Wednesday, April 10, 2019

BILL BINNEY- NSA WHISTLEBLOWER | EMPIRE FILES: Keep the Problem GOING, So the Money keeps FLOWING ... The "Praetorian Guard" Edition ... (ABBY MARTIN PT.6)- (End to Privacy? ... NONSENSE ... NOTHING in the PUBLIC has ever been PRIVATE PT.8)- (MO of YO MONEY PT.16)- (PUBLIC PATRIOTS PT.62)

Image result for william binney      Image result for the spooks are all cowards, sunlight is the solution to these things

**** William Binney (ExpressVPN)

This posting will be for 4 series of this journal/ blog ... "Abby Martin", "End to Privacy?", "Mo of Yo Money", and "Public Patriots" series. This will be to highlight and a listen out of former NSA Intell whistleblower Bill Binney (wikipedia) ... credit for the title of the posting to Bill. I look at Bill as a public patriot, not for wanting to implement ThinThread over Trailblazer ... I couldn't tell you which is better or worse of the 2 ... but for standing up and telling his part to every media source that asks him to ... and standing up to what many fear. I been wanting to do a posting on Bill for some time, and he just recently done an interview with Abby Martin, so it will go to her series too, and Thanx to Abby for her work and continued dedication. I have read up and heard several interviews with Bill over several years now, including watching the "A Good American" documentary. It wasn't through media/ online that I first heard of Bill though ... Bill was brought to my atencion through a fella that I know locally, that worked in the Intelligence Dept in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a tad over 10 years, he knows much more about any of this stuff than I do ... and it was he who recommended that I hear this guy out. Whether or not you buy any of the spy stuff, or question what this guy's motives are, or whatever ... it's good to at least hear the man out, it's some good food for thought too. But I'll let Bill tell his part below with Abby ... then at the bottom I will add a bit of my own thoughts.

NSA Whistleblower: Government Collecting Everything You Do ... Thanx to Empire Files


***** PD/ RCJ: "ABBY MARTIN" ... PART'S 5 THRU 1

***** PD/ RCJ: "END TO PRIVACY?" ... PART'S 7 THRU 1

***** PD/ RCJ: "MO of YO MONEY" ... PART'S 15 THRU 1



Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

I myself don't know much of anything on spying, nor do I like reading spy novels or related. But spying has went on for centuries, and it's needed, I even feel the NSA is needed as much as the CIA, so I don't think like Bill on that ... but, with alot of cleaning up on oversight, security, and application of it ... by government, not private companies. But I sure as Hell agree that too much money is spent, and things need to be trimmed budget- wise as far as better planning our spending. Look at how much we spent, and still had one terror attack after another, when they had all the info necessary for indictments, or to intercept at least, they done it before. We also need to expect that our country, whether defense, security, technology, etc is being spied on as well by other countries, so we need safeguards, as well as spying to keep our country secure, alwayz been that way. Even without NSA folks, we are being spied on by everyone from corporations for marketing, to local law enforcement agencies for criminal activity, this has went on for years. We still have a Constitution, and we as citizens, should educate ourselves on our rights, and exercise those rights in the courts when needed ... we as people fail to exercise so much of what we have, sadly. You seen what Bill done when they came down on him ... boom! ... he fires back with "malicious prosecution" ... learn and utilize the tools that you/ we have, I can't even count how many times I went over this even with folks incarcerated, whether it's working on their current case, or appealing a court's decision. This nonsense (which is basically Nazi nonsense) that you have nothing to be concerned about if you have nothing to hide, is cheap Willie Foo- Foo talk, cops even use that crap all the time on the streets ... you don't need to be guilty of a goddamn thing to support rights and our Constitution ... it's not guilty until proven innocent in America, so don't listen to that ass- backwards shit. It's not the end of the world, regardless of how much they watch you ... Bill sums it up simple, don't put anything online or on your phone that you don't want to be there, if you need, take more precaution in your activities and communications, and keep things private between you and your friends/ close associates, period. This is not being paranoid either, it's using common sense.

What is really sickening in all of this Bill talks about (to me), is some of these goddamn contractors ... actually admitting and planning among themselves, wayz to keep milking the cow for the next 15 years or so ... we need to be watching these folks more, more than watching ourselves ... and we have wasted money on contractors in so many other departments too. For years/ decades, we were alwayz fed this garbage, that contracting/ outsourcing out our services for government needs, will "save taxpayers money", what are we saving? ... what is needed as Bill put's it, "you unfund them". Nothing these son's of bitches have done saved us a damn thing, in fact, it's costing us more, and certainly don't make any damn thing more efficient or much safer ... if it did, we wouldn't be constantly broke, and finding flaw after flaw with these folks. Then they come in Washington asking us to make cuts to our social/ public services or entitlements, which they are our entitlements and public services, since we bloody damn pay for them, save that talk for someone else more gullible, not our taxpayers. Even the quality of work, service, integrity, and final product have declined, as well as just draining OUR TAXES tremendously! ... while pressuring and lying to our Congress with their lobbies. The amount of foul ups with some of these so called prestigious contractors/ agencies have cost us also in lives ... what the fuck does it take you to act when you have red flags from here to sundown on a suspected terror plot?, you sure as Hell act if it's some local drug dealers making some chump change on the street! Even if you look at some of the mass shootings in this country, they had info on these folks, they tell us after the shooting, going back for months of even years ... which is one of the reasons WHY you have some pro- gun activists suspecting these are government manufactured/ orchestrated mass shootings. As Bill said, the whole thing is to keep the money flowing, at WHATEVER costs, whether it's taxpayers dollars or lives. These bastards not only waste our money, but have no regard for us whatsoever, while they trample on our Constitution with no regard for it, and making a mockery of everything from our flag and government to our Justice Department.

Just because they have a large portion of our Congress frightened in some way or another, doesn't mean we should also be afraid of these people, or this nonsensical propaganda about the Chinese or Russians are going to get us, are the American peoples enemy, and/ or related garbage. And fuck the so called praetorian guard ... just because you have some cowards in our Congress who suck ass like an ass fetishist, don't mean we should, or that they in Congress can't be replaced. Some say, it's not that simple or easy to unfund some of this or stand against it ... nothing is easy, and especially if you don't EVEN TRY, it's even less easier. I can't stand these lazy gutless folks, that constantly say nothing can be done, and blame their incompetence and failures on everyone else, when they have SO MANY advantages over the average person. If you're too incompetent to defend our country, people, rights, and entitlements ... well then, you're unfit for your position, period ... you win with winners, not losers, with the strong and determined, not the impotent and weak. Our biggest threat and enemy are right here in our own country currently, not Russia or China, and the reason why so many other countries watch us like a hawk, is because this oligarchy that controls us, has them on their list as well, and they know it. Pressure on our Congress from the people, as with any of a number of issues we have that stems from Washington exclusively, deserves to be beefed up, at the voting polls and in the streets ... and our resentment should spread like wildfire over it.

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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