Thursday, December 20, 2018

WAR ON "MEDICARE FOR ALL" 2019- 2020: Corporate SCAM RAN PLAN to CAN Medicare for All Plan ... The "Sense & Sanity" Edition ... (HEALTH CARE REFORM: ... another "FORM" of "REFORM" PT.14)

Image result for corporate greed healthcare

**** Campaign for Guaranteed Health Care


Huge Majority Of Americans Say They Want Medicare For All ... Thanx to The Ring of Fire

This posting will serve as Part 14 of the "Health Care Reform" series of this journal/ blog. I wanted to first include a opening video above with Farron Cousins of "The Ring of Fire", which was from august this year, Farron alwayz gets straight to the point. But once again, and this is an old familiar tune by now ... we have corporations waging another war on the American people, this war through a political and media sneak attack ... is on their/ your health care. What mainly inspired this posting is the first link below from Politico, it's an interesting read, as far as this group called "Partnership for America's Health Care Future", and their plans to destroy any kind of progress as far as getting "Medicare for All", and to suppress even the talk or thought of it among the public. I mean, this is really deep and well calculated, and will hit the Democratic Party hardest, being most pressure will be on them ... but I'll let you read it for yourself. The next link from The Intercept, is to get a little more in depth detail on strategies, detailing just how deep this gets, from politics to social media to prime time network propaganda, and the various fear methods of such. I also wanted to include the Truthout article, because this contains economic research concerning Medicare for All, and even the savings, from Robert Pollin, who is a Professor of Economics at University of Massachusetts Amherst and co- director of the Political Economic Research Institute (PERI) ... Professor Pollin should be heard out, this guy simplifies the analyses from research by him and his colleagues. An article from The Hill, to take a look at the growing support for Medicare for All, and not just from the Democrats, but even Republicans. And then a video at the bottom from progressive Mike Figueredo of "The Humanist Report", Mike gives his view on this Politico article after about 3 minutes into the video. But it's good to see the growing momentum here in the U.S. ... especially if you support some kind of health care reform and costs improvements. The whole point here is to try to make some sense and bring some sanity to this issue, because it's just been nonsense year after year, as far as what we been getting in our health care plans and at what cost, with enough fine print to confuse it all, and twisted to the point of insanity. At the bottom, I will close out with my part.

***** POLITICO | ADAM CANCRYN: Establishment looks to crush liberals on Medicare for All ... (newsread/ audio)

***** THE INTERCEPT | LEE FANG & NICK SURGEY: Lobbyist Documents Reveal Health Care Industry Battle Plan Against "Medicare for All" ... (newsread)

***** TRUTHOUT | JAKE JOHNSON: "Easy to Pay for Something That Costs less": New Study Shows Medicare for All Would Save US $5.1 Trillion Over Ten Years ... (newsread/ video)

***** THE HILL | MEGAN KELLER: Seventy percent of Americans support 'Medicare for all' in new poll ... (newsread/ video)

War Between Progressives & Corporatists Over Medicare for All is Coming ... Thanx to The Humanist Report


***** PD/ RCJ: HEALTH CARE REFORM: ... another "FORM" of "REFORM" ... PART'S 13 THRU 1


Image result for medicare for all    Image result for corporate greed healthcare


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp as Ranch Santa with Charlie (dog), Xmas 2012

It's pretty clear here what is going on ... because of the growing concern of Americans and their over- priced health care, these corporations are very concerned, I mean, they know they are getting "made" from every angle, and so many Americans are informing others who are not informed as much, as to what's going on. What's been going on is a clear scam, this same group (Partnership for America's Health Care Future) with this campaign to change and shut- out what is becoming a movement, are willing to shell out 10's of millions to do this at the drop of a hat, I'm sure they have much covered as well in tax loopholes too. I mean, this is what these folks do, they use our taxes in various wayz, to control us through legislation they draft, where they can direct us on everything we do and choose, from voting to our finances and everything in between ... and been doing this for years, to now where it is in high gear. I expect the ads and news clips, rigged research, etc, will start pouring out in 2019 ... they want to lock in the politicians early as well, to see which ones to spend money on ... and which ones to spend money at destroying for 2020. The positive, is there are a number of new Democrats that are entering Congress 2019, some progressives, that refused to take corporate money such as Justice Democrats ... and I think they can push a growing trend for others to reject corporate financing as well, with the help of public pressure. And these corporations will not be satisfied with just handling parts or selling supplements ... they want it all. They do not even want any expansion at all of Medicare, such as even lowering the age to 50 or 55 to start getting it ... their goal is to incrementally dissolve it entirely if they can, to have total control over every single bit of health care in America. In the meantime, the so called "incremental" changes to repair the ACA (ObamaCare, which frankly hasn't a damn thing to do with Obama, besides him just being the President when it started, because it was not his proposal, and was just a repackaging of RomneyCare) ... they want to milk the ACA for everything they can. ACA would have been great if they actually set some laws and controls on pricing/ costs, neither side wanted that, because their donors didnt, and their corporate donors ordered them to do what they want, to basically milk Medicaid as well for all they can. And this in the U.S. is also being used as a model, to expand as much as they can to other countries, such as in Europe ... it's even tied in with the biggest banks, and the austerity measures and debt, force countries to privatize even health care, as well as anything else they can grab.

We have gone into the lunatic spending range already ... we are shelling out $3.5 trillion annually in health care overall, which comes to about $10,739 per person, about to exceed 18% of the GDP. We still have roughly 28 million uninsured, and 30% of folks insured are under- insured, and half of Americans had to go untreated last year, because they could not even afford their co- parts ... this has turned into a serious issue. Even with private insurance, it does NOT have to be this way ... I tell younger folks what insurance was like just back only 35 years ago, which was MUCH better, what happened to it today is insane ... and is nothing short of what would be normally defined as "organized crime". It has gotten so bad, and so far away from free market, that they even told us, that we can NOT negotiate drug or services prices, of our own money, services and system at that ... this is how out of control this has got. Even combine that with all the wasted expenditures and administrative costs. With such a lack of oversight, people that are given unnecessary treatments, tests, and drugs that are even inflated beyond what an illegal drug cartel of the underground would even put up with. What we have in health care, is clearly corporate communism, and being showcased through expensive ads as free market, choice or other nonsense. And if you say you want more choice, more sayso and control of your health care and expenditures ... they say that you are an extremist and promoting communism. No matter who you talk to, left or right, they like their Medicare and would hate to lose it. I had a neighbour one day who is 91 years old, she still gets around good, and still drives, she is a life long Republican ... and told me that Social Security and Medicare were 2 of the best things that ever happened in this country ... I agree. I think there are many options and experts with many ideas of how to make health care work better. I do think personally that expanding Medicare does sound like a good start, only because it is already established ... so you already have a model that been in effect and working for a half century. Even with a Medicare for All plan, or just an expanded coverage, you will still have private insurers selling supplements, and so much else out there to insure besides health care, they have just got way too greedy and want the whole pie instead of their fair slice. They will also push the job loss card, but there is also job expansion needed in it. You can also make it partial and/ or voluntary, there are so many ideas floating out there, and those companies who wish to stay in the market, will have to learn to exercise what they preach, and be competitive. They on one hand say they're the best providers of health care, yet want a monopoly ... I say, prove it, show us what you can do in a truly competitive free market ... and let consumer demand have real choice.

As far as this political pressure from these giant industries and their strong- arm finance tactics ... I hope to see a growing trend of new folks entering the political arena, that start to promote a trend politically, like those who refuse corporate money, that will inspire others to stand firm against this. And many are going to pressure their fellow Washington colleagues to negotiate ... it can be done, and with the public support and pressure, it's bound to have some impact, because so many will lose the public confidence and support as this grows, and they will be ousted, no matter how many millions some lobby throws on them. The law and SCOTUS sayz they can flood you with money ... but there are no laws forcing you to accept it ... and I'm confident, there are a significant amount that won't take the money, once it spreads as a trend. Once you start refusing money from some of these folks, or take the money at first and do what the people want instead, they will get a clear message, that maybe they're wasting too much time and money on folks that are not going to bend over for them. You can still be a very successful politician, and actually do something that you can be proud of, and that will follow you and your business post political career. And you will gain so much more folks to support you in more wayz than one, including their small financial support in the millions during campaigns, when you show them you care about them and your country, trust me, they will support you ... and you most likely will live a much happier life. The bottom line here as well, is the consumer, which are the bread and butter of any business ... they are wanting other options, they are sick and tired of getting milked to the point of bankruptcy and receiving less than what they are paying for on insurance, coverage, and prescription drug prices. And YES, insurance companies will still exist even with some kind of option or Medicare for All, so this nonsense, when political mouth pieces and lobbies say that the industry would be wiped out in 5 years, and we would all go to the poor house or whatever is pure nonsense, they just won't get the free ride and revenues that they get now, as well as pharma companies, they too, will still exist. But enough from me ... and to the reader of this ... wishing you a satisfying Christmas and New Year during this solstice season.

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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