Tuesday, May 23, 2017

SHERIFF JEFFREY MANN: When one DICK DICKFLASHES another DICK ... Looking for LOVE in All the WRONG PLACES ... The "Flash Crash" Edition ... (SEXPLOITATION NATION PT.35)

 Image result for SHERIFF JEFFREY MANN ranch chimp journal   Image result for SHERIFF JEFFREY MANN: When one DICK DICKFLASHES another DICK

Sheriff Jeffrey Mann

Part 35 of the "Sexploitation Nation" series of this journal is to review the unusual but funny case of DeKalb County Sheriff Jeffrey Mann, who was arrested after exposing himself/ dickflashing another cop/ dick (dick was a term used years back for cop or detective), which I couldnt help to laugh trying to picture it going down in my head {:-) heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Sheriff Mann is now charged with 2 misdemeanors of not only indecent exposure, but also obstruction for running from the officer he allegedly exposed himself to in Atlanta's Piedmont Park one recent evening. Anyone familiar with Piedmont Park knows that it's also known for being a "cruise" at night for gay guyz picking up on other gay guyz while taking a late night stroll ... years back in the 70's and 80's there was alot of cool bands, musicians and pot smoke- ins that I remember too. But the public criticism of Sheriff Mann has been harsh, and he has my sympathy ... I mean, the Sheriff didnt really hurt anyone, so stop being such pussies about it. We live in a semi- puritanical country, that gets their panties in a bind over every little nonsensical sex thing, blowing it out of proportion. This is not to say that Sheriff Mann is guilty of these allegations/ charges ... but just to say ... if he did do it, he was simply looking for love in the wrong places. Below some newsread/ video linked, and to close out the posting I wanted to dedicate that old classic song from Texas' own Johnny Lee to Sheriff Mann in humour ... which I thought of since the lyrics of the song were perfect for this story. Best of luck to you Sheriff.

***** WSB- TV2/ ATLANTA: JEFFREY MANN: DeKalb sheriff ran after being caught in Piedmont Park for indecent acts, police say ... (newsread/ video)

looking for love in all the wrong places with lyrics ... Thanx to GINETTE MSUYA


Image result for indecent exposure humor




Image result for SHERIFF JEFFREY MANN ranch chimp journal



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)



  1. dick was a term used years back for cop or detective

    So this Mann is a dick?

    blowing it out of proportion

    That may have been what this dick, Mann, was hoping the other dick would do to his dick.

    I agree with you that it's re-dick-ulous to arrest or prosecute him for such a thing. In fact, it sucks.

    Thanks for bringing this story of the gay dick Mann to the blogosphere.

  2. Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) ... yeah Infidel ... it's a challenge for the dicks it seems {:-) ... I just couldnt resist doing a posting on this, since I was laughing while reading the news just trying to picture how this went down ... Thanx for your input here.
