Friday, August 17, 2018

CATHOLIC CHURCH SEX ABUSE REPORT| PENNSYLVANIA 2018: Predator Priests ... 7 Decades of DECADENCE & The REDACTED Holy Abuse Acts ... The "Paedophile Files" Edition ... (THINKING OF THE KIDS? PT.9)- (HUMAN MORALITY PT.26)- (SEXPLOITATION NATION PT.37)

Image result for catholic church sexual abuse    Related image

This posting to serve 3 series of this journal/ blog ... "Thinking of the Kids?", "Human Morality" and "Sexploitation Nation". To take a look at a Grand Jury report just released, concerning thousands of allegations and evidence of decades of sexual abuse of children by adult clergy, both top and bottom (no pun intended) of the totem pole, from deacons and priests to bishops. This is just one state too, Pennsylvania ... and the findings estimate that there are thousands of these abuse cases, these findings come not just from victims testimonies, but documentation of the church, priests, law enforcement, etc ... it is lengthy. So much is still kept from the public, and plenty in files has been redacted. In all fairness, some they claimed to have redacted, being that in our justice system and by the laws of the courts, many have not had the opportunity to defend themselves and be brought to trial. However, it is very clear, that much of the secrecy had to do with finance, reputation, and even politics ... as I point out throughout this journal when I talk about the "3 entities" of power and authority ... being corporations/ financial institutions, governing bodies, and your largest religious institutions, they work together as one body, to keep themselves on top, and the masses obedient and enslaved to them. It has been so difficult to bring so many to trial because of the depth of corruption within these institutions ... even though there has been case after case of this, admissions and confessions by those who openly admit to what they did, and this has been in state after state, across the U.S., and even on a global scale for decades too. But things like corporal punishment, sado- masochism, sexual abuse, and even murder, is not new to some of these institutions, and not exclusive to the last couple centuries, or America, this type of culture and fetishism goes back for centuries. Back years ago, they would blame these things on secret "satanic cults", being the devil scapegoat they created to blame their actions on ... even the concept of human sacrifice is in their teachings ... war, bloodshed, slavery, execution, you name it. Some of these christian religious cultists, created the "satanic panic" (RationalWiki) in the U.S. 1970's and 1980's in particular, which led to mass investigations of occultic groups by local law enforcement to the FBI, the investigations concluded, that these satanic cults did not even exist, or the falsely manufactured crimes supposedly committed. Many of those christians created these scapegoat fictional satanic cults, based on some of their own concepts, actions, culture, repertoire. I am not saying that this is all representational of a majority of followers of faith ... same as terrorists do not represent the majority of the Islamic faithful ... but many of these huge wealthy institutions are knee deep in secrecy, deception, and decadence.

The Catholic Church in this case, had the opportunity to act against this years ago, but failed in so many wayz ... doing all they could to cover everything up and even pay people off. I am curious how Pope Francis will react to this, they ALL in this hierarchy of this institution have a responsibility to come clean and actually act to punish these people for their crimes. If they fail again to do something, and continue the run around with evasive answers, people of catholic faith should not feel obligated to have any respect for them. It is the responsibility of the common followers as well, to clean this up, if necessary, through radical pressures ... these people that you turn a blind eye to, and give your money and dedication to, are not miraculously appointed by a God ... this secret order within an order, appoint themselves, and make themselves Gods and Saints. They are not only taking advantage of your children, but they are taking advantage in more wayz than one, of millions of people of faith, that support them financially and socially. Too many people turn a blind eye these dayz out of peer pressure or fear, whether it's to a religious institution like this, or politics, or corporations dictating/ preaching to them ... many of which have done nothing or contribute anything of value to the people or the earth that they say is God's creation, but empty words. It is difficult to hear and read some of this report linked below, but I encourage to hear out Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, regardless of how graphic some may sound ... and to also read through the actual report. It is very importante that especially catholic people of faith talk about this among each other, and to not feel pressured and restrained to keep quiet, these folks that orchestrate this secrecy, depend on keeping you obedient, and to not question ... sadly our politics is also the same bloody damn way ... I myself question all that is clearly corrupt. When I say it is graphic, I mean that, because of the patterns and nature of these offenses and culture. Some of it is clearly ritualistic and fetishistic ... this is not only on boys, but also girls, and where abortion, that they preach against, was forced on kids. It is somewhat remarkable how many of these people still have not been brought to justice, and the cover up was intentional, so that many would expire the statute of limitations, or even die off. This type of "holy abuse" is still abuse, if they need forgiveness, they can ask God, which they alwayz preach. The laws of our land, are not supposed to allow this to go on, based on forgiveness ... and if these folks are found guilty by our courts and juries with solid evidence, they should not go to a golf resort for therapy ... like any other person, they should do prison time. We are too much in the habit of respecting self appointed authoritative figures, that deserve no special treatment, let alone respect ... whether it is a bishop/ priest, politician, executive, or celebrity figure.

Word Out ....

***** THE INQUIRER DAILY NEWS | PHILLY: Catholic Church clergy sex abuse: Read the full grand jury report ... (newsread/ video/ report)






Image result for redacted pages of catholic church sex abuse shielded from public



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. I am curious how Pope Francis will react to this

    He's just as dirty as the rest of them -- he has to be. He's been part of the hierarchy for decades and there's no way he could have been unaware of what Father Moe and Father Lester were up to. Even if he didn't actively participate in the cover-ups and shielding predator priests, he must have known it was going on, and took no substantive action (nor has he since becoming Pope). Everyone goes gaga because he's pushed a few liberal policy changes on homosexuality and divorce, but he's just trying to make the Church a little less disastrously out of touch with the modern world, to stave off the total collapse of its influence.

    this is not only on boys, but also girls

    It's important to emphasize that point. The latest line from the hard-line defenders of the Church is that all these molestation scandals are the result of evil homosexuals infiltrating the priesthood. They're trying to spin this as a gay attack on the Church rather than the Church being a criminal organization. But the priests are preying on girls as well.

  2. I know, regardless of some of the loosening up on gays by Francis (which I do think he done some good), that is an issue, because he has been in there for decades as you say ... this is an issue I seen no significant move on by him ... We'll see what he does, under this new pressure, although, I guess I dont expect much. Moe & Lester? ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) Anyone else would have went to prison and marked for life after, this is really out of order, the way they handle these. I even heard, that one priest (cant remember where) who was caught, and confessed, asked to be referred to a job working for Disney Park ... they (the church) got him in, and he worked there for like over 15 years ... referring him to a place with kids? ... that is sick.

    Thanx for your voice here Infidel ....

  3. I am with Infidel, I don't think Francis will do anything meaningful about this issue, as he runs around worldwide, trying to put out fire after fire. I am from Philadelphia, which already fell victim to it's own sex abuse scandal thanks to the Catholic church. I now live in New Jersey, where a few years back one of our priests was accused and he subsequently disappeared. It didn't matter really, (Since I stay far away from Catholic churches) except to the kids he molested. Maybe he's working in Disneyland? Until meaningful punishment occurs, which never does, the church will continue to flail. 200,000 showed up at Francis' thing a ma jig shindig, he had. Millions showed up for the last one for Pope John Paul the last cover upper. So times are changing. For all we know those 200,000 were all church employees and Craigs List extras.

  4. Good Morning Patricia, I'm just catching up with this, so my apologies for the late response. Yes, you and Infidel are accurate on this ... because I been touching base on Francis and his response for the last week, it's been shallow and insubstantial. Francis, regardless of what he may have done on some other issues of moderate worth, has failed to even address this ... it's just more about forgiveness and prayers, from what I heard ... that will not cut it, it hasnt before, and will not now. The top crust of the church been knowing this has been going on for decades ... and frankly, there is still other legal actions that can be done, and some involves our legislators taking action. The reason is, because of the case history on this, this is "organized" sexual abuse, the bishops and everyone in the upper echelons who been covering this are conspirators in this, by "allowing" this to continue, and protecting child predators from the law ... bottom line, it is organized, methodical, and criminal activity. I'm actually a little surprised that some of these predators havent became walking targets ... yet. I mean, it is just a matter of time, with no action from the church, that some of the victims and families, will decide to take justice into their own hands. Take Care Patricia, and Thank You for your voice here. BTW, my wife when I met her up there, was living in Cherry Hill, NJ, which is part of the greater Philly area ... I asked her to come down and visit me in Texas some time ... she took me up on it, the rest is history {:-)
