Monday, March 11, 2019

AMERICA'S OPIOID CRISIS 2019: Dope Slingers in LAB COATS, Drug Kingpin CEOs & The Revolving Door of Corporation & State ... The "Utopian Opium" Edition ... (PHARMACEUTICAL CASH COWS PT.9)- (POLITICAL CORRUPTION & ETHICS PT.15)- (WAR ON DRUGS PT.3)

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This posting will serve 3 series of this journal/ blog ... "Pharmaceutical Cash Cows", "Political Corruption & Ethics", and "War on Drugs". This will be about the Opioid Crisis that been covered by CBS 60 Minutes over the last couple years, which I been following since late 2017 to this latest segment late February 2019. I even read that they won an award for at least one of these segments. But this is really some great informative stuff they done ... and also great that this is coming from mainstream media ... not China, Russia, or so called "fake news" sites. Being in the MSM as well, shows you the severity of this too, because it's much worse than you may think ... but of course, another crisis, and America is saturated today with one crisis after another. There is 5 segments in the CBS 60 Minutes link below ... it covers who's to blame, Congress and the Big Pharma lobby, the distributors, doctors and manufacturers, and the FDA ... and how this culture of corruption inspired by "profits over consumers/ people" has spread from corporations to Congress, the FDA, DEA and DOJ. Combined time over an hour for all segments to be viewed, but well worth the view. Clearly by definition, what you have here is organized crime too, millions of new people becoming addicted to opioids in America, and deaths that already went into the hundreds of thousands numbers, because of the tolerance you build to them and overprescribing them for long term use, to make billions in profits ... bottom line. After, at the bottom of the post, I will add some of my own thoughts of the reality we have, and a more innately reasonable and sane perspective ... because the way were told to react or deal with these things, is just more corporate and politically designed nonsensical garbage.

***** CBS | 60 MINUTES: The opioid epidemic: Who is to blame? ... (video/ read)


.... Cookin spoon sculpture put in front of Purdue Pharma last year ... (USA Today)

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***** PD/ RCJ: "WAR ON DRUGS" ... PART'S 2 & 1


Thomas Hudson Pickering / Ranch Chimp

No doubt, insanity ... or what we consider as civilized thinking, acceptance, correctness, has reached all time high levels. It was sickening as well having to listen a couple weeks ago to some of these Big Pharma heads and their excuses on why they have to rip- off consumers with over- inflated prescription costs (Politico News) ... when they were called for questioning on Capitalism Hill (aka Capitol Hill). They didn't even have any solutions, or could give straight answers, it was one runaround after another ... they rob the American people, then they insult us as a whole. And whether you are left, center, or right ... you know something is systematically wrong, and not just some "flaws", but really wrong ... especially when you get burned not just once or twice, but time after time with increased intensity. The corruption alone in this country is now comparable to what is said about some corrupt third world and developing countries and their dictators on other continents that we commonly talked about as being horrible, but we don't look at these parasites the same here, because they are well educated and wear top dollar well tailored suits. This is EXACTLY why we need legislation like Senator Elizabeth Warren pushes, because without action, history shows us, it will NOT stop, but only get worse, until it destroys our country more, and eventually itself. This is also the reason why these thieves and snake oil peddlers would be willing to spend millions to make sure she would never become a President (she is running too). They don't want a President in this country like her, that supports the average worker and consumers, they want someone that will turn their head when they rob and rape our country blind, bottom line. The President (Trump) proposed not long ago to even execute some of these drug kingpins that are behind the drug trafficking ... I doubt he would try to have any of these, who are the worse of the worse executed. But these people should be stopped, their corruption should be exposed, not just by "60 Minutes", but every media big and small across this country, and organized roadblocks and disruption against some of these giants and their business ... the same as you would go after some street kid slinging opiates outside of your kid's school in your community. The only difference between that street dealer and these big pharma dealers and their peddlers in lab coats, is that big pharma is far worse, many of these people, whether they're from the Washington crowd that transplanted through the revolving doors, politicians, or the top crust of these businesses, should be investigated, criminally charged and tried.

The half century "war on drugs" in this country has also been a total failure, and over that time period, we have more drug addiction than ever ... and I say addiction, because this is NOT recreational, but now a need and sickness, as any hardcore addict gets dope sick without their dope. I'm sure after they get all these millions of people dependent on their drugs as long as they can, they will start a new business to try to cure them ... like a church creating evils so that they can sell the remedy to cure it ... all these monopolistic businesses work the same way ... and it's all predator and prey, simply. Having large corporations in our country was supposed to be for the common good for all, that was the whole reason to incentivize and reward them ... but some have become too large, crushing competition and progress, and starting to rule and regulate us like a communist government would do to its citizens. When you have a town like Kermit, West Virginia, with about 400 population being flooded with 9 million Hydrocodone pills, or a state with 20 million population like Florida, and a company dumping 500 million Oxycodone on it, you get those involved with distributing them and criminally charge and try them ... these drugs are not like marijuana, this is physically addictive and hard to put down. Some in Washington say, when demand for justice comes up for these folks in big pharma ... "but, they went to Harvard", or "they gave campaign donations to so and so" ... I don't give a shit where they went to school ... or who their favourite politician is ... they are creating a major drug problem in our country ... these companies known for years how highly addictive these drugs are, and know the need for very tight regulation on this. We have thousands today in America, with no prior drug use, or association with those street circles, that are now as addicted as any illegal heroin addict. I know 2 guys, one in his 40's and one in his 50's, that are both addicted to prescription opiates, and they have to go now to the black market to get theirs when their script runs out for the month, they both were loosely prescribed them, because of aches/ pains/ injuries from physical labour, that was job related. I know another woman in her early 40's, same thing ... she is hard addicted, she was prescribed them after some kind of back surgery after a car accident, and told to continue them over and over, and they did not try other alternatives ... none of these 3 people used drugs when they were younger, not even for recreation ... they are hardcore addicts today. I myself don't use them, or ever had chronic pain or related ... however, I smoked illegal raw opium several times when I was young, but for only recreational reasons ... to get high basically.

Today on the streets and nightclub scene in Dallas for example, and I'm sure in every other large and small American city, the street drugs in high demand are OxyContin (aka "oxycotton" on the street), Hydrocodone, Xanax (aka "bars" on the street). Since these publicly reputable pharma companies make them and doctors prescribe them, people look at them as designer type clean drugs ... yet are just as addictive and a problem as street crack cocaine or tar heroin. These pharma opiates are one of the most highest demand of "street/ illegal drugs", and are the ones that are manufactured and distributed by these companies and doctors, not by illegal drug manufacturers. And if a person gets caught with these pharma drugs possessing, using, or distributing them, especially without a script with matching name identification of the patient as the name on the bottle, they are charged with one or more felonies ... distribution, delivery, possession or whatever ... yet the actual distributors never are charged with a thing when their drugs flood illegal black markets. We have 100's of thousands across America incarcerated in jails/ prisons, or on paper (parole/ probation and ankle monitor devices), some over and over for their addiction to these drugs, and they committed no crimes against society, just simply using the drugs you dump on our streets by the truck loads. In turn we created a utopia for opiate profiteers, lawyers, and a new private prison system for investors to invest, to profit off of making a revolving door for business to keep locking these lower income people up, and using them for free community or prison labour for other corporations. There is no doubt that pain relievers are needed for folks with chronic pain or other illnesses ... but a one size fix all pain fix of loosely prescribing a shitload of these to people is irresponsible, whether you got a PhD or not ... a street dealer doing this you would not likely support or respect, you shouldn't for these either. Another big issue that has been created in all this, is the new black market on Fentanyl, over 50 times stronger than Morphine, dirt cheap in costs, again, started for good reasons and surgery, end of life or related uses decades ago. The problem with this now is, it's a synthetic opioid, that is being manufactured in large volume and dumped illegally in America from China, and even being manufactured by drug cartels in Mexico. This is being used to cut things like street heroin, to increase potency, product quantity, and profit ...  and cutting crack with it, to counter the cocaine stimulant high with a downer type, to make a cheap speedball (upper and downer mix effect), or put in marijuana on the street, it can be deadly, even just using once or twice ... you need more awareness and focus on this. I heard in Kentucky for instance of fentanyl testers being distributed to addicts in needle exchange, testers are cheap, and needed all over the country.

We lack education and meaningful intervention on dealing with the drug crisis in America ... we can start by spending more money fixing the problem, instead of spending all our money on these corporations, because they're not paying for all the research and development they say they are ... WE ARE. We can find better solutions to things like chronic pain, with other less lethal drugs, such as even certain types/ strains of marijuana, or drug free wayz. We can spend more of our money educating our children better in OUR schools/ public, spend more on facilitating the needs of those who have hard addictions, instead of persecution of them, as well as rehabilitation. I'm so sick of hearing the same thing over and over about "where will the money come from?" ... the money is there!! ... we just need to stop supporting these ingrates and letting them take every goddamn thing we have, and dictating everything we do through their lawyer/ lobby drafted legislation, and destroying our dignity, we're worth more than them, because without us, they wouldn't have anything ... but we bend over backwards to please them through a handful of worthless political flunkies, yet do everything ourselves. We are told we should keep on listening to their garbage, and asking them for solutions, they don't have any solutions, they will never have any, unless it's wayz to profit off us and keep us dependent on them  ... I have no regard whatsoever for ingrates like these ... that's the same regard as they would have for you/ us. These people running these pharma monopolies, could give a shit less about rehabilitating, curing illnesses, reforming the prison system, or our children ... they are out to take everything they can, from our resources, money/ taxes, to government, and enslaving as many as they can to profit off of in some way. You shouldn't give a crook who robbed/ burned you of billions and destroyed your people and environment a fine of several million after they wronged you ... you wouldn't give a thief a $10 fine who just stole thousands out of your account. The idea that we should keep respecting trash that is of no benefit or use to us as a society is what's insane ... these people rip our country apart, and even want to destroy regulations of any kind, so that they can openly supply even the worst drug dealers ... they bitch and whine about the FDA, yet use the FDA at the same time with their money, to take everything they can from us ... and corrupt our government if anything. They look at regular people the same way any predator animal would look at another animal as prey, they abuse all folks ... our veterans/ military, children, elderly, you name it ... and the bottom line is to keep you dependent on them. Even these politicians should be held accountable ... and as long as people are serving in our government, they should be banned for a period from participating in these racketeering endeavors that are out to screw the public.

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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