Friday, July 20, 2018


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Neoliberalism is dead: we need a new political story- George Monbiot ... Thanx to Verso Books

This posting will be for 3 series of this journal ... "The Awakening", "Neoliberalism Crisis" & "Corporatcommunazica". I wanted to compile some informative reads and video out of many I reviewed, to look at what neoliberalism is, the problems, and solutions. Still many people dont understand the term "neoliberal", 95% of the folks that I brought it up to over the last decade, think it means something like "ultra- liberal" or whatever. Yet at the same time over the last decade, awareness of the flaws in this system and the resistance to it, has been growing as much as neoliberalism itself, which was inevitable, since the majority feels the effects. Actually, it's kind of a misleading and deceptive word/ term, like most of the other deceptive crap, advertising, and propaganda the top wealth has designed by their high paid experts and lawyers ... then peddled by their rent- a- scientists down to their pre- paid politicians, to their religious and advanced education institutions. It hasnt much of a damn thing to do with liberalism at all, it was designed for economics basically, a get rich quick design, and took decades to implement, to get to the level it is now. U.S. and U.K. has this shit in high gear, but you find it on every continent implemented today (not so much on Antarctica ... at least, yet). It is even difficult to ever hear the word used in any mainstream media ... it's politically incorrect {:-) I could picture a prime time news anchor like David Muir (ABC), using a term like "neoliberalism" or even "global warming", or it's sugar coated name "climate change", when he is reporting the economy, political trash and extreme weather, which he has to cover almost exclusively daily ... he would be out the door in a New York minute, and lose his $5 million annual salary ... he would be looking for work at RT America or elsewhere after that! ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) But before I go on ... I'll let George Monbiot open above with a vid, George been in the trenches hammering this for years. The Guardian piece is so importante, as far as how we're told to fight climate change individually, while these mega industries, rip apart our environment ... bottom line, not a damn thing getting done ... and yes, you can do things much "cleaner" than we are, they're just being too cheap, that's where force, regulation, and oversight comes in. Some more below that, and the first video below is very informative too ... at the bottom I'll add some of my own views.

This Is Neoliberalism > Introducing the Invisible Ideology (Part 1) ... Thanx to BarakalypseNow

***** THE GUARDIAN | MARTIN LUKACS: Neoliberalism has conned us into fighting climate change as individuals | Environment ... (newsread)

***** OPENDEMOCRACY | LAURIE LAYBOURN- LANGTON: The movement to replace neoliberalism is on the ascendency- where should it go next? - New thinking for the British economy ... (newsread)

George Monbiot on replacing neoliberalism ... Thanx to openDemocracy


Image result for fuck neoliberalism





Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

There are some positives to this neoliberal plan too, looking at the design also, it rapidly expanded growth and wealth, it has created many new millionaires, so much development, trade, etc. If everything went well as far as all it helped create, and it actually trickled down more, which you can not do without some regulation, and letting a government play their part as well ... you should have eliminated poverty totally, although there would still be various levels of income and wealth, just not the dirt bottom poverty that we have. I dont believe that in a neoliberal capitalist system or a mixed economy democratic system, that you need poverty, especially extreme poverty to exist and be functional. Nor do I feel that everyone should be at the same income level and live all the same, in these types of capitalist systems ... you can have various levels of income and wealth, according to your contributions and accomplishments ... I mean, I support reward on merit, at least in the system, condition and society of now/ today. I myself am very conservative, been my whole life, when it comes to budget and spending, but I see those who have too much money, recklessly and wastefully spending everyone else's money, that doesnt even belong to them. I also consider, giving out food stamps and social programmes to the less fortunate, as good business and economically wise ... as much as I support a FAIR amount of monetary incentives to be given to investors, such as tax breaks or other forms. I just dont support any one size fits all or one way street, like in neoliberalism, where the top wealth and investors control what democracy we have left, all the tax revenues, and everything in between. Yes, I feel that a reasonable amount of taxation is healthy for everyone's benefit ... and that regulations are healthy for business especially. To paint it simple, I am both left, right, and independent in my thoughts about these things ... for me, in such a diverse arena, mixed economies proven to work best ... so I feel that socialism is healthy in capitalism, and capitalism is healthy in socialism. I feel democracy and representation is healthy for everyone, from the lower levels of society to the top levels of society. The problems we have in these systems, is not the system as much as human nature, so this is why I'm strongly for regulation and oversight ... which is good for business/ economy, social stability, as well as the environment.

There are heavy flaws in neoliberalism, that even economists to the IMF are examining and questioning it, because it's becoming dysfunctional ... so it's not just poor people in the streets or students, everyone is feeling the pinch somehow. When you deregulate everything, which is the path that this been on, it is damaging to not just the mass of society, but especially the environment. When there are no more regulations, or just much less, no accountability, liability, and a culture that runs rampant on this ... it will most likely self destruct. A guy was telling me a few months back, that it is too late, the damage is done, and there is nothing that can stop it, etc. I have to disagree ... instead of looking at this as just an ideology ... look at it as an economic model, I told this guy. These models are plentiful throughout capitalism, they come and go ... I like to take what worx and utilize and expand it, and trash what dont work ... this economic model, clearly is not working the way it should. And with the fast changes due to technologies, we cant let something with this amount of flaws continue as is ... it needs drastic reform. The top wealth sayz that those at the bottom, need to simply jump on board and participate in the market system, and everything will be fine for them ... pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, etc, etc ... this is just a pipe dream looking at the whole picture, a pipe dream created by minds strictly intoxicated with greed and profit, and like any hardcore addict, are out of control ... even the most brilliant minds can drive themselves insane. Sure, we need to pull on our bootstraps, and have a stopgap intervention immediately, and block everything we can, until we fix things to work better. Most cant even participate in this market, and get meaningful success the way it is working, and it's causing too much misery for too many that are essential to the economic engine, such as the mass of consumers. Most would work themselves till they're blue in the face, and not accomplish a damn thing, no matter how hard they try, those neoliberals who say they will, are either lying, or so far out of tune with the condition. We have folks who spend their entire life, just trying to play catch up in a ratrace that only can pay off with odds the same as playing a lottery.

The top wealth also sayz that we need to reinvent ourselves to compete in the arena of today ... of course, the one they created and control in the present. I agree also with that, we do need to reinvent ourselves, societies, and priorities ... and a good start would be conquering these flawed ideologies and systems, and economic absurdity. History shows that we can fight this, and we can also have our voice and part in shaping whatever new model comes in place, these systems could not function to begin with, without the majority of workers and especially consumers. As George above and others will point out, we simply have not created a narrative yet, and something solid as solutions, but a majority can and will. Over the last decade since the 08 recession, awareness of the systemic flaws has exploded, it is even hitting mainstream media ... maybe not calling it neoliberalism, but so many are questioning and feeling the pinch and pain ... these majority of people, are the bread and butter of the economic growth, even more than the investor. At the same time, economic growth has been exploding, and profits are at unprecedented levels for a handful. Look at Jeff Bezos for example ... his worth in the last year alone increased by $50 billion ... do you know that with his amount of money, he could clean up extreme poverty worldwide, and still be one of the richest few on the planet. And I admire his innovative thinking and what he created, as far as Amazon ... but even he became so intoxicated and obsessed with his wealth. But, I can not admire his vision to monopolize so much, and shortchanging his workforce ... after all, he made his wealth being free of monopoly control. They alwayz say they need to be larger, because they cant compete otherwise ... more bullshit and delusional thinking ... we need to put limits on how much some of these types can control and takeover. We cant outspend them in elections obviously, but we can sure put a dent in their business, and they know it. Which is exactly why they want everybody under them to think only as individually, and not have any solidarity, and stay divided ... because when common interests form alliances, movements, unionize, etc ... those at the top will see a reality that they wont like too much, and THEY will feel the pinch. We can organize for a common cause, and still be individuals, with our individual qualities and dreams ... like them ... we can be a "Citizens United" of our own.

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. I have always thought that most of this stuff individuals are told to do to "fight global warming" is astonishingly stupid. Even a hundred million people switching to fluorescent bulbs won't have much impact, not compared to large-scale switching over from fossil fuels to solar power.

    In a world where a tiny minority of the population controls a huge share of the wealth (Bezos's net worth is now $150 billion, equal to almost $500 for every person in the US), obviously they will promote some kind of ideology to justify their privileged position, and neoliberalism and right-wing economics in general serve that purpose. Those ideas aren't theories or tools for research. Their forms of propaganda designed to justify the continued power of an oligarchy.

  2. Infidel: I myself questioned that for long too, as far as how green we're going, the electric car thing ... because, when you look at these industries, they are really impacting the planet, big time. The thing that is upsetting in some of this ... they ALREADY have technologies to do things cleaner, way cleaner, but no one wants to take the time and money. Look at the BP spill in the Gulf ... that was over some fitting, that cost maybe a few million bucks, you could go on and on. Bezos, well, what really caught my atencion, was just the $50 billion increase in worth in just the last year! Maybe by the time Trump is out of office, he REALLY will be a multi- billionaire. Trump is already having luxury condos, suites or whatever their called, built abroad, and marketing them with the "Trump" label, to jack up the price, because of his Presidency status and name.
