Friday, January 20, 2012

REFORM & CHANGE IN WASHINGTON ... Some Morning Breakfast for THOUGHT (PT.1) ... : )

***** I have touched on this here and there in other posting's, but let me make it simple here in one post by itself and short below *****

Not ALL, but a significant portion of our Representation in Washington "truly" dont want much "Change" or "Reform" ... Why? Because it IS NOT human nature. I mean ... There is no incentive ... they have to be "forced" by the people ... just call it something like "laying down the law ...". Think about it a moment ... If you had a paycheck of say a couple hundred thousand dollars a year, the best health insurance money can buy (tax money at that), great retirement benefits, free luncheons/ dinners at fine eateries (tax write- off expense), a month or two off for major Holidayz such as Christmas/ New Years, luxury car rental reimbursements, recreation and health workout facilities, and additional financial support in the 100's of thousands to a million+ dollars or so annually, no term limit, you write and pass all the laws, cocked and locked for life, etc, etc ... Why would you possibly want much of anything to "change"? Why would you even want "reform"? Why would you want to get out of gridlock, or a 2- party system, especially when it stalls everything and guarantees you an opponent next election that you can blame everything on?



  1. Damn straight, that's why for any reform to happen it generally requires a pissed off mob surrounding the king's palace, presidential residence, or corporate headquarters.

    It also helps when the Elites are worried the pissed off mob might break in and separate their bodies from their heads in some fashion whether metaphorically or in actuality.

  2. A mob with guns, in other words, a bunch of Texan's.

  3. Being forced by the people can work, though. They were set to pass SOPA before this week's protests, and now they've all backed away from it like it was a dead skunk.

  4. Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh : ) ... I hear ya Bum. The most incredible thing to me in all of this Guy, and as I have addressed in past posting's ... is the fact that most American's dont do anything, dont even bother to utilize the right's and tool's that they do have.

    Thanx for your voice here Bum ....

  5. Texan's Billy as "mob's with gun's"? ... that's a pop- stereotype view actually of Texas and Texan's, statistically I'm sure you can find that there are plenty of gun's all around the country and no angrier mob's here than you could find anywhere's else.

    Thanx for your input Billy ....

  6. Absolutely Infodell ... that's what folk's are missing, at least if anything it was stalled and put on the back burner immediately, which is a plus ... and it only took 7 million signature's or so at that! That was one of several petition's that I had signed too, even though I dont know all the detail's and how thing's work as well as other's on this issue, but it did make me think about a slippery slope possibility too.

    Thank You for your comment here Infodell ....
