Wednesday, October 9, 2019

AMBER GUYGER- MURDER CONVICTION & SENTENCE 2019: The Bittersweet Commitment to CONVICTION, & The Act of CONTRITION ... From Surprise to Cries ... The "Gung- ho Guyger" Edition ... (BOTHAM SHEM JEAN PT.2)- (POLICE BRUTALITY PT.33)

Botham Jean

Botham Jean's mother Allison addresses the public after Amber Guyger is sentenced ... Thanx to WFAA

This posting will be a Part 2 for "Botham Shem Jean", and Part 33 of the "Police Brutality" series of this journal/ blog. This posting I wanted to record in this journal, to review the ex- DPD officer, Amber Guyger's murder conviction and sentencing, for killing Botham Jean in his apartment last year, when she thought she was in her apartment, and that he was an intruder. Some folks are relieved, and some folks are angry as Hell over such a short sentence Guyger recieved, prosecution asked jurors for no less than 28 years, minimal ... and it is and was a very difficult case for the families and friends of both the defendant and the victim. It was emotionally tough on many ... and even the part where Botham's younger brother asked to hug Guyger, and forgave her. He's 18 years old, and probably didn't want to just be angry for years to come, which was his choice, and being the younger brother of the victim, that choice should be respected. The jury had several options, for even more leniency on Guyger, and flexibility on charges, so they were not partial in Guyger's favour in how they acted. It's a local case that I followed, and because it was somewhat unique, complicated, and rare, as far as an officer killing an innocent unarmed person, that was doing nothing, but in his own living room, watching a ball game on the tele ... the officer was the actual intruder in this case, and admittingly intended to kill the subject/ victim. But the bottom line here, is that officer Guyger intentionally murdered Botham Jean. There was also speculation of police involvement, when a key witness in the trial, Joshua Brown, who lived across the hall from Botham, and heard the exchange between Guyger and Jean, was also gunned down and murdered, outside a North Dallas apartment complex, after his testimony. It was not related to the Guyger case, they have 1 suspect in custody, in the murder of Brown, 2 at large, they identified, it was over a drug deal gone bad (NBC News).

I wanted to open with a video above, out of respect, from the mother of Botham, who should be heard out first, after Guyger's sentence was handed down by the jury. What Allison Jean points out, is a very serious issue, that we as Americans, have become too desensitized to, she notices it more, since she is from Saint Lucia ... which is the training and deadly force policies ... our officers today, are basically trained to kill first, and to target the area of the body that makes a kill most certain. And we have a very ethnically diverse population, with a long history of systemic racism and classism, and police brutality being allowed, which intensifies the killing, punishment, and assaults on innocent people. Much of where we are today, is also from legislation from our politicians, and their neglect to do much of anything about it ... after all, they alwayz had the power to change this, and neglect to do much of anything. Yet, many politicians complain about racism and inequality among the people in politipop talk? ... the whole system and America was bred and built on racism and classism, and continues to be. You people in key political positions, on both sides, created and maintained the damn system, some of you should be punished and imprisoned. So save your crocodile tears, and don't tell us how compassionate you are, and how racist common people are ... who created and sustains it?, you lame mother fuckers. You (politicians), and your policies, are a key problem in this country ... in other words ... either do something, or just shut the fuck up, your words are worthless, and even insulting to most people. Below I included some newsread and videos, which includes, community reaction outside the courtroom after, as well as Dallas County DA, John Creuzot's response, and the first 2 jurors that broke their silence to mainstream media on their deliberations. At the bottom of the posting, I will add some of my views on this.

***** CNN | Eliott C. McLaughlin & Steve Almasy: Amber Guyger gets 10- year murder sentence for fatally shooting Botham Jean ... (newsread/ video)

***** THE APPEAL | Elisabeth Epps: Amber Guyger Should Not Go To Prison (opinion) **** some people think that a prison sentence does no good ....

Angry Reaction in Dallas After Amber Guyger Gets 10 Years for Botham Jean Murder ... Thanx to Bloomberg TicToc

'Amazing act of healing' | Dallas County DA John Creuzot addresses public after Amber Guyger sentence ... Thanx to WFAA

Jurors desribe 'a lot of crying' in Amber Guyger conviction | ABC News ... Thanx to ABC News




Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

This case was really unusual, as far as trying it ... and it was very emotional throughout the trial's testimonials, full of surprise and cries, for sure. One guy I know was expecting 75 years for Guyger, and he's a white guy, and supports police fervently. Another guy I know, told me she deserves the full 99 years, he's black, and strong against many policing policies. Others I know locally were somewhat mixed up, a couple folks told me, that they think Guyger and Jean were having sexual relations, and she went off on him. I try to base my assessments on facts, and not hearsay ... there was much hearsay in the community here in Dallas, about a relationship between Guyger and Jean ... I need some evidence ... so I can't buy that. Most folks I know, never even heard out the testimony, which was lengthy, they just took bits and pieces of what they heard in the news on their phones and social media. The trial was covered in its entirety, and live, on YouTube by WFAA8- Dallas, FOX10- Phoenix, and KTLA5- Los Angeles. "IF" folks would have viewed the testimonies and evidence, they could see that this was not a simple case ... this also was hard on the jury, and well as the families. I don't find the jury at fault in any way on this conviction and sentence. DA Creuzot had a Grade A team prosecuting this, with an ethnically diverse selection of jurors reflecting of our community/ city. The defense team for Guyger were good, and knew how to present this case, considering they had many objections from the judge who overruled defense requests, in what is admissible ... so that worked in the prosecutions benefit as well. The defense in this case, had the option from the start, as for their choice on who they want to impose sentencing, the judge or jury?, which is common ... they chose jury. Can this be appealed? ... of course ... but do you want to appeal, if you're Guyger's defense? Understand, that if you appeal, you still have the 5 to 99 sentence to deal with, and you're taking a chance, of getting more than the 10 years you recieved from the first run. Also consider, as emotional as this was, the anger that will be added, of a jury and witnesses having to go through this again. Personally, if I was Guyger, and at her age (31), I would let it go, and decline to appeal ... but that's their right and choice, and some folks are expecting an appeal. Guyger should just do the time, and maybe when she gets out, become an advocate, and give back to the community by trying to change police policies, or related. All the evidence that I seen in this case, made me conclude, that this was really an accident. Guyger was inattentive, just left a 14 hour shift, distracted by texting, walking to what she thought was her apartment. She wasn't thinking, fucked up, and neglected using proper protocol. After she shot Botham, she just panicked and freaked out, after seeing what she had done.

This was just such a bittersweet case to deal with, I heard out all the testimony in this. Guyger testified that her intentions were to kill Jean, the jury wasted no time, and found her guilty of murder, and were committed to her conviction and imposing a sentence for prison time. And Guyger showed much remorse for what she done to the family of Jean and the court. The jury came back fairly quick with the guilty verdict of murder, and people were praising the decision outside the court, and even surprised, because of a cop actually getting convicted. I was more reserved, though ... because I expected that the sentencing, from what I seen, would be difficult, to impose a sentence of maximum. The jury was emotionally drained, and restless on top of it, because of the lengthy sequester they had with no media, outside contact, or communications ... whether you are defense or prosecution, you have to expect what kind of mental stress the jury is going through, while being isolated for days, and having to weigh it all. For me, if I were on the jury, after hearing all evidence and testimonies, it would be difficult for me to give Guyger a maximum sentence. Even despite the texts and social media postings, that were clearly racially insensitive, looking at her background, and most of her best friends and folks she helped and grew up with, were black and latino. Even the testimony from the former drug addict woman was compelling, who was also black, that Amber gave a break to in a crackhouse raid, didn't bust her, instead gave her a citation, and helped her get clean, the woman asking Guyger to be at her drug rehab graduation. These testimonies with evidence, and NOT from fellow officers, clearly told me that Guyger was not racist. I think the texts and social media posts was small talk, and in humour, although bad humour, if anything. Example ... about a year ago, at a social gathering of sort ... a friend of mine Tyrone, a black man, who is big, muscular, and mean looking to some folks, mid 40's ... told me in some small talk, "I think you're a racist ... are you racist, man?!", and he had an angry look ... I just said "Yeah, I am", folks around us just went silent, looking at us ... he broke out laughing. Tyrone was just joking around, and asked me a dumb ass question, and I gave him a dumb ass response ... he knew it and I knew it ... but one white guy told me, looking serious ... "I can't believe you told him that" ... but Tyrone and I were just fucking around. The social media posts about "shooting first", is like gung- ho type sort of shop talk ... bad taste for an officer of the law though, especially to post in public ... even if it is sarcasm, tongue in cheek, bad choice of humour, or whatever.

There was much focus on Guyger's sexual relationship with her team/ patrol partner, Officer Martin Rivera, prosecution put it on the table, and it's common to do, Rivera was also married, this is to bring out a negative character of Guyger. But both admitted openly about their sexual relationship, and put it all out on the table, so it didn't have much impact. However, Rivera is being investigated, and a couple others, Rivera also, tampering with evidence, as far as deleting phone texts, and whatever else. And the community are asking for Rivera's 2007 case to be reopened, where he shot and killed a young unarmed black man, and for his resignation. I didn't know a thing about Rivera's shooting and killing of Brandon Washington, but my buddy Tyrone, who also lives in Pleasant Grove, ran it down to me. Brandon Washington, was a 20 year old black man, who Rivera shot in the head and killed, over a call from a 7-11 store in Pleasant Grove, they alleged Washington stole a candy bar, Rivera found the suspect in vicinity, Rivera said he thought he was armed, slowly removing his hand from his pocket, and killed Washington ... nothing was done to Rivera (Dallas News). I don't know what will be done as far as Guyger or Rivera deleting phone texts, they are officers, and texts were related to offense of Guyger, even. I mean, I myself as a citizen, delete texts daily on my phone, not because of what they say though, I have alot of texts that are just short basic messages, on going somewhere, meeting someone, reminders, etc ... it's pointless to cram my phone and saving every damn message I get or send out ... I don't need them for anything, just more junk to store. But people should ask for the resignation of Rivera, and to reopen his case. And the reason why folks were so angry at the 10 year sentence of Guyger, is because in case after case across America, unarmed black men are killed at an alarming rate, and too many officers get off with no time. Dallas County convicted and sent 2 to prison over the last year alone, but the Roy Oliver case for killing the Jordan Edwards kid, was completely different, and Oliver only got 15 years ... so yes, people are justified in their anger ... not everyone chooses to forgive and forget. Yes, this Guyger case goes on the books, and a plus for a conviction and precedent for upcoming trials, but the circumstances of this case are not likely to be matched, and Botham, was a model citizen, like stainless steel. It also angers people in the community, to see that it takes the murder of such a near perfect citizen, to even only get 10 years for an officer, that clearly admitted, her intentions were to kill the victim.

I was somewhat surprised on how fast Guyger pulled chain ("pulling chain" means transferred from County Jail to prison), I known folks that had to wait weeks or even months in county before pulling chain. Guyger's at the women's Mountain View Unit at Gatesville now, this is not an easy place to do time, but it's common for women that are on murder convictions and death row to be sent there. She'll probably be in orientation for a couple weeks to break her in, before she's assigned to a cell. I visited this unit many times, I know 4 women that done their time on this unit (Yolanda, Minerva, Tess, and Veronica). Those I know, and a couple other women I talked to, that done time there, all worked what's called the "hoe squad", before their request/ app will be considered for any indoor work, like kitchen, clean- up, laundry, mailroom, etc. Work is a common requirement, and it helps time pass quicker, but you don't make money. Most likely, Guyger will get what's considered in prison, as a decent job inside, because of her background, college degree. They'd rather utilize her somewhere, for her previous experience, not some menial job like clean up ... no pay, but good for parole reference. The majority who work hoe squad, you are hoeing, even if the land already been hoed, you'll be hoeing the same shit over and over, and in the summer in 95/ 100 degree heat, your ass is going to be sweating bullets. The food there is bland and minimal, so you depend on commissary to get food, junk food shit, but at least filling and tastier. So you need money on your books/ account, or do without ... Guyger would have money, though. Seeing a nurse these dayz, I hear they even take money off your books for that. Those who don't have money, sell services to other inmates, like writing letters for them, if you have writing talent, personal art, custom greeting cards, giving tattoos, sexual favours, or whatever to make it. Guyger will get a parole hearing in 5 years. I'm not sure what a penitentiary year is in TDCJ now. Back about 20 years ago, it was 7 to 8 months, as having served a penitentiary year. Or what kind of incentives she'll get, like "good time" for early release, once it's out of the courts, the sentence is prison's responsibility, the court just required a basic 10, so she is required to do 5. What I'm saying, it's possible that she may do a little less than 5 years. Things that may delay granting parole, is, if you get write- ups, giving trouble to guards or inmates, fights, new charges from within the walls, such as contraband. Also, the Jean family may go to the parole hearing, and can address the board, if they want to dispute the board on releasing/ granting parole to Guyger early. I assume they may consider some time in protective housing for a while, being that Guyger is a former cop, and someone may give her trouble ... I don't know, never knew a cop that done time in there. That's it from me ....

Word Out ....


***** Amber Guyger intake prison photo, at Mountain View Unit, Gatesville, Texas



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. This was a really weird case. I just find it very hard to believe Guyger didn't realize she was entering the wrong apartment, even after just a couple of seconds. Even if the layouts were identical, any two apartments have different decorations and furniture. I'd know immediately if I was in the wrong place because it would all look different.

    Of course, one always has to remember that the jury has a lot more information to go on than people who are just reading about the case in the news.

    This whole business of forgiving someone who wronged your family that badly is totally alien to me. I don't get it. But I can't pass judgment on what they feel is the best way to cope with their pain.

  2. Incredible! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It's on a completely different subject but
    it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Excellent choice of colors!

  3. My spouse and I stumbled over here different page and thought I might as well check things out.
    I like what I see so now i am following you. Look forward to looking into your web page yet

  4. Infidel: Yeah, walking in to a different apartment I tried to think about, trying to put myself in that place ... I figured, when the door was slightly ajar, it probably distracted her, thinking someone is in her place, only. No lighting made her focus on looking for a subject, zeroing in on subject/ target (like on the job), only focused on the silhouette movement, being dark surrounding, focusing on subject only. When she asked to see his hands, he starts to get up off sofa, sayz "hey, hey, hey!!" ... which is a common reaction for anyone like Botham ... I mean, if someone walked in my door, I would be saying "Hey, Hey!" probably. Guyger worx a detail that is a tactical type unit, and an investigation unit, where they have to create their own investigations, due to many citizens who call in, to report something/ criminal activity, they also get called on, to back up SWAT unit operations, and serve high- profile warrants, it's a little more of an "on the edge" type detail. Many places they serve warrants, are dark, unfamiliar, and having to focus strictly on subjects at first, movement, etc ... some of the subjects they serve warrants on, are armed, and sometimes try to shoot their way out. I myself, would find it hard to forgive. Several years back, I came out of a large store to a large parking lot to get in my car and leave ... there was a car, almost identical to the one I was driving in the lot. I walked up to it, put the key in the door, and wondered why it didn't work. I don't know if there will be an appeal or not ... but, as I pointed out, I myself would decline to appeal. Just really a fucked up case all around, eh? ... Thanx for your views here.

  5. ANON #1: Yeah, it's just standard blog layout choice, and I like it simple. Colours?, most of it was suggested, I guess. I added a slight screen tint to the text background, to try to make it more pleasant on the eye of reader. I say this, is because, I read several articles/ PDFs or whatever, and have noticed over the last couple years, I guess ... that something about the brightness is affecting my eyes, I think. Because when I read book pages, zines, or newspaper, it does not bother my eyes at all. Concerned about this, I checked my eyes, and they are good, I have never wore glasses. I noticed, when I read many pages articles, on computer, it does something to my eyes, don't know what? ... but I get away from computer, and they refocus back to normal I guess, when I go outside right after. I searched for similar reactions to computer screens, and seems like many folks get this from "glare" or related ... some say to buy some kind of screen protecting glasses ... I wasn't ready to spend a few hundred bucks on some special glasses, that I only use on the computer. I just take the breaks away from the computer instead. Bottom line, Anon, I just try to keep it basic, for the reader, and don't put loud colours in it, like I did in past. Some of these websites are incredible as far as backgrounds, very coluorful, etc. And some have more ads than I can deal with ... Jezuz Christ!! ... especially in MSM articles, the advertisement saturation is overwhelming!! ... so much shit to sell you something or another. Thanx for your voice ....

  6. ANON #2: Seen this and your following, now? ... that's cool. I don't post as much as I used to, I guess laziness ... although my brain is alwayz going at 100mph, and high adrenaline! {:-) Much I like to post, but don't get around to it. I read quite a few things online, I don't comment as much as I once did, I guess just laziness, too {:-) It's also much different commenting online than in person, or a phone call, or a letter, if that makes sense ... nothing against you or anyone, anonymous ... or folks you don't get to meet in person, but it lacks that person to person feeling at times (at least, to me) ... hard to explain, sometimes feels sort of impersonal, if that makes sense. I'm old fashioned kind of guy, for me, there is nothing like that one on one, face to face on the street. So, I try to write on here, as if I'm talking to you in person directly, on the street or whatever ... some of my writing skills are a little lacking. If you have, and give me a website, I'll check yours out ... may have already done so, I don't know. But, Thank You for your interest, Anon.

  7. Very good site you have here but I was curious if you knew of any discussion boards that cover the same topics discussed in this article?
    I'd really like to be a part of online community where I can get feed-back from other experienced individuals that share
    the same interest. If you have any recommendations,
    please let me know. Many thanks!

  8. ANON #3: Good site? ... pretty basic, but Thanx. Discussion boards? ... I haven't looked at or for any on this, just looked for articles, video, read, and viewed some comments. I've discussed it with various folks here and there, but folks around town (Dallas), not an "online" community or discussion. Recommendations?, I guess to just search for discussions ... I mean, I haven't looked for any forums on this. Sorry I couldn't help on that ... Thanx for your comment and interest.
