Wednesday, February 13, 2019

AOC GREEN NEW DEAL 2019: Revision on VISION, and Reform of The Platform ... The ... "Clear Vision Mission" Edition ... (TROUBLESHOOTING with Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez PT.2)- (GLOBAL WAR'N'ING PT.58)

Image result for alexandria ocasio cortez green new deal

This posting will be to highlight and hear- out U.S. Congresswoman Alex Cortez of New York, I guess most refer to her as Ocasio- Cortez or AOC, I just personally call her Alex Cortez. This will be Part 58 of the "Global War'n'ing" series, and will be a Part 2 of Alex Cortez, which I felt to kick off a new series for her in this journal/ blog that will be called "Troubleshooting with Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez", because she has been really on the ball and troubleshooting many of our problems, considering her short time as a member of the House, and I feel that she will have much to contribute to America, so I expect much more to come. I opened below with some views on this Green New Deal and more, with Danielle Kurtzleben for NPR ... there is also the Resolution/ PDF linked in the NPR piece, which is straight, short, and to the point for your convenience. Below that some video, first on the deal accompanied by co- sponsor Sen. Markey of Massachusetts ... the 2nd video she will answer many questions by Chuck Todd of MSNBC. Alex already has a clear vision, and frankly we need a revision and update for our vision as Americans and our politics and policies ... and the Democratic Party could even use some reform to their platform, vision and mission for 2020. Also, as you can see below, there is nothing radical about what Alex talks about here or her approach to change and find solutions to many of our problems ... there is an old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" (similar wording) ... the problem is ... much has been broke for years, and there has been a reluctance to fix much of anything. Some just say that anything is radical that questions the status quo ... questioning is NOT radical, it is importante for a healthy society and for democracy. Some criticize that the resolution is too overboard, asking too much or whatever ... due to the current times and condition, extreme weather events, economics, lobbies and so forth ... you MUST put a full plate on the table, because you know that whatever you get, will only be a fraction of what is truly needed. Whether you agree or not with Alex and colleagues, it is alwayz healthy to give it all a fair listen and consideration, I myself don't totally agree with Alex, but I think that things can be reasonably ironed out and negotiated for much, while even being considerate and fair to corporate players ... all should be importante to democracy and business. At the bottom of the posting, I will add some of my own views and on parts of what Alex discusses.

***** NPR | DANIELLE KURTZLEBEN: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez Releases Green New Deal Outline ... (newsread)

Ocasio- Cortez shrugs off Pelosi's comments on "New Green Deal" ... Thanx to CNN

Rep. Ocasio- Cortez On The Democratic Party, Green New Deal, 2020 Candidates | MTP Daily ... Thanx to MSNBC



***** PD/ RCJ: "GLOBAL WAR'N'ING" ... PART'S 57 THRU 1


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp with wife, Rosalie

First up, I'll show you how radical Alex's views and proposals are ... read what scientists from all over the globe have warned and what they propose here ... calling her ideas radical, is like telling your doctor when they detect and inform you of a serious health problem in you, that they're radical extremists. Of course you're going to believe the scientific evidence, not some fly- by- night hustler who's only vision is how to peddle some inferior product to you at an inflated price ... after all, it has already been proven, that renewable energy is not only cleaner, more sustainable and abundant, but a significant savings on costs ... so who is really radical or nutz? This is why you need to have such a strong resolution, because you know that you will only get a fraction of it, the scientists are telling us what is needed, and they try to be as conservative as possible in their assessments, constantly trying to prove their findings wrong ... so you know this is serious. As far as Speaker Pelosi being such a champion of tackling climate change ... "show me" ... I haven't seen anything out of her that would even make me remotely think that, but it is great that she is willing and trying to deal with it, which is more than I can say for many, and great that Alex is giving her the benefit of doubt and willing to work with her. You may say "Pelosi was strong in fighting Trump on the border wall", which she was ... but the border wall has nothing to do with the biggest money or the fossil fuel industries, not many of financial importance gives a shit about a border wall, mostly only folks wearing red MAGA ball caps ... but there are some that will make money on it too. Some of the House or Senate members even that are jumping on board, are doing it only for political reasons ... their votes, proposals and actions to come, will show you the level of sincerity. It is a big plus, that mainstream media is showcasing Alex and this, even if it is just to laugh at her, such as FOX News is doing, or this scientifically illiterate President we have ... I'd be scared to allow Trump to even change the goddamn oil on my car, without fucking that up, let alone giving me a scientific assessment! But yes, they have been twisting what she is saying/ proposing in this resolution, saying things like "she wants to shut down all air traffic and have people take boats or rail to cross the ocean" and "she is wanting to turn the US into a communist country with no borders, take all the wealthy peoples money, and pay everyone money to not work or do anything" ... this is the level of fanaticism and stupidity this has turned into with folks like FOX News, and sadly, there are many who will believe it ... NO, she is not proposing any of such, and if a country had no borders, it could NOT be communist.

No, as Alex points out to Chuck above, she did not start a movement, this movement has been in the worx for years already. In fact, much of the proposals as far as going to renewables, has been in progress and being built and implemented for years as well, as you can see throughout this "Global War'n'ing" series. The call to do so much in a 10 year time frame is steep, but scientists are already telling us we need way drastic change in the next 12 years too. Pushing for 10 years or the 2030 mark is what is needed, because we're more likely to achieve needed goals in 2050 at the current rate we're going, and we may regret that later. For example, I would go into the job (printing/ graphic arts business) out of habit every day, and work my ass off the minute I hit the door, while some employees would drink coffee and read the sports page for an hour or more before they lift a finger, some would get the red- ass (angry) when I would assign jobs to their presses at 8am sharp, they would ask why I'm so hyped up or whatever? ... I'd tell them, doing this early and getting it out of the way, makes our afternoon laid back, so we can coast, because we got the bulk already done ... same thing here, procrastinating and slacking puts more strain on you later. The business approach to this plan is also a big plus ... business/ economics is the biggest factor in ANY negotiations, again, you must be able to communicate well, reach out to those who disagree, and be able to "sell" them ... and again, you have a product that will help you, because it is frankly doing well at selling itself, looking at the economic and environmental advantages record/ stats. Making sure also that there is the jobs and training plan approach and design to improve the economy with this model, while improving the inequality issue, and expand investment opportunities and new entrepreneurialism is also a big plus in this. We need to use our legislative branch and bills to make it all business friendly, meaning to incentivize folks to want a piece of the action ... and make it more attractive for existing fossil fuel industries to invest much more, focusing more incentives and perks for those looking to diversify their investments more ... you got a great product, a clean and profitable product, showcase how it's economically smart and viable. All your importante players and markets/ investors around the globe are concerned to some extent with the global warming issue, regardless of how they pretend they're not, you can tell in their meetings, discussions, and actions as far as looking out for their own properties/ assets ... they are eager to find solutions too, that way they can highside and take credit later, kind of a public relations thing, because of growing criticism. Much of the action is going to have to come from public majority/ populism pressure too, on them and politicians, they all have to feel the pressure for extra motivation.

Yes, the Green New Deal is probably the most intense of it's kind that I have seen, and the chance of it being passed as is, is zero, I agree. But this is just a model, template, idea, and proposal of strong progressive ideas for change, you look at it and work from it. Moderate Democrats are worried this will cost them in elections? This is just a resolution, and it helps to create a platform, you can pick and choose what is most importante for a platform, and there will be a new support of voters to come from any of it. Bernie Sanders showed how strong his message was, he got more unexpected votes and small donations support than anyone in 2016, and had won in places that were said he couldn't, there is strong desire from many for significant change. Candidate Trump then was even agreeing on things like single payer and getting Republican support, praising Bernie Sanders and using Bernie's talking points, as well as saying he thought that taxes should be raised on the rich, including himself, there is film on candidate Trump saying all this, and look at how much of this was supported by various political backgrounds across the country ... of course, Trump didn't mean it, he's just a good orator when selling himself. Alex was also a hot topic on the lips of the wealthy in Davos at the economic forum, billionaires are downright worried about what she is proposing (CNBC). This is where I look at a different approach too, as far as taxation. I don't think, and never did, that taxing the shit out of the wealthiest will solve our problems by a longshot. Neoliberalism and the new global model in markets/ economics is already deeply entrenched, we have been reluctant to challenge this for the last few decades, the money is already where it is. I would not tax the shit out of the wealthiest, and taxes are very complicated, who gets taxed what, and on what, with more loopholes than you can shake a stick at. I would NOT, in our current condition, try to take back the tax break that the President already gave out, this will cause market/ investment panic ... in other words, we already gave it to you, Merry Christmas, invest and enjoy! (I don't cry over spilt milk). We talk about how great America was during 70% to 90% taxation rates from the 1930's through 1960's, great business, infrastructure investments, jobs, etc ... but the global market, trade, techs/ manufacturing/ production and jobs arena is much more diversified and globally interconnected today than then. Where I see we can get much more money than taxing the wealthiest to death, is restructuring our own spending priorities and GDP, and making corporations pay for more of their fuck- ups and less extravagant welfare handouts, cutting subsidies where able and feasible and other related things ... our own government spending is out of whack big time. I'll give you your big tax incentives and investment incentives, but when you fuck up, you will need to be more responsible and accountable, like anyone is expected in a free market. We have to focus on taking care of our communities, infrastructure needs and people, as corporations have to focus on taking care of their business.

The other challenge that this generational planned neoliberal agenda has got us entangled with, is this economic power battle with the east, the Russia- China front, both of which are challenging us to be the new world leader in all. Even though I enjoy Russian and Chinese media, I also would not trust either country any further than I can throw them, and this is not against the people, but their governments. I personally don't care about being the No#1 world power, but many do ... I feel we have adequate defense to protect ourselves efficiently, and we have strong assets and incentives, with a unique financial environment for investment, manufacturing, and industries/ techs development to be economically healthy going forward, and especially for renewable energies and massive infrastructure planning and development. So I don't like or feel we need to act so strongly on the economic rat race we are in with the east ... and feel we can take different approaches to aligning ourselves with existing and new trade partnerships globally, without going crazy at every move that China and Russia make ... also, the tariffs we put forth with Trump, although with good intentions by Trump, is backfiring on us, we need a more careful approach. I would also like to reduce our intervention and conflicts in some lands for oil or other resources, of course, if we don't, China or Russia will (or Russia at China's bidding) ... but that's fine, let them take the heat and negative publicity from the global councils, it will save us a few bucks and improve our image, let someone else be global asshole for a change ... bottom line, let them dig their own graves. We also depend on selling defense equipment to others around the globe, we can make changes to how and who we sell to as well, and restrict it more, but still have defense sales, and even expand non- lethal defense technologies and security. So we don't have to shut down the defense business either, but transform it, and make it more efficient and more well regulated. We are spending way too much on defense, and the budget keeps getting bigger every year, and of course we spend and waste, to make sure the next budget gets as much or more than the last, it's a fool's game you can't win. When big countries like China and Russia either violate rules or treaties, we handle it with a global alliance, not just wake up with the red- ass one morning over a tweet, and decide to spend billions more to make bigger weapons, the chances of a intercontinental ballistic missile attack on continental US is slim, that would crash markets and economies worldwide, most of this is to sell woof tickets (like a verbal threat). We are alwayz told that we need austerity, to cut all kinds of spending on basic essentials and programmes for our country, or having to sell our land and assets ... yet many corporations are getting welfare out the ass and subsidized beyond reason, because they're also drafting the legislation for it. If we need spending cuts, they need to get cut more than anyone else, they've been getting a free ride across the board.

Which brings me to the "Medicare For All" part of this posting ... how? ... because what I talk about above as far as our spending in this rat race, is the reason why all the folks say nothing can be done, they ask where all the money for this or that will come from? We are spending too much on shit that won't make us or break us, and years later, we alwayz acknowledge our past mistakes, and of course, each political party blaming the last administration as usual. I like a "Medicare For All" plan, as you can see in my "Healthcare Reform" series, however, I feel a better approach to it, would be a simple free market approach (which those who espouse free market talk, don't even want). President Obama back in 2008/ 2009, talked about an idea he proposed for a "20% public option", this is more of a business friendly approach, and it can test its strength and workability at the same time. Insurance companies, pharma, or medical providers can't whine that they're being shut down either. We make a plan to where people can voluntarily buy into a public/ government health plan, they pay through payroll tax and other small taxes, millions are ready ... and we give a few other incentives, employers will save, and be able to use those savings for employees, equipment, expansion of business and new hires. People can choose their plan ... for many like myself, it would work fine too ... I would rather pay a plan like that for my basic needs, than the thousands a year that I may have to pay now with all the parts, supplements, deductibles and out of pockets/ co- pays that I do now. Insurance, med services and pharma will actually have to compete, this will bring down costs ... there are many models out there showing how to bring down costs, we have a whole army of experts who have a ton of ideas on how to make this work. I'm like Alex on this, don't tell me it can't be done, when I know goddamn well that it can, WITHOUT suddenly tearing down all the related businesses ... people like us, and most people with half a brain, can see this is not a free market health care system, but a monopoly designed, drafted, and directed by "corporate communism". Taking a different kind of approach to achieving a true health care system that will reach all, can be done more fair and easier, since the excuse year after year, is that we will shut down the existing industries suddenly, which would cause an economic disaster. "IF" the existing health care industry is all what they say it is ... it will have a fair chance to prove itself in a competitive market, and the consumer who buys it, will choose what worx best for them, the stats will show what is more cost efficient as well, free market will take it's course, and the most efficient and best will come out and expand according to consumer demand, as they all hypocritically preach in these industries ... you cannot do this without taking some kind of action. And we need more politicians with some goddamn fresh vision and backbone like Alex. We have done NOTHING for years now as far as fixing the health care system in this country, it has gotten worse by the year, and the costs are beyond anything reasonable, it has to be right now, the most screwed up health care system in the world, with companies just ripping each other and consumers off. Pharma the same thing, we need to reduce costs, and have more options as consumers. If existing providers and insurers can't compete, they will be the cause of their own failure, and can only blame themselves.

Word Out ....


Image result for congressional names who support green new deal



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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