Friday, November 30, 2018

PALESSI | SANTA MONICA: Affluent Influencers of Fashion ... & The SHOES They CHOOSE ... The "Pay More or Payless" Edition ... (ADVERTISEMENT SATURATION PT.4)

Image result for Payless Opens Fake Luxury Store, Sells Customers $20 Shoes For $600 In Experiment

This posting will be Part 4 of the "Advertisement Saturation" series, and really some great marketing and ad ideas here. This is in the town of Santa Monica (LA County), and no better trendy place to do this in America, with these fashionistas. I want to give credit here to Payless ShoeSource too ... I mean, they have bloggers like me blogging about this, and other social media, they are getting every major news network to cover it, plus they took this social experiment, and actually made it into an ad that the networks media are promoting unintentionally. This is clever budget conscious marketing at it's best ... and no better time to run this out, than a few weeks before Christmas! Millions of working class people are going to see these affluent types unknowingly promote these shoes and boots, and will want that much more to shop at Payless. And the only thing Payless had to pay these fashionistas, was the shoes they chose for free, the media runs it in prime time MSM for you ... great move! So for you image conscious ladies or guys looking for some shoes for that holiday party ... or you guys like me, just looking for some sexy shoes or boots for your gal with some silk stockings ... how bout payin Payless a visit this holiday {:-)

Word Out ....

Payless opens fake luxury shoe store as prank ... Thanx to ABC News



Image result for Payless Opens Fake Luxury Store, Sells Customers $20 Shoes For $600 In Experiment



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. Oh, that is wonderful. They say a fool and his money are soon parted, and there is no greater fool than a pretentious fool. And all it took was a fake Italian-sounding name and some horrendous tacky pseudo-Classical décor. You could sell these people dog turds at Valentine-chocolate prices if you put them in a fancy enough box.

  2. Infidel: You Got It! Here now in 2018 has to be the most "image conscious" time I have ever seen in America too, in my lifetime ... and Payless knew just how to work it. Folks are wanting to look like all our loved ones, live and dress like them, even the Trump familia have been on a roll, some now, are even wanting to run other billionaires like Zuckerberg or Oprah for President. I was outside a urban fashion clothing store in downtown Dallas one day, and much of the clothing, although urban, cheaply made in probably asian sweatshops (you know, like Ivanka's and Donald's shit) was promoting flash and wealth, such as hip- hop clothing, and was selling for above average prices ... and the kicker is, the fashion statement and apparel itself, will be obsolete and replaced within less than 6 months.
