Tuesday, January 15, 2019

AUFSTEHEN | SAHRA WAGENKNECHT 2019: Taking ACTION before Too Late ... And the Separation of Corporation and State ... The "Left Nationalists" Edition ... (NEOLIBERALISM CRISIS PT.6)- (THE AWAKENING PT.53)- (PUBLIC PATRIOTS PT.61)

Image result for Aufstehen logo

**** aufstehen

Image result for Sahra Wagenknecht

Sahra Wagenknecht- DIE LINKE | THE LEFT


Left 2.0: Wagenknecht launches 'Stand Up' movement against German establishment ... Thanx to RT

This posting will be for the same 3 series as the last on neoliberalism ... "Neoliberalism Crisis", "The Awakening", and "Public Patriots" ... an opening video above. This is more good news, and will take a look at "Aufstehen" (wikipedia) out of Germany, and Sahra Wagenknecht, which founded this movement with others last summer (2018), and of course, I like Sahra and view her and the movement as public patriots. Being myself unfamiliar with politics in these other countries, this is also educational/ enlightening/ inspirational for working class Americans like me. And Aufstehen are being inspired by folks in neighbouring France like the Gilets Jaunes (BBC), still strong in their 9th round of protests, and folks like Jeremy Corbyn (wikipedia) in the UK ... and even folks across the Atlantic like Bernie Sanders in the US, and others. And when you start a movement and 170,000 folks immediately jump on board ... you are doing something right and good for the public, because this neoliberalism has been attacking folks, bottom line, without any consideration or fair negotiation for anything but profit driven corporate communism ... the people need input, not just banks and corporations only. Again, it's not just the US, they been playing and coming down on our EU friends hard. And this new far right wing even in politics, have made it so there is no balance no more ... you need a strong left, in order to even have any left, not this phony half- assed centrist left or whatever they call this shit. Look at our own country (US) and how everything had to shift to the right, thanx to neoliberalism, they even moved our Democratic Party further and further to the right, year after year, saturated with corporate and religious institutional type nationalism (that isn't even anything close to actual nationalism) ... and come up with some new excuse or title to call it ... who the fuck do you think is orchestrating this austerity and this latest wave of neoliberal policies? ... sure as Hell ain't the majority of people on the left or the right. And you knew this was coming, if you looked at this years back. I started this Awakening series years back, to record this growing movement, it was obviously needed and inevitable, that folks around the globe would rise up and resist, country to country, back to back in waves ... folks in all the so called "free democracies" were going to stop and think for themselves at some point ... and even folks in "less free" countries, regardless of all the bullshit they're fed ... folks know when they're getting screwed. Aufstehen like Gilets Jaunes are not just some prepaid political group, or care to be pigeonholed into the current status quo political arena dictated by big money only ... they are for the peoples interests and welcome all, which is needed, as I point out in related postings.

We should be thanking folks like Gilets Jaunes, Aufstehen and others for their movements, even if they are not American, they are an inspiration for us as well, there needs to be a counterpunch of some kind, because the bottom 99% of folks are getting the shit beaten out of them on things like wages and rights too. Neoliberalism is here, and it will not be challenged in the least without action, such as any economic model and situation in history, you must stand your ground to get any results that benefit you, like alwayz, you are dealing with tyrants. I was talking to some guys over the weekend here in the Dallas area, little younger than myself and seen less ... they were concerned about some folks using violence, being, you know, not cool ... and violence should always be a last resort. But I think we sometimes confuse what violence is with self defense, when you are defending yourself against violence and oppression that has no consideration or respect for your needs, I call retaliation in ANY form, simply "self defense". Again, there is all kinds of tools to resist, it isn't all violent, or all peaceful, or all one way only ... you want results, and sometimes you can't just ask these folks nicely. Aufstehen will be taking to the streets of Germany this year, and have plans for many protests ... Sahra and founding associates do not advocate or like violence, but she is sympathetic towards those defending their rights and standing their ground who resort to such, which is understandable. Not everyone on the left will agree with Sahra of course, an anti- fascist activist with "pies for misanthropes" threw a chocolate cake/ pie in her face, because of her changing her stand on immigration. It is popular thought, that only those on the right want to limit immigration ... but there are others on the left who see the way immigration policies are set up, are working against many of the working and middle classes in some wayz, which is why I wanted to add the link to David Adler's Nation piece below. Simply wanting some control of immigration is not anti- humanitarian or whatever, if you are at a point where you can't afford it, do you think the oligarchs will bail you out or help? I look at every country as having their own unique circumstances, it's NOT a bloody damn one size fits all solution, especially when everyone's economic situation is different, and todayz capitalism is a different model from that of over a half century ago, eh? Bottom line, is our so called peoples governments, whether in UK, US, or Germany, are not working in the peoples interests, only in the interests of multinational banks and corporations ... and Germany itself, should not be dictating their corporate agenda to other European countries ... nor should the US corporate agenda be dictating European policies.

But speaking of immigration policies, like Sahra's recent stand, I also support some limits on immigration, especially due to this latest model of neoliberalism. I don't support this "Wall" on the US/ Mexico border though, only because I know a little about how the illegal immigrant business worx down here. You are going to have people getting around it as long as there is money to be made, plus it's an eyesore and damaging to property values on the border, when property/ homeowners on the border have to look at a 30'ft wall, instead of a view. This push for it and controversy is strictly political, and politicians playing with the lives of people as usual ... all this talk about the humanitarian crisis, or thousands of suspected terrorists are crossing, love for the children and women or related nonsense is shameful, because many of these politicians could give a shit less about any of that. Germany, France, the UK and others in Europe, has their own unique problems as well, as far as immigration, and like the US, their policies in government are being dictated by the same inconsiderate trash with big money that dictates US. The big banks and corporations want open borders when it serves their best interests only, they NEED more open immigration policies for when they go into some of these piss poor countries to extract their resources, covertly starting wars, corrupting their governments even more, and enslaving their people. The reason is because when they do, people try to flee their native countries, not because they want to, many miss their countries ... but they are being crushed so hard, they try to flee to save their families and selves in the hope of a better life. In turn, the big money also is able to drive down wages and standards of living in those more prosperous and more democratic countries immigrants flee to, and dictate for their governments to impose more austerity in the freer countries, while financially draining them and putting them more in debt. There is plenty more on this in these series of this journal/ blog. Below is recent news from The Guardian, which is an introduction to this new movement. And I wanted to add in fairness, the piece in The Nation, to try to get a better look at the pros and cons historically of immigration policies, and because every country and generation is unique as far as the benefits or downside of such. I also wanted to add  video of Sahra speaking a few years back, in particular to Merkel, who I made years ago, and never really cared much for Merkel myself. Another video added of an interview with her at DW English. Some of what Sahra sayz is criticism to the US too, but understand that Sahra is not attacking our people, she is pointing out some of our government's policies and actions ... which we as Americans should also be concerned with. A closing music video at the bottom dedicated to Aufstehen.

Word Out ....

***** THE GUARDIAN | KATE CONNOLLY: German leftwing movement will take to streets like gilet jaunes in 2019, says founder ... (newsread)

***** THE NATION | DAVID ADLER: Meet Europe's Left Nationalists ... (newsread)

Sahra Wagenknecht- 23. 11. 2016- Bundestag (engl. subtitle) ...Thanx to HumanEquality

#Germany Decides: Meet the Candidate Sahra Wagenknecht, Left Party | DW English ... Thanx to DW News




"Takin It To The Streets"- The Doobie Brothers 1982, ( Live, Santa Barbara, CA) ... Thanx to WestLAGuy ... I wanted to dedicate this song to Aufstehen, the lyrics HERE fit well for this new movement. The Doobie Brothers are out of San Jose, CA. When I seen this crew sometime in the early 1980's in a circular arena, they closed all seats on the sides of the stage and back, which they could have sold, because it was a sellout, but done it so that everyone had a front stage view. They also done at least a 1.5 hour long music set in 2- 45 minute parts with a 30 minute intermission between the 2, about the longest music set I seen of any crew ever, and really great sound. This will also be included in the "RCJ Music/ Arts Honour Roll Society".


Image result for Sahra Wagenknecht this is what europe looks like    Image result for sahra wagenknecht prosperity without greed english



***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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