Friday, June 29, 2018

ALEXANDRIA OCASIO- CORTEZ | PT.1 2018: Breaking the SILENCE ... PRIORITIES of The MAJORITIES ... The "Platform Reform" Edition ... (AGGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE PT.2)

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This posting will serve as Part 2 of the "Aggressive Progressive" series of this blog/ journal. This will take a look at the progressive candidate, Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez, who won against Congressman Joe Crowley (NYC 14th congressional district/ Bronx & Queens). This has been all over every mainstream news, I think Alex has been too busy just trying to keep up with all the appearances on so many shows, she's like a celebrity all of the sudden. Even folks like Hannity/ FOX News, been all over her ... painting her as a radical scary person (Esquire), heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-). The reason why she is so radical and scary oddly, is because she is supporting what a majority of the American people want, not just her district, and of course, it is frightening to imagine life without corporations, establishment politicians, big pharma and banks NOT dictating our politics and how to live our lives, and spend our dollars, I guess {:-) They say, both the left and right establishment, that we should be frightened of folks that have radical ideas like, securing our social security, making affordable healthcare for all, and take some of the burden off our county hospitals and tax dollars. It's a scary idea, to invest in affordable housing for our poor and working class, which is the highest consumer demand in housing ... all of who are consumers and feed this economy. It's scary to have criminal justice reform, so that minor offenders of petty drug possession laws and such, are not locked up for years, so that the Wall Street prison investment circles can't milk our local state governments for millions in taxes. It's scary, to have someone that supports our rights as consumers to be able to have a "real free market", and to be able to shop and negotiate true market competition on our prescription drug costs. It's scary for America, to once again, bring back and extend public education, which made this country's middle class explode with good jobs, good production/ manufacturing, economies and education for a majority years back ... which contributed to making our country great. It's scary not to allow Wall Street to gamble all our retirement money away. It's scary to support the rights of all citizens of our country, including women, LGBT, and seniors. It's scary to imagine trying to clean up our environment and advance to cleaner energy infrastructure, and to repair our public utilities. It's scary for our politicians to not accept money and be bribed by billionaire entities, and continue to keep our political cesspool doing business as usual. It's scary to create good fair paying federal jobs, over some of the crummy jobs, hours and wages that are being created by some in the private sector, with no labour rights, unpaid overtime, and work for free internships, etc. So you can see why we should be frightened of what Alexandria stands for, as well as a majority of Americans.

Much credit to all those people in north Queens and east Bronx (NYC), especially the first time young voters that came out in support ... doing this not only supports your communities, but supports the majority of our country, and the spirit of democracy. Others may think, this is only one member of congress, and not to get too excited. Once again let me point out ... that what makes this importante, is because these folks went against the grain of the establishment and succeeded ... without the support of major corporations and billion dollar entities. We are programmed to believe that without billions of dollars to fight for us, that we are nothing, or without kissing the asses of these entities of wealth 24/ 7/ 365, we cant achieve anything. Congressman Joe Crowley's campaign spent over $3 million dollars in campaign costs, Alexandria's spent $300,000 .... who ran a better budget, and more efficiently? No disrespect meant to Congressman Crowley either, but who done best at connecting with the peoples needs? I read that Crowley was not just a top democratic leader, but also done some good on other things over his 20 years too. The question will be, will the Democratic Party accept people like Alex? I see Alex and other Justice Democrats, Brand New Congress, even Senator Bernie Sanders, as a sort of blessing in disguise for their party. The only thing I see in the Democrat Party is, pointing out how they are better than Republicans ... duuuhh {:-) which is not hard to see or be ... Trump and republicans do a great job at showing their colours ... or pushing to impeach President Trump, besides recently being able to try to get some justice for immigration. As far as actually addressing the so many issues that most Americans are talking about, and their concerns ... not much has been done. I mean, that has to be up to the establishment of the Democratic Party ... the progressives are already holding out the olive branch. They can of course, toss them to the side, like in the past, and call them kids that live in their parents basement, hippie types, pot smokers, losers, or whatever other names ... but understand, that this is a growing force and resistance to the establishment way of doing things. Whether the Democratic Party realizes it or not ... it is best to welcome these people and their ideas, many are the future of our country, our kids and grandkids ... listen to them for a change, these people are your constituents as well, not just the corporations/ banks. Be grateful that they're at least reaching out, and trying to deal with you ... as this force and resistance grows, their patience may run out, and they may eventually start a party of their own, that will gain momentum and strength ... in time.

I linked a recent mainstream news piece from CNN below, to be current ... because MSM is so excited, as if they havent seen this amount of honesty in years, you know ... gives them something to really get pumped up over, and it gives great free positive publicity to the Democratic Party. I think the Democratic Party can learn a thing or two, by hearing out these folks, and perhaps, make some reform in their platform as well. It is healthy as democrats to discuss these things and break the silence ... be open, and folks will listen. But below that, I put a video in, that is more intimate, in a laid back atmosphere, of Alex with Glenn Greenwald for The Intercept, that was 2 weeks prior to the election, before all the spotlights and celebritydom corporate media got a hold of it. Whether you think she is scary, radical, or in support of what she stands for ... she sums up very well, what the people in our communities are concerned about, and how to stand up and challenge it ... just give her a listen. Thank You to Alex, and the best to her running in this 2018 election. And have a good 4th of July Holiday!

Word Out ....

***** CNN: Ocasio- Cortez's victory signals the power of a big vision (opinion) ... (newsread/ video)

Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez Talks to Glenn Greenwald About the Democratic Party and 2018 Midterms ... Thanx to The Intercept




Image result for alexandria ocasio-cortez website



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. The question will be, will the Democratic Party accept people like Alex?

    The Democratic party largely is people like Alex. The leadership is kind of playing catch-up with what's happening.

    It's going to be a challenge for them to embrace the range of ideas we need and rally people to support the party. In some districts, people like Ocasio-Cortez can not only win but inspire a big boost in turnout. I have a feeling we'll be hearing quite a bit about her in the years to come. In other places -- well, in West Virginia Joe Manchin is probably the best candidate who could actually win. It's a huge and diverse country and the party needs to reflect that.

    It helps that Crowley endorsed her so whole-heartedly. That's a good sign.

  2. Infidel: I would like to see some more diversity in the Congress this year, if anywheres, just all around problems out of the republican majority there (look at the kind of things they are pushing), not concerned about Trump, as I am about them. Thank You for your input.
