Thursday, August 23, 2018


Image result for anti corruption and public integrity act elizabeth warren

This posting will be for the "Elizabeth Warren", "Aggressive Progressive", & "Political Corruption & Ethics" series of this journal/ blog. The focus is on the Senator's bill she is pushing called the "Anti- Corruption & Public Integrity Act", and covers executive, legislative and judicial, even federal employees paid and unpaid, it sweeps it all. As radical or far- fetched as mainstream news and politicians may say it is ... it's just one great step and piece of work to expand on! Most Americans know that there is something really wrong in Washington, most dont even trust Washington on what they say or do ... we have hit rock bottom lows in this country as far as public trust these dayz, dont matter which party or side you are on ... most know it's fucked up, period. And as usual, you have those who say that something like this cant be done ... nonsense, just "do it" ... if you keep believing and saying that nothing can be done, rest assured, you'll never get a damn thing done. It's true that many in Congress will be against this, but there is a growing amount of folks that are going to want to try something to clean up some ... even with revisions, if you only got a good fraction of this bill, after negotiating ... that would be significantly great. This is not anti- business at all, and Senator Warren has a pro- business background, especially for consumer support and smaller businesses/ companies, and her expertise is in bankruptcy law, a former conservative, who supports capitalism, yet folks like Jeffrey Miron of The Cato Institute, says her plans will destroy capitalism (CNBC). This has to do with cleaning up some of the trash that destroys markets, like the 08 crash, and fixing self destructive business flaws, it is not anti- capitalist ... it's what Trump would call "draining the swamp", heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) President Trump though, has to be the most unethical President, and open about it, that I seen in my life, and the amount of open corruption in Washington on both sides, is the worst I seen in my life. There are more investigations than you can shake a stick at, whether it be concerning ethics or even criminal activity. I seen a short news clip from Fox News this morning in bed ... where President Trump now sayz, if he is impeached, he thinks the markets will crash, and everyone will become poorer (MarketWatch). Again, as I point out all throughout this journal, and President Trump in that statement solidifies it ... that the billionaire class will alwayz threaten you by instilling fear ... that if we dont kiss their asses day and night and give them a free ride and immunity from prosecution, etc, etc ... we will all go to the soup kitchens and live in eternal poverty ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) Americans as a whole are resilient, they will pull through anything you dish out ... and as far as my reaction to President Trump's fear card he dealt in the news clip ... "nonsense, we can make it without you, or any of your buddies".

Too many right now in Washington have become too dependent on this flood of money from corporations, banks or whoever, they depend on it just to hopefully continue their political careers. They owe out the ass to those who bankroll them, and they are living large, they are not going to want to give that up, regardless of how enslaved they may feel. Many politicians because of this actually live in a prison of their own, they allowed themselves to get to that point and locked into it ... it's not our problem, they did it to themselves. There are alot of new people entering the political arena, and there are many who dont fear this nonsense, and are going to do everything they can to obstruct this culture of corruption. You dont see Senator Warren quivering in fear to these assholes, and she dont live in the poor house, eh? Nothing the Senator is proposing is radical or unreasonable ... the bottom line is this ... if you want to serve the American people, you will do so, or go find another career, it's simple. This plan also creates conflict free investment opportunities for those serving, you can go with a blind trust and other offers, no one is trying to rob you, or put you down ... so nothing asks you to go to the poor house either. We dont need foreign lobbyists either, that dont have the interests of our country at heart, we need to focus on here first. I realize the pressure that folks in Washington feel as far as the economy, and places like China, India, Russia or wherever gaining more ground ... we have been in this insane global corporate driven race, as if it was a football game ... we will make it without driving ourselves insane over this international nonsense. We can still have lobbying under this bill, it's just that there needs to be drastic changes/ reform and oversight to that as well ... much now falls into criminal activity ... establishing the bill's new U.S. Office of Public Integrity, is a new cop that helps. We have Wall Street running this whole damn country as it is, we have damn near lost all representation on the Washington level, they been doing great as far as catering to the needs of Wall Street, but the people of this country, needs to stand their ground. Even if neoliberalism policies and economics are running things, doesnt mean that we just have to shut up and do what we are told, we are consumers, producers/ workers, and all part of what makes this system flourish ... it's our responsibility to stand our ground, just as Wall Street does for their own. Below, is a quick 6 page summary of the bill, which is simple and straight. Below that, a half hour video where Senator Warren gives some food for thought, and a blueprint of where we are, and what we need to do ... hear her out, because it impacts you, and your families and friends, our democracy, our economies, markets and consumer choices.

Word Out ....


Senator Warren Unveils Anti- Corruption Legislation ... Thanx to Senator Elizabeth Warren






Image result for washington corruption



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. Miron thinks fighting corruption will destroy capitalism? He better hope people don't think too carefully about that.

    if you keep believing and saying that nothing can be done, rest assured, you'll never get a damn thing done

    I'm really sick of this defeatist, passivist mentality. If you fight for what you want, you might lose. If you don't fight for it, you will definitely lose. Nobody ever won a fight by declaring it unwinnable right at the beginning and giving up.

    From what I hear, Warren's plan to have unions elect some corporate board members and require corporations to consider all stakeholder interests is like how things are already done in Germany, and Germany does pretty well as a capitalist economy.

  2. Hey Infidel! sorry for the late response ... and Thank You for your voice on this. I know, that sounds crazy, dont it? as far as fighting corruption destroying capitalism ... that is the first thing that pops into my head when I think about this ... it's insanity ... kind of funny too (unfortunately) Yes, I actually like Warren's plans on how to elect board members ... no doubt ... Senator Warren been really earning her paycheck! No ... I did not know that about Germany though.
