Thursday, December 19, 2019

THE AFGHANISTAN PAPERS & RETROGRESSIVE DEFENSE SPENDING 2019/ 2020: Cheated, Repeated, & Defeated ... Dropping a DIME on HIGH CRIMES ... The "Bi- Way of Highway Robbery" Edition ... (FUNDING & STUPITY PT.8)- (MO of YO MONEY PT.18)- (RON PAUL PT.3)- (TULSI GABBARD PT.4)


**** REFORM & CHANGE: Not ALL, but a significant portion of our Representation in Washington "truly" dont want much "Change" or "Reform" ... Why? Because it IS NOT human nature. I mean ... There is no incentive ... they have to be "forced" by the people ... just call it something like "laying down the law ...". Think about it a moment ... If you had a paycheck of say a couple hundred thousand dollars a year, the best health insurance money can buy (tax money at that), great retirement benefits, free luncheons/ dinners at fine eateries (tax write- off expense), a month or two off for major Holidayz such as Christmas/ New Years, luxury car rental reimbursements, recreation and health workout facilities, and additional financial support in the 100's of thousands to a million+ dollars or so annually, no term limit, you write and pass all the laws, cocked and locked for life, etc, etc ... Why would you possibly want much of anything to "change"? Why would you even want "reform"? Why would you want to get out of gridlock, or a 2- party system, especially when it stalls everything and guarantees you an opponent next election that you can blame everything on? - - Ranch Chimp, 20 january 2012

This posting will serve four series of this journal/ blog ... "Funding & Stupidity are NOT Compatible", "Mo of Yo Money", "Off the WALL with Ron Paul", and "Tulsi Gabbard" series. The big news in every major media right now, is the impeachment of President Trump. I have not been following it much, only because I felt it will go through Congress, and be stopped dead by the Senate, later ... hope that I'm wrong. Did he abuse his Presidential powers? ... does a Teddy Bear have cotton balls? And I also feel like trial attorney, Farron Cousins does here, as far as rushing it. President Trump committed various felony criminal offenses (Reuters, on criminal charges on a President), even extortion, bribery, etc, from what I seen ... any good prosecutor would know how to go for the full plate to make impeachment more solid ... so I don't know what in Hell they're thinking, especially seeing how a Republican majority Senate, who increasingly seems to support Trump, will react to it, as such. I also expected that Trump may come out looking like the victim, and play the card, and the twist that will follow, where his popularity will increase, which it is. If not successful and done right, Trump and Republicans could come out smelling like a rose, after all said and done, in the 2020 elections. This is about the parties, instead of trying to prosecute Trump and associates, with what is CLEARLY criminal felony acts. I don't even see where impeachment of a President does much ... the move to, made President Nixon resign ... the first was President Andrew Johnson ... and Senate failed to convict. The last time we had this impeachment "show" (and it is a "show", being basically used to keep the masses politically interested in these parties, in what is otherwise meaningless), was on President Bill Clinton, he was acquitted, all he done was lied to Congress about a simple love affair with an intern, the intern admitted, she was in love with him. Personally, I've had mixed feelings about Clinton, and was not very fond of him ... not because of casual love affairs, but because of his 1994 Crime Bill, which led to mass incarceration for the private prison industries, the so called "welfare reform", and his NAFTA trade deal, etc. Bill Clinton was under impeachment proceedings for something that happens in the workplace daily across America ... people fall in love, and if married, sometimes publicly deny it. But I am concerned strongly about politicians that are repeatedly cheating and defeating us, taking money under the table directly/ indirectly to pass legislation that is against the majority of peoples interests, and committing felony crimes and/ or treason ... not politicians that have sexual engagements/ relationships with consenting adults.

Now, down to business. I want to have this posting to review what else has been going on in Washington, that has not been as widely covered in media, due to all else we been distracted with ... but is very importante. The "Afghanistan Papers" is really quite a read in itself, so that's first of importance, although I'm not surprised, as you can see in the related postings in the "Funding & Stupidity" series, that I suspected and been writing about for several years. I wanted to include some other links of several I been reviewing and reading, as far as reactions. Also, as these impeachment proceedings were in progress, the recent bipartisan spending budget went through Congress, and the massive defense spending increases. And credit to Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who decided to push legislation to require a Congressional Inquiry on the Afghanistan Papers, and a couple short video clips from her, just hear the woman out. This is very importante, because the American people have been constantly lied to and ripped off, and there has been zero transparency on this issue so far. We need to bring it out, as far as where these expenditures are going, and who is receiving what, as far as the political insiders, government officials, and corporate/ contractors who been hiding this ... and to pursue investigations to impose criminal charges/ indictments to various people in Washington, contractors, or anyone who colluded in this bipartisan highway robbery. Also I linked in some stuff on the overall $1.4 trillion government spending that just passed Congress, to get an idea of what we're looking at, and what to expect. It is not all that bad, and there are several good social spending parts in it, that Democrats pushed into it. There is a segment of Democrats with good ideas and moves, and the corporate dems have to go along with it, because both parties as a whole, are asking for billions in freebies for corporate lobbies that pressure them ... I mean, you got to give a little something, when you are taking so much ... it's business, eh? You also have that segment of corporate Democrats, that are just overpowered by right wing and neoliberal thinking, and weak at negotiating against the right, displaying weakness (and it been like this for years now), to the point where this newest form of far right republican culture and thought, clearly have the upper hand in Washington. I first wanted to open below with some excerpts from a speech of President Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower in 1953, who was one of the stronger leaders as far as Presidents in my lifetime ... hear the man out. At the bottom, I'll add some of my own input.

A Chance For Peace (**** excerpts from President Dwight Eisenhower's speech 16 april 1953) ... Thanx to songoftheopenroad

***** WASHINGTON POST | CRAIG WHITLOCK: The Afghanistan Papers ... At War With The Truth ... (newsread)

***** LIBERTY REPORT | RON PAUL: Afghanistan War - The Crime of the Century ... (newsread/ opinion)

Afghanistan: Gravy Train for the Warmongers ... Thanx to Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard LIVE- Democratic Party Spratt Issues Conference- Greenville, SC ... Thanx to Tulsi Gabbard

***** THE REAL NEWS: 188 Democrats Vote for Trump's Bloated Defense Budget ... (video/ transcript)

***** COMMON DREAMS | JAKE JOHNSON: 'Astonishing Moral Cowardice': Sanders and Khanna Denounce $738 Billion Bipartisan Pentagon Giveaway ... (newsread)

***** WTOP | ASSOCIATED PRESS: House passes $1.4T government spending bill amid impeachment ... (newsread)

***** THE HILL | Peter Sullivan: Analysis: Repeal of ObamaCare taxes in bipartisan spending deal costs $373B ... (newsread)


***** PD/ RCJ: "Funding & Stupidity are NOT Compatible" ... PART'S 7 THRU 1

***** PD/ RCJ: "Mo of Yo Money" ... PART'S 17 THRU 1

***** PD/ RCJ: "Off the WALL with Ron Paul" ... PART'S 2 & 1

***** PD/ RCJ: "Tulsi Gabbard" ... PART'S 3, 2 & 1


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

All these people that are suspected of wasting our money, and/ or intentionally robbing us, should be investigated, exposed, and even criminally indicted and tried, just as anyone else would be. Example, if a person ripped off Medicare/ Medicaid with false claims, they'd be in prison. The first time in my life I started wondering how defense spending worx and questioning it, was in 2003. We just invaded Iraq for WMDs, and President Bush said it should be over in a few weeks, or some ridiculous short time. Looking at the amount of equipment and personel going over there, I first questioned the length, it appeared we were setting up for a long term. I also asked myself, how much will this cost?, seeing all the infrastructure destroyed, because I know our gig is to rebuild after we destroy, and it's good business and public relations after such invasion. Due to the magnitude, I thought, this will mean your biggest contractors, big enough to handle jobs of this magnitude, as far as reconstruction, that we have to give millions to, to do all the subcontracting out, etc. Halliburton got awarded a contract, and first job, repairing damaged oil fields. VP Dick Cheney, who broke ties with Halliburton, claims he had no interest in Halliburton or making money, and we spent in the 10's of billions on Halliburton/ KBR services ... but there are too many wayz he can indirectly make money off that invasion, so I can't take that at face value. Halliburton was one of my/ our customers in the printing/ graphics industry, a big account, and we also loved government contracts of any kind, because they will not bid much, and pay premium prices at the drop of a hat. I also had family and friends employed with Lockheed Martin, Bell Textron, General Dynamics, and Raytheon, so I know what kind of business they depend on too ... as well as a couple guys I knew who were seeking large rig truck driving jobs over there, because the pay was incredible compared to driving here.

Bottom line, I was imagining how much could be made by everyone off this war, even in the short term, and U.S. was going to spend big time, we also had mass public support, because everyone still had the red- ass over 9/11 (even though it had nothing to do with Iraqis, but the Saudis). This was going to be a dream come true for the defense industry, and a big buy and payout. I'm not anti- war at all, either ... if someone intentionally invades us for no reason other than to kill and conquer, I sure as Hell am all for striking back with increased intensity ... I don't love war, but understand it's necessary to defend our country/ land/ interests. I have family that served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, all. Today, we are not even honouring the constitutionality for going to war (War Powers Clause), I feel we should be going through constitutional and congressional procedures, not just wake up with the red- ass, or fall to our knees whenever some billionaire oligarch, mining, bank, or oil company orders us to ... and at least, thinking it out better. Those politicians who say we are in Afghanistan to free women from oppression, got to either be full of shit, or blind ... we're in there for the resources, and anyone over there that retaliate against us taking them, we call a terrorist. Look at how dependent we are on supplying the Saudis with arms, and the innocent people that are dying from strikes on them ... yes, look at Yemen, and even our involvement (PBS/ FRONTLINE). What does that do for our people? ... nothing, but create a handful of jobs, that could be created elsewhere. And we wonder why so many don't love our muscling, occupations, and invasions of their societies/ countries. Americans wouldn't like being muscled by a foreign country, nor should we like having a bunch of multinational wealthy people, taking all of our money, and constantly muscling us, telling us we need to sacrifice more for them

Since the start of the 21st century, our defense spending has been getting looser and looser, as well as oversight of what we're spending on what and where, exceeding unprecedented levels, and becoming such an addiction, and so large, that like all else, our economy is becoming too dependent on a handful of too big to fail type industries. I think we can reduce risks a bit more and expand in other areas, most of which, we already have a foot in the door. We have totally lost even any fiscally sound policy and responsibility ... in fact, it's stupid, irresponsible, and retrogressive. It's so out of whack, and growing like a serious drug addict with a strong addiction, to where we will eventually overdose, without some control and scaling down. Just slow down a minute and look at where we are currently, such as our spending bills/ budgets ... it is so ridiculous, that we are actually squeezing the lowest of poor Americans, for measly food stamps, school lunches, healthcare, basic American standards of living, or anything ... just to be able to give it to some contractor who wants to build something like a gas station in some remote area of Afghanistan, for some ridiculous amout like $40- $50 million, that will not even be used, and drastically overpriced and worthless to our country and theirs. That is truly insane, and by any standards, left, right, in between, upside down. Even any multimillionaire/ billionaire investor would tell you how stupid this is ... because to them, money sitting and not working 24/ 7/ 365 is stupid, you alwayz want your assets/ capital working, not sitting, or investing a dime in anything that don't generate profit. Distribute those millions here in the U.S. in a form such as food stamps, as one example, all of those stamps get spent here in our communities and quadruple in value, as far as how much business they generate domestically, in rural to urban communities coast to coast. In other words, they don't sit like that gas station and make nothing or are worthless, they boost our domestic economy, and immediately, while creating needed services and business in America.

We should NOT need to have our poor people, especially working poor, begging for money and food from churches, wealthy philanthropists, food banks, just so they all can get a free tax ride ... we should take care of our own, so they can have some dignity too, and it's inexpensive, compared to what we waste on. Nor should our political representation have to spend half their time in phone banks panhandling from the richest to fund and control our campaigns and elections. I am for publicly funded elections, across the board, as well as reform to our lobby system, this is clearly screwing us, and fair representation. You can still have lobbying, and let people individually donate to a candidate, just have limits. Capitalism does not need extreme poverty to be healthy and flourish ... and a successful capitalist society, is better sustained and orderly for all, with a social safety net, not just for business, but for all. Affordable housing, and yes, government subsidized, is a big win as well for investments public and private ... because the demand is so much greater, than the gamble of highrise luxury condos in a place like Miami, where half of them remain empty half the time, and cities across America keep funding these investors, knowing that it's a bigger risk and gamble for investment, and will only turn well depending on when markets/ stocks are peaking, which are like a rollercoaster ... millions upon millions will fill affordable housing units so fast, and for long term sustainable leasing and buying, you will barely be able to keep up with market demand. Investments in energies transition, is a big winner for the future, at any level, as far as needed infrastructure renewal/ upgrading ... again, big demand, drawing big public and private capital investments, and for related industries/ services, and one of the largest seen in years, demand for new jobs, that will continuously need manufacturing, maintenance, and upgrading.

Another reason we're under so much pressure, is because of this newest neoliberal economics model being pushed by the global oligarchy, and this invisible economic war and race with the east ... which is pressing all of our governments, to appease the wealthiest and corporate class for their support and approval. Example, this has gotten so insane, we have cities fighting to give taxes and subsidies to some company like Amazon, or another giant, just to keep up in the rat race economy. We are fighting over which of the wealthiest we want to tell us what to do? ... are we crazy? ... fuck them, think for ourselves. We have become so embedded with fear, as well, that if we don't kiss asses of these top crust, who basically just took all our money to get where they are, we will become 2nd place in the world to China or whoever, and the big money will leave us and go to their side, etc ... as far as I'm concerned, leave, we are not helpless, or ever needed y'all. Like the markets, economies in countries are up and down like a yo- yo, we are being played like fools, or like a mark in their hustle/ game/ con ... China, sure, would like to be world leader, but they are China, and we are U.S., and a world of difference, both unique. China has big plans with their Belt and Road Initiative, and this is a big concern to US and EU, and their government (China) isn't as much a pushover like the US is, so harder for global neoliberals to deal with. China has much stricter enforcement and penalties for corruption in government, including prosecuting the wealthiest, while the US bends over to the wealthiest, and are weak at prosecuting any top wealth. We hear of China's high speed rail infrastructure as example, very impressive ( ... and wonder why we are behind, but what people don't see, is that China has a government that owns most of the land ... so it is nothing for them to have thousands of miles of high speed rail. China also plans to extend its high speed rail network into much of southeast Asia, and even Europe. They also tell companies what they want, if those companies want to do business in their country. The big banks and corporations are playing China too, and any other country that they find assets of worth, the oligarchs want to govern the entire world, and use our lives, militaries, and capital to do it.

In the U.S., just to build a few hundred miles of high speed rail in a place like California, has regulations and zoning galore, and much private land ownership, they have to get through all that, to move ahead on construction, and the costs are enormous for such, compared to China, so China can build whatever they want, wherever and whenever, at the drop of a hat. We also don't have the money to spend as China, since we give so much of our tax money to rich people and corporate welfare, meaning we need to gather private investments. China is also gaining power by investing in so much in developing countries, because the deals they make with those countries for their investments, particularly in needed infrastructure, which directly helps Chinese business (airports, seaports, etc) ... so we are trying to outspend China as well, and trying to cut any kind of trade deal to compete, before China locks in a deal with them. We have to be unique in the US, and in accordance with what our needs are, and how to achieve them ... so we don't need to copy everything like China, to stay in some pointless race, while driving ourselves into bankruptcy doing so. But be innovative in our own way, and to what serves our country's interests, on every level, not just trying to play catch up with the Joneses (China or whoever). There is plenty we can do ourselves in our country, to make it much better for us, and to better our relations with people of the globe, and less of kissing up to these corporate banks and oligarchs, and invading countries, just for their resources, and to exploit their people. If someone wants our help or advice, they can simply ask, and we can go to help, if we're invited, not by invading them. Nor do we need corporations dictating our society and values, and making our decisions for us. Some constantly complain about big goverment, do they not ever question big corporation/ banks? ... as if a peoples government is evil. Hell, we should know from our local politics, that we are able to govern our own communities, those same people tell the federal goverment to stay out of our local government, but still want an acting government, so not all government is evil. I also vote in local elections, and on bonds, amendments, spending, or whatever, after all, that's our local government.

Also, concerning President Trump, since that's all we hear about out of Democrats, especially in these Democratic Presidential Debates, and daily on the news, and everywhere in between. It is obviously clear to me, that Trump is like a shyster, and who seems to have some sort of mental disorder between bipolar and schizophrenia. I myself have pointed out time and again how he is running game, like a street hustler, in this journal/ blog, and the importance of watching our money around him. But all we hear, is talk that he is the problem with this country, how we need to get him out of office, etc, etc. The problems we have in America, were around way before Trump, and have escalated copiously over the years. They are a RESULT of a fucked up and corrupt Washington, period. We want to impeach him, yet do a half assed job at getting a full plate, and Democrats leading the way, know with a half plate what will happen when it reaches the Senate, most likely, like I pointed out above. In bipartisanship, just enough Democrats, as alwayz, gave Trump support on things like judge appointments, his massive tax cuts for the rich a couple years ago of nearly $1.5T, they also gave him all kinds of treats in this recent $1.4T spending the other day (which we had to get something through on that to avoid another goverment shutdown), but also been giving him more than he asked for defense spending, including allocating more money for his border fencing, and today, just gave him his new USMCA trade deal (CNBC), etc,  and his following is getting stronger over much of it. Just how serious are Dems about taking down Trump? ... I don't know, because it don't look serious, looking at what Dems give him. Much of what they're handing Trump on a silver platter, is going to work to his advantage, which he'll get all credit, including this economy, and the Republican Party ... and your olive branches and bipartisan love will soon be a lost memory, come november 2020. To the viewer/ reader ... Enjoy the Solstice Season, and may you have a fun Christmas and New Year Holidayz.

Word Out ....



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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