Sunday, February 13, 2011

JOHN GOTTI , JR.: ... "Just an American Dad" ... A look at INTEGRITY and FAMILIA VALUE'S ...

This posting will be to look at just another American Dad (Father) ... but also to honour this man for his strength and especially integrity. And the reason to post this, is to get a look at the face of sincerity when it come's to these thing's. It is popular culture to look at so many in today's society as folk's of honesty, integrity. We have so many at the top in our society that we praise, the model image of what we see as people of strength, integrity, value's, etc. Yet many of those high in our society and admired really dont seem to have much value for folk's familia's at that, lack strength, integrity, and even some of the biggest well known CEO's act more like welfare recipient's, who need a crutch at all time's. And this posting WILL NOT be about this so called "organized crime" rubbish ... if you want to see true organized crime ... just look to Washington and Wall St.

You may hear everything else about this man or his father through various source's as far as illicit activities or what have you ... but not much about just being an all American Dad ... and to be honest ... if a man like Mr. Gotti were to run for a political office ... I would be quicker to vote for him than most of these that are hand picked for us to vote for by those who run our mainstream society. This is a man who no matter what ... even behind bar's incarcerated ... seen to it, that he had a parent teacher conference with his children's teacher's weekly for instance. Some may just view these type interview's for entertainment value, or to create fictional idea's in their mind's of some folk's that lived this life, some even regard them as criminal, like the man's father even. But what we fail to see in most cases ... is the "true" criminal's that permeate our society, the same one's that run a great portion of our society, who we praise ... and are mostly weak and worthless without a shred of integrity whatsoever. This man has took his fall's as a man, came up from a street code of conduct ... and able to still stand strong.

Enough said ....

60 Minutes Presents: Gotti, Part 1 ... Thanx to CBS NEWS ... (click on for parts 2 & 3 after)



  1. ...if a man like Mr. Gotti were to run for a political office ... I would be quicker to vote for him than most of these that are hand picked for us to vote for by these who run our mainstream society.

    LOL!!! The only difference between Gotti and your average politicians is the latter has a public relations group covering their ass.

  2. I hear ya Bum ... as far as the humor end, I just admire the Guy, and was lucky enough to catch a "60 Minutes " interview.

    Thanx for your word's here Bum ...

  3. Another thing I wanted to add here Bum ... for many politician's "lying" is 2nd nature, they do it so much to the point, that they dont even know themselves when their telling the truth actually ... and you can see it in them. This man may not say certain thing's, instead of filling someone with a bunch of crap, but I would bet my paycheck he is more "honest" than most of those I talked about. And you cant blame this guy for "not talking" on certain thing's and having an attorney present, this Guy is trying to do something constructive, and simply want's to be a decent father and husband ... so he had some knock's in his younger year's, the point is ... this Guy cant scratch his own ball's without some fed trying to make a bloody case against him. They (agent's) become obsessed with this Guy, and trying to create him into what "they want", Hell ... they make a living doing that! They wouldnt publish his "children's" book, because they wanted other stories from him instead, that they could make a buck off of ... we live in such a bullshit society Guy.

  4. Just an American Dad !!! I like the label "american" :-)

  5. Thanx Prash, and since you are new here, let me give you a lil bit of history, and I know first hand on this.

    Many of these folk's that are labeled as "organized criminal's" are actually part of the bedrock foundation of this great democracy and "true" fee market. They called people like Alfonse Capone a "criminal", my mom who met him told me different, many old timer's told me of his charity to the poor before there was ever government social assistance in this nation. He ran "speakeasy's" (niteclub's) of that era, and was into alcohol/ spirit's distribution, of course alcohol was "evil" then and illegal, then they made alcohol "good" and legal, and bought out folk's like him and commercialized the industries. Take Las Vegas for instance ... a GI military stop in the middle of a bloody desert, they started the original casino industry, when I lived in Vegas in the early 60's (my dad worked the casino's) it was mostly private industry, created by so called East Coast Gangster's, then as usual, the corporation's came in and bought everyone out and built their playground. I call many of these folk's the bedrock, because it is them who took the chance's, put up the money, had that entrepreneurial spirit, innovative idea's, business savvy, creative, even in all art's/ entertainment, hospitality, etc. Many were immigrant's or from familia's of immigrant's, who had no protection here, law enforcement used to shake them down and basically rob them, all even up into politic's would shaft them, use them, and capitalize off them, just like they do today to Mexicano/ Latin American immigrant's ... they do the same thing to them now. Crook's, gangster's, criminal's? BULLSHIT!! These folk's are and were the foundation for so much in this great nation, and YES they created alot of job's and business. And they alway's pin "tax evasion" on them ... our political people evade more taxes than them, and the corporate icon's. And what I'm telling you here is true Guy. And many of them could run this country better than the incompetence we have now.
