Tuesday, August 27, 2019

TRUMP'S GREENLAND PURCHASE ATTEMPT 2019: Snowjob on Snowland ... Putting the GREEN on Green ... The "Happy Hoax" Edition ... (GLOBAL WAR'N'ING PT.61)- (MO of YO MONEY PT.17)



First up, congrats to the Dallas Cowboys 34- 0 shutout here in Arlington saturday night of the Houston Texans in NFL preseason, I wasn't ready for that! ... great job! Now, down to business. This posting will serve the "Global War'n'ing" and "Mo of Yo Money" series of this journal/ blog. The last week or 2, I heard alot of talk about President Trump trying to buy Greenland ... I first heard of it, when a guy brought it up to me here in Dallas a week or so ago, somehow I must have missed it on the news. I read and viewed quite a few pieces after, because when this guy told me this, it hit me like a red flag, but I was not as surprised as many. I know that I have wrote some critical stuff about Trump in this journal/ blog, but only because it's serious stuff we should be paying atencion to. I tried to keep an open mind when Trump started to run and when he first went into office, in fairness ... I am not one of these folks online, on a mission to attack or ridicule Trump, or think he's an evil monster or whatever ... if he does something that stands out, I'll post, whether it's funny or not. Most of the Tweet stuff on the daily news is worthless to listen to, just bitch- fight stuff. I never kept up with Trump before he was President, or knew much of anything about him, or watched his tele game show or whatever ... I don't keep up with trendy stuff, pop tele series, or even any of the generic type pop music (country, hip- hop, pop- rock). This is serious stuff ... and I'm straight up, what I write, I'm serious about, if I do a posting in humour, I will state "it's in humour" (such as HERE or HERE), or make humour obvious ... this is not humour. Much of what I heard, has been nonsense, on Trump being stupid or dumb on this, making jokes about him attempting to buy Greenland, etc. Don't be so quick to think this guy is stupid, or you/ we will get screwed for billions in tax revenues. It's more stupid to think that Trump is just dumb, and a place like Greenland is just a barren good for nothing island, not worth more than the cash in your wallet. Below, I chose a few links and video, out of several I reviewed, for a more non- politipop view ... at the bottom. I'll add a few things.


***** What I write below may seem impossible, as someone in the spotlight, such as a President, being able to do things indirectly for his/ her benefit, financial gain, etc, it's even common practice for politicians in Congress to pass legislation that may benefit them and personal investments. Understand, that people with wealth, especially one like Trump, who skimmed and scammed his entire life, know how to make money. It's common, especially today, for the wealth class to manipulate legislation, having more control in making laws, that enable their class to break laws. And to piece by piece, with the right positions and influence in government, being able to amend the Constitution, to putting their selection of judges in the highest of courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. They also increasingly make sure that whatever they fail at business- wise, tax legislation and taxpayers will cover them, and most of all the new wealth to the top, is simply generated by the masses at the bottom ... only the masses and governments stay in debt. Many of these oligarchs and their ilk, along with their political and religious puppetry, who destroy our liberty and democracy while robbing us, in my opinion, deserve nothing less than imprisonment, at minimal, or better yet, to be exterminated/ put to death (of course, given a fair trial first, by the people, for crimes against humanity, war crimes, etc). And NO, that's not wrong, irrational, evil, or barbaric ... they're responsible for deaths, and persecution of innocent people everyday, on a global level, they're a disease to humanity, progress, and the environment ... it's self- defense and self- preservation. I was listening to a wealthy investor once, in a discussion with colleagues, who actually said, that climate change disasters are great for the GDP, it creates business, reconstruction, jobs, etc. He's right, because in a capitalism on steroids environment and culture, that's all that counts to those types ... the same as ones in defense contracting love war, because it's good for business. Everything is on the table, from minimal gain to big gains, whether it's natural resources, war/ intervention, healthcare, insurance, labour, to wrongful imprisonment, etc.


***** THE WASHINGTON POST: Trump's idea of buying Greenland is far from absurd ... (newsread/ video)

***** PROACTIVE INVESTORS UK | ALASTAIR FORD: What mineral resources and mining projects would President Trump gain for America if he did manage to purchase Greenland? ... (newread)

***** THE GUARDIAN | RICHARD WOLFFE: Trump wanting to buy Greenland is yet another sign of Putin's puppetry ... (article)

Terrifying proof of global warming | 60 Minutes Australia ... Thanx to 60 Minutes Australia

Explore and Invest in Greenland ... Thanx to Greenland Minerals Authority


***** PD/ RCJ: "GLOBAL WAR'N'ING" ... PART'S 60 THRU 1

***** PD/ RCJ: "MO of YO MONEY" ... PART'S 16 THRU 1


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

When I first started this "Global War'n'ing" series 10 years ago, It was called the "Global Warming" series, I changed it, because I figured that the "warming" should be a "warning". I have particularly had my eye on the arctic region, even though my first posting was on Greenland, I was interested in the entire region over a decade ago, which serves the interest of Denmark, Norway, Canada, U.S., and Russia. Because looking at the actions of industry, I figured that every mining, drilling, fracking investments could not wait for the ice to melt there, even though it would take centuries. Any melting, which accelerates faster and faster as melting continues, excites corporations and investors, it's like finding a buried treasure to them. And all this demand and continuation of fossil fuel usage, has contributed to climate change. Oil companies are still going to extract all oil possible, even if we're all using renewable energy, electric transport, etc ... they still want all oil reserves on Earth, because oil is just not for fuel, it's for just about everything that we use as humans, daily, and economies depend on it, at this point in time. Much of the money used, is not just private investors money in this, but tax incentives that cut into our tax revenues and government to cover it. It's common for government to incentivize and cover business, but what we see today is a bit overboard. Yes, while political mouthpieces in Washington are telling us about how green we're going, or the harm some of these industries do environmentally ... they're writing legislation to reward through tax incentives, to even drill, mine, and frack more, and at historic levels ... which is why I have this also in the "Mo of Yo Money" series. As soon as the melting was in high gear, before it was even melting as much as today, years ago, you had icebreaker ships in the Arctic, paving way for military, and new oil exploration and transport, serving the strategic and money interests of Russia, U.S., and others. You have so many that want to try in any way possible, including breaking up ice, to even accelerate the ice melting. The guy who first told me about Trump wanting to buy Greenland, thought it was a joke, but I explained to him later, that this is more than what meets the eye. I mean, this is why so many people thinking folks like Trump are just totally dumb, are people that probably stay in endless debt, while these mother fuckers like Trump get so damn rich, eh?

As far as Trump being angry, offended, or whatever, that his offer got turned down by a woman ... this is nonsense, he had offers accepted and turned down more times than you can count ...  you can bet, he expected to get turned down ... but hoped they were dumb enough to go for the bait. People like Trump make and break deals their entire life, he's a hustler ... what would bother Trump more than getting turned down or rejected, is him knowing that he didn't try. Even floating an idea like that to Trump a year or so ago ... he can't resist, a good hustler never lets opportunity pass him/ her by, without at least trying ... and he may try again, with new game. To a person like Trump, better Greenland owned by U.S. than Denmark/ Greenland, easier and more "opportunity", than having to deal with Denmark/ Greenland. Trump is watched with a microscope on whatever he does, as any President, but I'm sure Trump and his associates, can find wayz to indirectly make money off certain moves and decisions. I think former VP Cheney's associates made a nice bundle off the Iraq war, too. As far as Trump's scientific illiteracy, sure, he don't hold a master's degree in climatology or related ... but you can bet, that he believes in global warming, by his moves, in fact, he banks on it. He wants a sea wall for is Ireland golf resort, to protect it from rising waters, then he sees Greenland's ice melt, and wants it ... then tells the public global warming is a hoax ... you can bet a "happy hoax" for folks like him. Sure Greenland is good for the U.S. strategically/ economically, but this nonsense he spouts about doing Greenland/ Denmark a favour, since Denmark is shelling out $700 million or so annually, is nonsense, or that this is only about helping the U.S., or whatever ... Denmark/ Greenland made him and the bite/ scam quick ... credit to them. This is about Trump wanting investment, through and for associates and family, so it's about his/ their future, more than ours or Greenland. And you can bet, that since in office, he's been losing money somewhere, because he can't stay on top of his business, like when he's in private life. And you can also bet, that he's been making up for it, by making money elsewhere in U.S. and around the globe, by using his position as U.S. President. And he's going to take advantage of this presidency ... looking at it like having access to a blank check ... because alot of the moves, that lead to profit and loss in private, including deals that led to bankruptcy, he can get the U.S. government to invest/ cover for him, while he deals his hand, that he would otherwise have to cover himself, or with other investors funds, that he sells his pitch to.

Greenland is a bundle of wealth ready for the taking, a new, and one of the last frontiers for prospectors on Earth, and many are hungry, many prospectors for rubies, diamonds, and gold ... and so much else. As the arctic warms, it also opens other doors, and most Greenlanders want to build their economy ... they will even invite tourism if they can, I mean, they figure if Iceland can do it, why not them. And it also becomes more habitable, and attractive, with time, including agriculture. Environmentally it becomes another waste can, despite the environmentalist segment in Greenland, because industry will start to muscle them, if necessary, as well as Denmark ... you know, like they do to us in the U.S. and Canada, with fossil fuel industries. Even though there is big progress in renewables, you are also seeing an explosion of mining, drilling, and fracking ... and will continue to, as long as governments don't stand up to it, besides a dash of minimal regulation here and there. China already has big investments there ... but China is smart too. The same reason we're in Afghanistan, although political mouthpieces in Washington, will tell you it's for humanitarian or terrorism reasons, while helping the Saudis with their other hand, slaughter thousands of Yemenis. Soviets/ Russia, and the U.S., spent a fortune in defense spending, and loss of military lives trying to control Afghanistan ... but not China (not yet), China much less militarily, and only to protect Chinese territory for most part ... they're smart, they let U.S. and Russians do the harder part ... and then they just come in and start doing business (TRT World). China is already investing big in Greenland, and have big plans ... this is China's gig, as far as how they roll, they have money to toss around loosely, they will come into a country, instead of militarily invading it, they invest in them, such as badly needed infrastructure ... and it plays as good public relations. Importante here, because they can come into Greenland, and make the infrastructure needed, possible, and quickly, without public scrutiny, like here ... such as needed roads to connect towns, transportation, and airport infrastructure, they will bid and spend at the drop of a hat ... and U.S. knows this.

Back to Trump ... I first caught his game in his campaign run, not knowing much of anything about him previously. While the DNC was strapped on cash in the 2016 election, partly due to vendors and consultants ripping them off in last election runs ... Hillary Clinton had to fund much for DNC, out of her own pocket in 2016. Trump was able to hustle all this free advertising, just saying outrageous things on the campaign trail ... getting a free ride in MSM. After in office awhile, all the quick hiring and firing of folks he put in key positions, I started to see that he was treating his Presidency like a fly by night franchise of sort. The tax cuts for the wealthy of $1.4 trillion or so, seen some boost in the economy and market confidence, naturally ... but not much being investments, as much as being ratholed and stock buybacks. Then the tax scam pitch on the working class of various kinds I highlighted in this journal, such as this scam/ sales pitch ... to justify giving the rich all. We also spend quite a bit on securing his properties, as well as his trips to his resorts, etc. He goes to the G7 the other day, and what does he do? ... he hustles a sales pitch like an infomercial, to hold the 2020 G7 summit at his Doral/ Miami resort (CNN), speaking of all the accommodations/ amenities that he/ it offers, too bad his homeboy, Jeffrey Epstein, isn't around to supply the young ladies, eh? (just kidding) ... no, he would find a way to supply that too. His trade negotiations and tariffs are not working as planned, and his spending and gambles he takes is too far off, he's playing with OUR money on this, while we are being cut, slashed, and scrimping to pay for our needs as a country. If we have this President another 4 years, there's a good chance of an economic crisis of some sort, if not before ... of course, the wealthy will do fine, but we as a country will suffer. If he gets another 4 years, he will milk our tax revenues for every nickel he can squeeze, because we don't have 3rd terms, so he'll have to play all he can in a last term. This guy is a hustler, and he plays a heavy hand, and for big bucks ... his expenditures will increase as time goes on, with his sort of luxury spending sprees, bets, and bids with our money. And as far as regulations and the environment, he will take us further into a hole. He belongs back in the private sector.

When President Trump was asked about this on camera in mainstream news ... he said it was a "real estate" investment, and to help Denmark. We don't even have enough money to take care of our own domestic needs ... since when the fuck do a majority of American people, want a foreign real estate investment with our tax money? ... an investment, that would not do the majority of this country, not one bit of good. All we hear out of people like Trump, is how we need to make cuts to our public needs ... yet, we have enough money to give out $1.4 trillion in tax cuts to the top wealth circle. Trump has been also talking about further tax cuts for the richest and multinationals, he been staying on the low about it recently, because of the 2020 election. You can bet, if he won another term, he will give even more of our money away to the richest, and squander even more on all kinds of pet projects, that will not do the majority of this country one bloody damn bit of good. This border wall shit is another waste of money, and now it's all politically driven, and it will not stop illegal aliens from getting in the country, it will only make it a little harder, and it will widen the black market of human smuggling, and be a boost to their profits ... that's it. I don't want him to invest in nothing much, that does not help the majority of Americans ... and I actually like the gridlock. The last thing we need, and I'm speaking as a registered voting Democrat ... is for bipartisanship with this President and the Republican Party ... and approving some of his reckless spending ... and it's a disgrace to call this President or his party "deficit hawks", and pure politipop stupidity. And I hope that Democrats will stand firm on these things, and Democrats need to stand to this stuff, or else they'll lose credibility with their voters, in time ... fuck all that "reach across the aisle" shit! ... President Obama reached out, and was a sort of centrist Democrat, as bipartisan as you can get, it didn't do him any good, or the country, there is no reason to keep kissing ass.

Word Out ....


Judas Priest- You've Got Another Thing Comin ... Thanx to Judas Priest **** I wanted to close with a video/ song, and one of my favourites, where the lyrics of this song are exactly the way Trump looks at things ... because if you think he'll sit around, and not take advantage of this presidential opportunity, you've got another thing coming. This is from the 1982 "Screaming for Vengeance" album and tour, I also attended this tour, Rob Halford is one of my favourite power vocalists, with his wide range. This will also be included in the "RCJ MUSIC/ ARTS HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY".




***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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