Monday, June 4, 2018

ALISON HARTSON 4 U.S. SENATE 2018: Making American Politics GREAT ... & Not Just on THE TAKE ... The "Refuge from Sewage" Edition ... (AGGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE PT.1)

**** Hartson for California


Alison Hartson Will Fight for Medicare for All ... Alison Hartson for California

This will be Part 1 of a new series for this journal called "Aggressive Progressive". This series will highlight those progressives who run for office and/ or refuse to be bought, as well as other progressives, past and present ... that stand with strength against this vile political disease that has grown out of proportion in our country. This first part of this series will highlight Alison Hartson, California Justice Democrat for the U.S. Senate ... above, a short intro video to open. Today in America, we have evolved politically into 2 right wing parties ... I think they call these corporatized Democrats today, for example ... "moderate republicans", "conservative democrats", "left center", or whatever. The bottom line is, were losing balance, and losing peoples voice and confidence, regardless of what corporate political media is paid to tell you. Right now, American establishment politics is day old sewage, repackaging the same old shit and trying to sell you it. The President himself (Trump) has to be the most gangsta style unethical son of bitch for a President, that I've seen in my life, and if it was up to me, I would use his words ..."Get that son of a bitch off the White House grounds ... you're fired!". We even spend more on Trump's leisure and family expenses, in the short time he's been in office, than the entire 8 years Obama was in office (Snopes), this guy ramrods everyone from the media to the stock markets, with his stupid daily morning tweets, and now says that he can pardon himself from anything ... he may be in for a surprise on that one. Too many key democrats and republicans are ignoring the country and our people, and on certain issues with corporate legislation writing all of it, they are not only in bed together, but owned by the same money, plus were giving these folks decent salaries and exceptional benefits.

Image result for albert einstein we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking

You can not change a damn thing, when you keep doing the same shit over and over in this type of railroaded political climate ... you must be aggressive and progressive, whether you are left or right, especially with the massive open corruption that we have now ...   former "republican" President Teddy Roosevelt was progressive as well. There is nothing wrong with being bipartisan or even left or right center ...  but what we have is being orchestrated by big money corporate communist oligarchs mostly ... and I can assure you, republicans are hardly conservative, any more than democrats are liberal in this corporate/ financial established political duopoly. Corporations and key investors, in my view, should get tax incentives, and have a voice, that is what our democracy should be about ... but what we have is a one way street of highway robbery. The democrats say they want to make change before 2020, make an acceptable platform, that addresses the needs of people as well as corporations ... and NOT just talk about it, but to take action. Folks like Alison, are the kind of people you need, when you have such an aggressive strongarm taking control of our country and politics with their money ... you need to be aggressive to challenge them. And if you are a democrat, you must speak out, if you are going to try to get your act together, those who are not doing your party any justice, must go find another job or retire, we have new generations coming in power, and they want change. You should not have to vote based only on choosing for what/ who you hate and dislike, or the lesser of 2 evils ... you must vote for what you want and cherish, that is what the democracy of this republic should be about. Wishing Alison the best of luck, and give this candidate a good listen.

Word Out ....

***** UPDATE 06 June 2018: Alison did not do well (VOX) ... keep at it! ... and Thanx for the inspiration for others

Alison Hartson Destroys Dianne Feinstein's Corporatist Record ... Thanx to The Jimmy Dore Show


Image result for Alison Hartson for u.s. senate



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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