Wednesday, January 23, 2019

TEXAS COAL ENERGY ... Is NO Longer Cheaper to KEEP Her, & The state of the State leaves NO Debate ... The "Better Business" Edition ... (GLOBAL WAR'N'ING PT.57)- (AMERICAN JOBS PT.12)

Culberson County, Texas

This posting will serve as Part 57 of the "Global War'n'ing" series of this journal/ blog, and to focus locally on Texas energy, and also Part 12 of the "American Jobs" series. The posting was inspired by a recent article I read below in the Houston Chronicle ... and this will serve as an update on the "Texas Wind Farms" posting I done back in 2012. This posting will be to look at the business end a little more, since I alwayz try to point out business advantages in green energy throughout this series. The first video below is down in Georgetown, a small Texas city of 70,000+ folks, that is powered on most days with 100% renewable power. Below that, the first news link from the Houston Chronicle, will show how coal is basically becoming obsolete, it has a new competitor in Texas ... which is cleaner, better, and cheaper. The next article from 1 Solar Solution, is to show more business, investment, and environmental advantages of wind and solar ... which basically amounts to better business all the way around. The last closing video, is to look at the jobs market in this new industry. Below at the bottom, I'll toss in a few words of my own.

Texas at forefront of renewable energy ... Thanx to CBS This Morning

***** HOUSTON CHRONICLE | ERIN DOUGLAS: Texas has enough sun and wind to quit coal, Rice researchers say ... (newsread)

***** 1 SOLAR SOLUTION: Texas solar companies are boosting the state's economy ... (newsread)

In Texas, Wind Power Means Jobs ... Thanx to InsideClimate News


***** PD/ RCJ: "GLOBAL WAR'N'ING" ... PART'S 56 THRU 1



Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

Texas is a fast growing state, and with that comes alot more traffic, construction, industries, etc ... if you're a Texan, you're probably familiar with the beauty as well around different parts of the state, and support the "Don't Mess With Texas" campaign, and the strict penalization/ issuing citations for littering along our roadways. The pollution that comes with growth as well, should be just as strict as far as trying to reduce it, it is strongly needed and the state of the State. Look all we have to shell out for oil spill accidents and the economic ripple effect on consumers and taxpayers, healthcare due to air quality and the rest. What Mayor Ross talks about also in the first video is just common sense, as far as what would you prefer to buy ... dirty energy at $25 bucks a megawatt, or clean energy at $18 bucks a megawatt? ... it's a win- win any way you slice it. It's sad, that we even have to prove how much of a win this is to some, because any good product should be able to sell itself ... which is the reason I point out the business benefits throughout this series as well, and pointing out the mega business this will grow into. It isn't just the coal lobby spending on politicians to keep coal or any fossil fuel industry in use, you can blame it on politicians that simply don't have any sales skills. In any business where you have a winning product that can sell itself, and a consumer demand for, there shouldn't be any problem for a legislator to sell it, and to make legislation to incentivize investment, so politics is one of our biggest problems ... we just have some folks in politics that are worthless for much of anything. In Texas, we had a conservative governor, Rick Perry, who was basically even a slacker, good only for a few goods jokes here and there ... who took action for the state to invest billions in this, and it's paying off ... so that tells me there are too many others on both sides, NOT trying to do a damn thing.

The jobs part of this should even sell itself ... since so many politicians talk about jobs, jobs, jobs ... and make it a prime campaign issue, there is more jobs being created here than the fossil fuel jobs ... more should be talking about green jobs, both Democrats as well as Republicans. You can see above how some of these folks feel about their new energy jobs ... it's more sustainable employment, and you have to have techs to maintain wind turbines too, and you get to go home after your shift. It's a Hell of alot less hazardous working conditions than being out on the oil rig platform, and way cleaner and safer environment than the oil fields and refinery plants. Those folks working the fields, are also spending more money at local restaurants and stores in their towns, which leads to more business ... as well as all the logistics that's needed. At the same time, look at the possibilities for economic clean development that it will bring to so many rural areas in all the Great Plains states, not just Texas ... in areas that may be struggling economically, and areas that are heavy with conservatives, that felt abandoned by Washington. These areas would not just be expanding their economies and creating new economic advantages, but also providing a great service to larger surrounding towns and the country ... great for your community and great for America! On a global scale, something like a massive energy infrastructure plan, would be a shining example to other countries in the world, and put America in a positive spotlight, and puts us in a leading role position. It opens more competition, free market and investments opportunity and diversity. This is NOT attacking fossil fuel industries either, they have every reason, opportunity and capital to be players in this ... it's change, a new deal, and opportunity for so many. And when conflicts break out in some other oil, gas, and coal rich parts of the world, it won't send our economy into the level of unpredictability and worry as much as it currently does when these things happen.

Word Out ....


**** The Climate Reality Project

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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )
