Friday, October 28, 2011

SGT. STACY PEARSALL: (Retired U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt.) ... "Portrait of the Elite in Portrait" (Veteran's Spotlight PT. 14)

This PT. 14 of "Veteran's Spotlight" is past due, since I known of Sgt. Stacy Pearsall and her work, accomplishment's, etc for about a year now. When PBS aired a special last night on her, I was all over it like a cheap suit, but also wanted to include a past video off YouTube that I had previously viewed as well. Her photography has played a healing psychological role, as well as giving us all a portrait of those few, proud, and elite ... after all, this is what gives us all a portrait/ picture of the work and heroes straight from the trenches of our military in combat as well as the numerous other duties they engage in. The title was partly inspired because we are alwayz more than ever ... categorizing and labeling folk's as "elite", who are not even elite at all ... it's incredible! Sgt. Pearson is a warrior/ hero, photographer, mentor, counselor, athlete, businesswoman, etc ... put it this way ... busy as they come too! : )

Below is some link and video ... also I would like to give big credit here to her partner/ husband Andy (also career retired U.S. Air Force) who has really gave her alot of support, sharing, and just being a great small business partner! And Thank You both for ya'll's service to our country and all those abroad that you have touched personally, as well as with your photography!

***** THE NEW YORK TIMES: Stacy L. Pearsall's Photos From Iraq ....

***** zPhotoJournal/ Jim Colton: Stacy Pearsall: Paying It Forward ... (interview/ read)

PBSNEWSHOUR : Combat Veteran captures impact of war one picture at a time ...

PROFILE: Staff Sgt. Stacy Pearsall,U.S. Air Force ... Thanx to REALWARRIORSCAMPAIGN



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