that were advised and recommended from an outside source as well, as of today, although this source/ advice has nothing to do with topic's chose for this journal and/ or any opinion's in this journal, nothing more than some advice where needed is all. Any change and/ or modification's will be updated, posted, with supporting link's if necessary so that whoever read's this, since it is in a public forum, will be informed and not in question to any of it, basically for the reader's convenience.

Part of what inspired this change such as in comment's ... was in a couple posting's back for instance ... of an "anonymous" person, who simply will comment to try to engage me in argueing or whatever, knowing that of course, I cant see them or confront them face to face, that I cant do much of nothing ... which is true, I mean ... they "hide" and do this. Nor am I very computer savvy or have time to play around, and it's pointless to just get angry at them ... I mean ... you have a fictional anonymous voice in hiding. But this anon character has also been commenting as the same person assuming different personality trait's I have noticed over time on other blog's that I visit ... also in my case for instance ... using word's or phrases that has became kind of a trademark to my writing and talking (choice of word's, punctuation's, etc)... I would assume to make the blogger suspect that I may be this "anon character" leaving these comment's even. They also show up in different personalities as well, a mix sometime's of various, I would assume depending on what blog they visit and the writer of that blog, they want to cater to. But NO ... frankly I never even commented or even used the "anon comment response" on any blog ... that's just not me, nor ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh :) ... would I even know how to do it so far, I never tried. Frankly, I'm not even as well educated as this anon, far from it at that, I have noticed that they are very well educated, far from any person like myself that came up from the street's and/ or with limited formal education, but they also mispell word's "purposely" as well. :) But I am basically what you see here ... and would never be an anonymous and/ or pose in some fictional character sense ... if I cant say what I have to say without hiding in other word's, whether it's here or on another site, I might as well just not even say anything as far as I'm concerned, that's just me, and those who know me, know how I am as well. Also this is not targeted at those ligit people/ blogger's, that do not use their identity or name's on their blog's, I understand on their blog's of wanting to be anonymous as far as their name, location, etc, but this what I'm talking about is different. What you see in my profile is NOT fictional, that is me also in the photo with one of my daughter's, and/ or any other thing I post. Also I have reason to believe that this anon is also creating fictional blog's of people that dont even exist as well ... they certainly must invest alot of time in these prank's, endeavor's, project's, I would figure also.

Another reason for deletion of comment's is because some previous posting's for instance that left comment's like Chinese lettering, when you click on one of the letter's ... a nude Asian girl appeared in some ad, or similar sex ad's ... I assume to sell some kind of sexual service. Or those who tell me in a comment that they have been following my blog and like what they been reading or whatever ... I go to their link and click ... and it's to sell me product's ... different thing's from piano/ guitar lesson's (I could use actually :) ) ... to musical instrument's, plumbing service's to auto part's, etc. :) You have so much going in this cyberspace or blogging arena I learned over almost 3 year's now ... just picking up tidbit's here and there. I mean ... whatever a person is into ... that's their business ... but no ... none of this is what I am into or wish to play in, any more than all the email I get from political group's, or all those who tell me I won something, I have also been sent a number of email's saying that I won lotteries too. No ... I dont even open none of this stuff (advice from my daughter, the first day I got my first computer) ... I discard them as well. Or these gal's that want to meet you for a dating service ... I mean ... I never used this kind of service in my life for dating, but I'm not against it, to each their own, it's not me. Beside's, you can just go to a social club if your date hunting, and have the real thing for that matter, or whatever other way you wish. I bought this computer 3 year's ago April ( on my 3rd monitor already ) ... before that ... I never cared to even use a computer frankly ... beside's going to the neighborhood library to Google some info or whatever. And those folk's that I see daily here around town, the neighborhood, friend's/ familia, that may drop by, but dont leave comment's, dont even blog themselves, but read a posting of mine time to time for a tip or whatever.

As far as the posting's that I have deleted in this journal ... well ... one day I visited the "edit post's" page ... seen there was well over 700 or so, didnt realize I wrote this much stuff ... went down the line ... and clicked well over 200 of them just browsing at the title's ... and deleted them randomly. Of course comment's went in the trash bin with them too, but it wasnt to delete folk's comment's in that case, but just because I had too much, and it just seemed to be a clutter of posting's ... kind of like cleaning house or something. For all I know, some of them posting's may have had some worthwhile point's ... but I'm not really a writer, so they didnt matter that much, beside's ... I can just write something else. So this is why I just tossed out posting's from old or whatever. It isnt that I lack commitment to this journal either ... it's commitment that this journal isnt just oversaturated too. Many posting's also I deleted because I had link's in them, that vanished from other site's and/ or video's that the whole posting's story was based on, which is another issue on here, cause how some video's and article's/ link's get dropped here and there, leaving the posting incomplete and obsolete without the link's. I will continue for instance to point out political scam's and so forth, but I had way too much politic's in here, as well as religious stuff, so to focus on cutting down on that some too. My belief's dont matter, since they will do no one else a bit of benefit. But yes ... space to/ for/ on organized religion's and politic's will also be limited more than they have been ... but again ... this is only because they have cluttered this journal too much.

I sure as Hell am not innocent of even making bold statement's on other people's blog's when I commented, I have used even language that wasnt fitting on some folk's blog's that I commented on, of course using my real identity though, which I should also refrain from doing out of respect to them blogger's and/ or their site's, or not even comment myself. So if one were to delete my comment's in these cases ... it's understandable. Like I said ... all this computer stuff and dealing with folk's online has been a new experience to me, I have been such an "in person" type guy my whole life ... so I still am in training in a sense. My comment responses in this journal as well as other blog's I have commented on were also way too lengthy, which I already known, but didnt have writing experience as far as making the point in fewer word's, but this was recommended to me, to consider changing as well, so I'll have to improve that too.

But that's about it ... just to point out some change's in this journal ... and also point out that these fictional character's, anon's, advertisement's, dating service's, or whatever else isnt really sincere as far as comment's ... I'm not going to spend much time on, debate with, or even keep posted.


  1. Unfortunately there are people who will abuse the internet and harass others or carry out scams. Nobody is under any obligation to tolerate that.

    I would assume to make the blogger suspect that I may be this "anon character" leaving these comment's even.

    There are people who will do that, too. This is one of the reasons I always log on to comment now, which I formerly didn't -- people can tell whether it's me or not. A nut once wrote a comment on her own blog and tried to make it look like it was from me.

    Also I have reason to believe that this anon is also creating fictional blog's of people that dont even exist as well ...

    Interesting -- do you think it's anything to do with that mass exposé of fake blogs Shaw and Pamela did back in September?

    And always remember: Controlling what comments get posted on your own blog is not censorship. The First Amendment gives Anon the right to put a bumper sticker of his choice on his car. It doesn't give him the right to put that same bumper sticker on your car -- not unless you choose to let him.

  2. RC To bad people have to do spam you. I've gotten 30 spam a day. Luckily I never really see them. They just collect and go away. Once in a while one will slip through I tell the program I have it's spam and bingo gone. I've also had negative comments and trolls looking for a fight. I get rid of them pretty easy to. I've also posted a little disclaimer basically saying it's my blog and if you don't like it go some where else. In just over a year almost 2000 comments have not made it to me. Actually the last couple of days I've not really posted. I was getting to many per day. I think it was almost 500 per day. Geeez it was like work or So I'm scalling back too. You did the right thing I think.

  3. i think comment moderation is the way to go in your case. hope i'm not on your list =]

  4. The oriental girlie comments are spam.

    I hate moderation with a passion, mainly because it's a royal pain in the gazebo. Instead, I always go to my Dashboard first, click on the Comments tab and then quickly review them. Any that are spam I mark as such; any I simply don't want I delete. It takes very little time. And then I click on View Blog.

    The spam thingy isn't perfect but it helps.

  5. nice blog... have a view of my blog when free.. .. do leave me some comment / guide if can.. if interested can follow my blog...

  6. Howdy Tim!

    I havent actually had too much of this "spam" I reckon as far as comment's, beside's those that I mentioned here, alot of this spam stuff come's to my email, I just toss it, I won another lottery yesterday too, I never been so wealthy in my life as I have been online. :) There's even a conservative news link that send's me probably 3 per day, where they got the idea to send me of all people stuff ... I havent a clue, I dont comment on conservative site's I read, because I know if they come to my site, they wont be pleased with it, in many cases probably. The anon stuff and fictional character's, blog's etc ... I reckon alot of it is in fun, and it's also easy to try to engage in conflct with me here, cause I cant really engage, but just get angry, blow off steam, etc ... so it's pointless, if this was a person in front of me face to face instead of hiding, you can bet I would have a much different approach and/ or response, let's just say.

    Thanx for stopping by Bro ... I have been even reading your post's that I didnt leave comment's on too.

  7. Buenos Dias Winsomedove!

    List? ... I dont have a "list", I will not base any of this purely on speculation no matter what I think or feel, it would also be unfair. All I'm saying is that these folk's that have these thing's their into, and looking for some fun or whatever they like doing ... it's fine by me, to each their own ... I will avoid this though. I'm going to be straight myself, that's just how I do business, whether it's on the street's or in this community. I will answer anyone as straight as I can put it, maybe not the best choice of word's, but it come's from the heart. If something is too personal to talk about, I will tell them straight up ... "I dont discuss that, it's personal, etc" I will try not to waste folk's time in other word's, or leave them in question. Alot of folk's know me in real life such as here in Dallas ... they know what to expect and know I'm straight up, Hell ... with all the shit I seen in life and those I dealt with, frankly if I wasnt, I would already be dead, plain and simple. It's just good balanced business too. Some of those who play game's may simply havent lived a life such as I, so they wouldnt even understand that, or have maybe really never been in harm's way or danger, on the wrong side of a bad deal that went down, unlawfully imprisoned/ detained, etc, etc ... there are certain guideline's and rule's one learn's in life from their enviroment's is all. So our upbringing's and enviroment's, experience's, has alot to do with how we deal in life. I have met and dealt with many folk's.

    Thanx for your word's here Winsomedove ....

  8. You're STILL F O S.

    And you are a ignoramous to boot.

    You fucked up calling my comment stupid.

    That was NOT nice.

    Have a nice day asshole.

  9. Just more mealy mouth bullshit.

  10. Good Morning Leslie (TNlib)!

    Oh ... so your hip (keen) to the girlie ad's too. I reckon none of us are ammuned to them, heh? Dont get me wrong, I love gal's, adult entertainment or whatever like many other fella's, it's just that there's a time and place ... when I'm in a serious mode talking/ writing business, like economic's or thing's that are essential to survival, I'm not thinking much about that kind of entertainment is all.

    Thanx for the tip on looking at the comment's list, I just picked up on that the other day, when just messing around to see what that link is about, and found a new anon or fictional website had commented again, this one was most likely the same person, but wanted to be friend's, and chat, and sent me link's to 3 website's I reckon their into, which was gay men site's, of course I didnt even look at them, but just deleted it, even if they were ligit, my site is not to cater to dating service's whether their straight gay or any other, nor do I want those sincere commentor's such as yourself and other's to accidentally click on one of them site's off my comment's list and something negative happen to ya'll or your computer, so I will block those off for everyone.

    I know alot of ya'll with more experience online Leslie are a Hell of alot more hip/ keen to this stuff than I. I read several blog's that had these thing's like they call "troll's" or this or that, some of it was almost confusing to read, since alot of these folk's obviously put a Hell of alot of time and effort onto doing this, I reckon a sort a cheap entertainment if anything, or just maybe their miserable for one reason or another, or looking for sex/ date's, etc, etc .. the list is endless.

    But Thank You for your insight also Leslie, Take Care ....

  11. Greeting's Mr.Lonely!

    Well ... you couldnt be too lonely with the amount of visitor's in your profile page. Thanx for the "nice blog" comment ... it's a "basic" blog too. I will look into your's too.

    Thank you for your word's here ....

  12. Hey stupid Anonymous,

    Do you have any idea how stupid you look stupidly leaving stupid comments on Ranch Chimp's blog because youre all hurt that he rightly called you stupid?

  13. Greeting's Gaarg!

    Thanx for your visit here, and your input.

  14. Thanx Infodel for sharing your post and input, sorry this ting spammed your comment at first ... Why? I havent the faintest, but I just wanted to make sure it's posted. As far as the mass fake blog's though at them site's of Shaw and Pamela ... I dont really know much of nothig about this, although I seen posting's here and there. I just wanted to make this posting to just state the change's, so there is no question. Interesting point you made about about being under no obligation to tolerate certain stuff though, which is true. But no ... when I started this almost 3 year's ago Guy .... the last thing I ever wanted to do, was to enforce anything like this, so it was an unfortunate decision that I had to make. I just never lived in a life of these issue's and some of these folk's, and didnt know much about this online stuff. Even though I am sure some of it is entertaining to some, kind of like in a "Jerry Springer Show" sense(actually 20 year's ago, he had a great show before them marital, cheating battle's he does in recent year's, lot's of great content at a time), and I can appreciate entertainment, but that's just not my type I reckon.

    Thanx Guy ....
