Wednesday, August 8, 2018

ALEX JONES | INFOWARS 2018: Banned, Canned, & Deplatformed to Conform ... CORPORATE Responsibility & CENSORSHIP ... The "Leash on Speech" Edition ... (CORPORATCOMMUNAZICA PT.18)

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Alex Jones Gets Banned From YouTube, Facebook, And Apple ... Thanx to The Ring of Fire

This posting will be Part 18 of the "Corporatcommunazica" series of this journal/ blog. The posting will focus on recent news, of how Facebook, YouTube, Apple, and Spotify banned Alex Jones ... which has got quite a bit of mainstream media coverage, and it should have. I read several news pieces on it, as well as viewing opinions on video, so I added some below to review them. I included some mainstream media links below to get some info of what went down. Then I included a couple videos ... first from Jimmy Dore, Ron Placone, and Stef Zamorano ... these folks are progressives. The 2nd video from Luke Rudkowski, founder of "We Are Change", a libertarian journalist/ activist who started out with Alex, then parted wayz. The reason for the 2 videos I chose, was to give a view on how some may look at this, who may not just agree with the establishment party line, what is politically correct and fashionable, etc. I opened above with Farron Cousins, of "Ring of Fire" media, and an executive editor of "Trial Lawyer Magazine" ... because Farron points out also something, that none of the media is talking much about. After below, I will add some of my views on this. At the very bottom of this posting, in all fairness to Alex Jones, I wanted to include his response to being banned. Regardless of how radical or nutty you make think he sounds, he does make a few good points in it too.

***** THE GUARDIAN: Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify ban Infowars' Alex Jones ... (newsread)

***** BUSINESS INSIDER: Alex Jones tries to dismiss Sandy Hook parents' defamation lawsuit ... (newsread)

***** CNBC: Alex Jones' Infowars rockets up the charts in Apple's App Store, days after Apple and others banned his podcasts ... (newsread/ video)

Alex Jones Banned By Facebook/ Apple/ YouTube/ Spotify ... Thanx to The Jimmy Dore Show

The Truth About Alex Jones And Infowars Being Banned ... Thanx to WeAreChange




Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp   

When I woke up tuesday morning, I grabbed the remote and turned on the tele mainstream news, I like to go to mainstream broadcast media in the morning, for a quick briefing on news stories, before I go online or even read a newspaper. I checked ABC, CNN, CBS, NBC ... they were all over this like a cheap suit on sunday ... and I was getting a good morning laugh out of it, listening to how they were covering it. Alex Jones' types are the problem? ... what about the people that create these issues we have, our 2 political parties and their wealthy constituents? ... forgive me, they just all love us/ the people, right? {:-) I mean, I kind of knew what to expect on a story like this, and thought it was hilarious, it's so predictable on an issue like this, how it will be covered in mainstream media ... no, I didnt get to Fox though {:-) Some talk was about how these corporations done the right and moral thing, thinking about the Sandy Hook families, kids, protecting the community, and the usual ... as if they're the personification of goodness and morality gods, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) That is why I wanted to post Farron's video to open this post with, to get at least a little common sense mixed in and slow down a minute. One of the things I point out alot throughout this journal, is how these mega corporate entities, will alwayz come to the rescue to save us from evil, harm, financial burdens (which they also design), or whatever ill ... and this helps sway us into looking at them as some type of saviour, and to be more dependent on them. These entities do this, for privatization purposes, to eventually have exclusive ownership and control over everything, and to make us more dependent on them for their products, services ... and to eventually, replace government, our voices and choices, to our thoughts. Now, you can call me a conspiracy theorist, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) ... but that's the reality, and it simply has to do with money, control and power. Farron sums it up perfectly, and he would know, after all, he's an attorney, and that's his business and specialty. These corporate entities could care less about our kids, communities, what is morally right or wrong, or whatever other nonsense they spew ... if they continue to let Alex do what he does, it may cost them, that is their biggest concern.

I expected Alex Jones would get some heat, even a few years back, he even expected it, and pushed it, knowing he would too, they been warning him as well ... so this should be of no surprise to most folks. At the same time, it strengthens his following, and makes him right on something, to him and his devoted following ... that "they are out to get him". Thinking you are going to stop a guy like him by shutting down his channel or whatever, is dreaming ... like them corporate Utopian fantasies they have ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) I myself dont follow Alex's conspiracies, some are ridiculous at that ... but I like to hear/ read many of the programmes/ news, and guests that he has on ... some is good food for thought ... it is good to question, and I question every damn thing, especially when money and power is involved. As you can see on my blog/ website roll to the right of this page, I have Infowars, Ron Paul, We Are Change ... and even the anarchist, Larken Rose. I have some friends who are libertarians, a few I known since they were little kids, I also have progressive friends, both progressives and libertarians I guess, are considered as radical, out of line, unpatriotic, or whatever. I was just with some libertarians at a cookout a couple weeks ago outside of Dallas ... it was fun, good people, good dialogue, good food and drinx, set aside the 105 degree heat {:-) Being one myself that sides with left progressives mostly ... we have differences on things like size of government, regulations and taxes ... but what we have in common, is we cherish what liberties we still have, and that we see a corporate stronghold in this country growing at an alarming rate, and you sure as Hell dont need a conspiracy mind to see that these days. I'm sure there are conspiracies that go on, but for me to halfway believe in such, I'm one that needs some evidence ... and some of these conspiracies that Alex talks about, havent even a shred of evidence. They say that Alex is full of hate ... hate is as natural as love, but I understand, that what he sayz, could enhance someones hatred too. I would say that Alex is angry, like millions of other Americans. And I think he is also pumped up on them body, mind, energy enhancement products or whatever they're called, that he sells (BuzzFeedNews). I myself dont use any things like that, or energy drinks, never have ... I'm just naturally wound up, even without caffeine. Much of which seems like overpriced junk to me, that I wouldnt even trust, similar to those fad diets, nutritional supplements, or whatever.

At the same time, these social media sites, have certain responsibilities to the customer/ community, and have to have "some" rules and regulations, plus you have the main concern of liable civil issues, or even criminal. You have many customers who feel offended for instance, and they too, sign these terms/ conditions agreements ... but for me, that is why we have courts, and actions like the defamation suits brought against Alex. These social platforms, data harvesters, or whatever you call them, are privately owned, they dont have to be concerned with "freedom of speech", they can legally do what they want as far as speech regulations or censorship. As far as the slippery slope ... we have been on that for some time now, just look at the heavy censorship all around you, what's socially and politically correct, etc, etc ... we are saturated with it already, and our speech is already on a leash. But yes, it's increasingly worse, and getting worse by the year, in our quest for perfection, from what politicians can say, to what can be covered or how, even in the mainstream media. We are all supposed to have a smile at all times, alwayz saying the right thing, alwayz be loving, alwayz be full of shit, and competing against each other for the approval of the top wealth. I myself like little censorship as possible, if I dont like what Alex or anyone else is saying, I simply dont listen to, or view it. Of course, this strengthens these corporations too, to even hit others with censorship more easily. All you have to do, is find something a little cutting edge/ controversial, find some folks that dont like it, then censor it ... again, saying it is for love and concern of the kids, community, to prevent harm, terror, or whatever. Of course, they will alwayz have a scapegoat to blame everything on ... I think now it's the Russians, eh? or is it China this month? Nonetheless, you can try to monitor and shutdown everyone you want, that is not kissing the establishment left- right's asses night and day, and their corporate/ banking lords ... folks will find another platform or create some other way, to get their views out, and they will still organize, question, and resist.

Word Out ....

Alex Jones Responds to Apple, Facebook and YouTube ... Thanx to Happening Today


                                                                                 Senator Chris Murphy (D- CT)



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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