Friday, February 10, 2012

PIGFACE: "The Horse You Rode In On", "Mind Your Own Business", "The Good, The Bad and The Druggly", & "KY Re: Amin (Live)"

Pigface InterView: This Ain't No Easy Listening - ReGen Magazine

This induction into the "RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY" will be to honour the group "PIGFACE" . This is a group that isnt really a specific line- up of steady/ fixed member's/ artist's ... kind of a project of sort in a way, this is hard for me to explain, so I will let the Wikipedia link above do that for me. Bottom line though, it was kind of a musician invite thing from Al Jourgensen's early day tour of the Ministry , this music group assembly had so many musician's play in it over the last 20 year's, several I met and know myself that have contributed to this project, so the sound of the group may not have any real trademark label or style for that matter, called by this Wiki link simply a industrial rock group, to make it simple.

I attended their debut record release gig in Dallas when they first started, I wasnt sure where this group was going or even if they would make it past what is known to many new group's as the "6 month syndrome" and continue for any length of time. As far as industrial and post modern industrial, alternative, electronika ... they brought in alot of the cream of the crop over the year's, legendary figure's/ composer's as far as the circle's of these type genre's. My first thought's at their debut as I told a few musician's I attended with, that there could be a clash of interest's, ego's, composition's, etc ... who lead's this? what direction is it going? ... will it be too homogenized, overorchestrated, overproduced, etc, because also of having so many musician's (up to a dozen or so at a time) trying to highlight their individual worx, and various project's? So I attended with much anticipation to see how this would pull off on their first tour, knowing it would require some conformity to some theme and working together, which can be difficult sometime's, beside's just a one time jamm gig where a group of highlighted artist's get together as a super group play a few tune's/ 45 minute set's, tour up a dozen cities and call it quit's and just let it go, and back to their initial project's.

But alot of these musician's had a thing in common as well ... being that they all seem to have drawn inspiration from each other's project's, and even many were invited in that worked the old school WaxTrax label and associated production's, and Al Jougensen as I pointed out in previous posting's also inspired so many of these new idea's and brought together alot of folk's to where it seemed like familia in this industry ... a small independent type network, but catered to a genre that was lacking in mainstream label's at the time as well ... but in definite growing demand. But for this to last for 20 year's ... nope ... I didnt expect it. But even with a clash of ego's and a revolving type door, it worx well as this type project and they manage to give a great selection of piece's they created. I chose 4 of many favourite's that I have been over for month's on and off, to try to compile as well some of their more recent worx ... so enough from me, cause I can rattle on about these folk's till the goddamn cow's come home ... Enjoy!

The Horse You Rode In On (Unedited) ... Thanx to PIGFACE- TOPIC

Mind Your Own Business ... Thanx to THEREALAEXION

The Good, The Bad and The Druggly ... Thanx to giovanna-sf

KY Re: Amin (Live) ... Thanx to THEPIGINTHEFACE


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