Monday, March 2, 2020

COVID-19 | CORONAVIRUS 2020 (PT.1): The Health and Economic VIRUS Amongst Us ... The "Health & Human Market" Edition ... (GLOBAL WAR'N'ING PT.62)- (AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM PT.17)

This posting will be to examine the Coronavirus, it will also be Part 62 of the "Global War'n'ing" series of this journal/ blog, because, as I point out throughout the series, I suspect that the global warming/ climate change will contribute to a new line of diseases, viruses and related, some that will hit us where we have almost zero knowledge of the roots, to evolve and spread. This will also be Part 17 of the "American Exceptionalism" series, since America is an exceptional country on many avenues, including our unique broken healthcare system. I take this Coronavirus seriously, unlike how I covered the Ebola Crisis in 2014, this is a whole different ballgame. During the Dallas Ebola Crisis, I was not only in the neighbourhood (northeast Dallas "Five Points"), where Mr. Duncan lived in, and several feet from the apartment complex that was quarantined, but even at the train station (public transit) outside the hospital he was at ... and had minimal concern. Why?, because the Ebola deal was so contained, and we already had years of work worldwide with it, knew so much about it, etc. COVID-19 is just that, newly discovered in 2019 ... we're still trying to figure out all how it is spread for that matter, and it has moved rapidly, right now, it is on every continent besides Antarctica, which has a population smaller than my neighbourhood in Dallas. So this is nothing to take lightly, and even as I post this, it will be outdated the next day, because this is how fast updates on this are coming out. I hope to see AI (artificial intelligence shine in all this, as far as utilizing AI), we will need all the help we can get ... and this includes world participation, and trying to keep as much politics out of it as possible, and all the whiny petty bitch fighting/ arguing, religious cult stuff, etc ... I know that's asking alot, especially in America, but it's needed. But there is plenty of info going around out there to help folks with learning about this, and steps to take to be safer. We have a President and White House, that has put VP Pence, for oversight? ... we need experts in this field, people of medicine and science ... not politically slanted views and assessments. And the primary reason for that, was to censor info that comes to the public, to avoid panic, for Trump's re- election, and to keep people spending. It's not about health and safety, as much as it's about markets and politics ... yet should be, because without safety and health, all rest will go down. Hopefully we'll get a better handle on this soon.

In the U.S. we may have some problems with this if it becomes too widepread, I figure, just looking at our unique situation ... so maybe they will have to change a few things here, to help, regardless of the money, politics, or whatever else gets in the way. Right now, they tell folks to stay home if sick, some they may ask to stay home for a couple weeks ... this is America, we have millions upon millions here that live from paycheck to paycheck, many with little or no paid leave, and apartments that won't want to wait for their rent payments, millions could get evicted, plus that damages their credit scores. Everything in this country, including our lives, is ran on the markets/ money too, and if older folks who don't have time for their 401(k) to bounce back, decide they want to take their money out, lobbyists may try to stop them, maybe limit bank withdrawals, etc. We already seen the markets panic, with only this small amount of cases found, so you don't want it to get too widespread. Mega investors in the market are like drug addicts when they panic, like when a drug addict calls their line or goes to the dopehouse, only to find that they're dry (out of supply). We depend on consumption/ consumers to spend 24/ 7/ 365, we're like at the top worldwide on how much we spend ... if a situation comes up, that folks feel uncomfortable to go to stores, public, travel, or to even spend ... you have another problem. You have hundreds of thousands of homeless people in urban areas, that only have public restrooms and some shelters to possibly get a shower or clean up, overpopulated jails (mass incarceration), folks in rural areas (and cities) that don't have access to healthcare, or clean environment conditions. Some may say ... "well, they're the worthless poor, or criminals, or uneducated, etc" ... but they all have contact with overall society and public places, and right now, it's people that actually have decent jobs, education, and are considered as productive in society that been diagnosed with this. And the working poor makes this machine work in large part, and serve those with more money, meaning, contact. Currently, we are still learning new things daily about this, we are not even dead sure of all the wayz of transmission ... it's all new to us, so far. And hopefully, the U.S. will listen to scientists, and importantly, cooperate with the global community, and the President, not use this to start global fighting/ bickering ... having his little temper tantrums.

The U.S. don't have a national healthcare system, healthcare here is basically big business, with out of control rates and gouging. If this gets any more widespread in the U.S., how will all the different insurance companies plans and supplements handle this? Or all the for profit hospitals? Will they pay for testing?, will they pay for drugs?, what will the healthcare stock shareholders want and demand? Usually costs and premiums skyrocket, since we have no limits, and allow the markets to run everything ... at the least little discomfort to shareholders, this happens. Do we even have enough facilities to quarantine if needed, in a widespread situation? When money is needed and for government to step in, will they find the funds, like they do for big banks and corporations, and/ or just print up billions to bail us out like those? When funding comes up in the House and Senate between the 2 parties (democrats and republicans), will they play the usual back and forth bickering, and try to cut other things to pay for it?, and if/ when spending is passed, how much more will we have to give to billionaires, tax cuts or otherwise, and corporate subsidies, just to get it through, where both sides reach an agreement? ... I mean, recent history shows they never give nothing without taking from us, even if it is mostly our money, taxes, and consumption that generated it. Congress usually has no problem passing legislation to give trillions to billionaires, corporations, banks, and for wars ... but ask for a few billion for the public's own good, and they all start whining in chorus, like they're ordered to do by the wealthy and their lobbyists. What if they tell us what they usually tell us, like, "where will the money come from?" ... "It's all pie in the sky, pipe dreams, it can't be done", and the usual talk we hear? I've heard doctors/ scientists a couple months back, say they think this will become a pandemic of magnitude, although contained at some point ... why may they think that? ... they have reason to. Our President sayz it's all under control, "beautiful" testing methods, control, healthcare system, and containment, etc, but he changes day to day ... if something goes wrong on his actions, instead of looking at his own incompetence, he may blame China or the Democrats, probably ... and turn a serious health concern into a political bitch/ Twitter fight, because looking at his history, he's been quick to run his mouth (Tweets), forgets and contradicts what he sayz from one day to the next, and blames everyone but himself. I could go on and on, but, as you can see, I have alot of questions. Some more below, and stay cautious, at least follow the basics for safety, etc.

Word Out ....

***** Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary | CDC ...  (updates/ information)

***** World Health Organization: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak ... (updates/ information)

How the Climate Crisis Is Making the Spread of Infectious Diseases Like Coronavirus More Common ... Thanx to Democracy Now!

***** CNN: Coronavirus news and updates ... (newsread/ video)

Coronavirus: Scientists in the US race to find a vaccine ... Thanx to Al Jazeera English


***** PD | RCJ: "GLOBAL WAR'N'ING" ... PART'S 61 THRU 1





***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. Only Trump would put an ignoramus who doesn't even believe in evolution in charge of handling a biological crisis.

    He's already starting to ban people from entering the country, although it's now too late for that to do any good, if it ever would have.

    For three years we've been lucky that there was no major crisis that would turn Trump's incompetence into a real disaster. Our luck may finally have run out.

  2. Infidel: Well frankly, I didn't expect much from Trump, but the usual to begin with, if he changes, I would be shocked. We have plenty of people in science and medicine to work on this, and they are working as fast as they can. Our problem is going to be money, if we have a significant increase in cases. First of all, we have been basically milked of all our money over the last several years, and over a couple trillion more since Trump been in office, with giveawayz to billionaires and corporate welfare, corporate wars, etc ... we can barely pay for our basics ... and the challenge will be, to see how many of these very wealthy people (that have no allegiance to any country), actually tries to give back or help (without trying to make a buck off it/ us), because the greed of today is excessive. We'll see what happens either way. Thanx for your voice here ....
