Saturday, March 28, 2020

COVID-19 | CORONAVIRUS 2020 (PT.2): Blues, Clues, Rules, Dues, & News ... The "Be Serious, Not Delirious" Edition ... (NEOLIBERALISM PT.12)- (NAOMI KLEIN PT.4)

This posting will be Part 2 of "Covid-19 | Coronavirus 2020", Part 12 of "Neoliberalism", and Part 4 of the "Naomi Klein" series of this journal/ blog. This stuff is changing by the day, so again, this will be outdated as I post it. But I wanted to have some of this recorded in this journal/ blog, which changes faster than I can keep up with ... and there is already so much info out there, as it is ... every newspaper, and other media source is saturated with coronavirus, much is the doom and gloom talk, like a blues song, with death and infection figures posted hourly. They also hope to make people try to take this seriously, because too many have a "don't give a shit" attitude ... you don't need to become delirious and freaked out, but need to be serious about taking safeguards, and following some basic rules. Much of this is just simple common sense ... sure, many don't like it, but it's importante to take these steps for safety, for yourselves and others around you ... so it's not that difficult or complicated. I follow the rules, and still go outside daily, but changed how I do it and mingle, avoiding much that I usually do. Takes a bit of getting used to, but it's not that bad or difficult, wash hands alot, and follow recommended guidelines, etc. Many in the political arena haven't a clue what's up, they too are playing it by ear. The President saying that we should be up and running with business, back to work, etc, by Easter Sunday ... is just sales talk, anyone in the medical/ science fields would agree, that's too quick due to circumstances. Sure, it's good to be optimistic, but he should be a little more realistic, because it can backfire on him, and us. Understand the kind of environment the President came out of before being President ... he sells everything as "beautiful" and a "great deal" ... that's what he done his whole life ... he sells confidence to folks to invest in his ideas and projects, etc, he's a hustler ... same as any hustler selling you on the street, just bigger game. Plus you have this political season, so him and all the rest of them are looking to score public approval points, on mostly "talking" points. It's not all beautiful, but it's not all doom and gloom either ... so avoid too much political talk, or just miserable people that like to dwell on misery and fear ... that will just make you think like them and more miserable ... think straight and strategic.

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick sayz that he and other seniors are willing to die, to save the economy (YouTube), as is, that all America loves, for our grandchildren, etc ... as if it's patriotic, again, trying to incorporate patriotism and "thinking of children", paying dues, or sacrificing for Wall Street. First place, many Americans do not think too highly of this newest neoliberal economics model, it's approval or popularity, would be about as popular as our Congress would be to most ... "rock bottom", which has failure after failure, and has to be fed with the Federal Government giving it unlimited welfare, to a bunch of gambling addicted hoarding type investors, who don't have any allegiance to ANY country, and destroy damn near everything in their path. Even WITHOUT this serious COVID-19, we have to constantly feed this vermin class, if it weren't for our taxes, workers/ consumers, and government socialism/ corporate welfare feeding them monthly, they would fail overnight. If you (Patrick) want to die for them, that's your choice, but don't speak for the rest of us ... I guess some of these folks would put bags of money in their caskets too. I understand what Lt. Gov. Patrick is trying to say, or the sentiment, patriotic feeling, or what have you ... but the idea that folks should put their lives on the line to save Wall Street, or some other casino is downright silly, no need for all that, which I'll explain below. I was browsing some videos and articles/ newsead, so I selected some below for this posting, to take a look at the overall crisis we're in, some mainstream, some not so mainstream. But there are a few positive things that came out of this too, and good food for thought. So, I wanted to open below with Naomi Klein, and her views/ assessments, and Thanx to Naomi for the Milton Friedman quote posted at the heading. I also wanted to close with Dylan Ratigan being interviewed by Jimmy Dore, to get into detail about trying to avoid a financial crisis, as a 4th crisis, since we already have 3 to work on, being biological, economic, and social (we also have extreme weather due to climate change). Dylan explains "why" so much is having to be shelled out to the banks, much more than we realize, so I linked the PBS/ AP news piece Dylan is talking about first. At the bottom, I'll add a few more words/ views of my own.

"Coronavirus Capitalism": Naomi Klein's Case for Transformative Change Amid Coronavirus Pandemic ... Thanx to Democracy Now!

***** FORBES | Jun Wu: How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Fight Coronavirus ... (newsread)

***** THE NATION | Atossa Araxia Abrahamian: Covid-19: A Best-Case Scenario .... Now is the time to imagine a better world ... (article/ future/ fiction)

***** NEWSWEEK U.S. | Eddy Rodriguez: How to Avoid Coronavirus-Related Scams Amid Plans of Government Payout to U.S. Citizens ... (newsread)

***** THE GUARDIAN | Lily Kuo: Life after lockdown: has China really beaten coronavirus? ... (newsread)

***** FAST COMPANY | Marcus Baram: Here are the most infuriating details and corporate giveaways in the COVID-19 stimulus bill ... (2 minute newsread)

***** CNN | POLITICS: Trump signs historic $2 trillion stimulus after Congress passes it Friday ... (newsread)

***** THE MOTLEY FOOL | Dan Caplinger: Coronavirus Bailout: As Stock Buybacks Disappear, Will the Market Fall Further? ... (newsread)

***** PBS/ AP | Christopher Rugaber: Federal Reserve to lend additional $1 trillion a day to large banks ... (newread)

U.S. Pumps $14 TRILLION Into Economy! ... Thanx to The Jimmy Dore Show **** Dylan reconfigurated and explained his $14 Trillion figures in a later interview, so $14 Trillion the way he estimated it, is not accurate, or a fixed figure. But the substance here is importante, set aside figures, which are never what they appear at first anywayz, but key to understanding how some of this works.



***** PD/ RCJ: "NAOMI KLEIN" ... PART'S 3, 2, & 1

***** PD/ RCJ: "COVID-19 | CORONAVIRUS 2020" ... PART 1


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp (1982 photo)

As far as the news on China having the virus contained and their figures ... I myself don't trust those figures so quickly, I know China, as well as other major countries will want to go back to business and getting the economic machine in motion ASAP. Why I hesitate on ANY figures right now, whether from China or anyone else, is because it's too early. It makes sense too, that even if we feel that we have this contained, the fact is, that there is still the virus out there and millions of carriers, many we don't even know of. Starting getting back to routine too casually and quickly, can easily spread a 2nd epidemic surge ... I mean, we don't like to think that, but medical science shows this would likely be a problem. In the U.S. for example, we're a little slow at catching the boat ... much credit to all the folks in the medical fields and everyone else who put their necks on the line everyday ... but our government has been slow (or they would say "cautious", I guess) to get a decent handle on this. And we need much more as far as medical equipment and personel, we are pushing these workers to the limits as it is, without adequate equipment and supplies. And this state to state thing, in my view, don't cut it. New York has the strongest lockdown measures I figure, but this needs to be nationwide. From what I see, we need more strict lockdown/ restrictions, at least during the start of this, and more testing, much more of everything. But at least we are learning how unprepared we are, and what we need to do ... plus there are so many in science/ medicine working to find medicines, vaccines, or whatever needed. Sadly our government/ Fed, and the executive and legislative branches are under total control of the markets/ corporations/ banks/ investors. I mean, we are praising politicians that done the $2 Trillion stimulus, which is really good, but understand, that this was pushed mostly by the big money entities, to get a people/ workers stimulus through so quickly. Wall Street knows our Congress is incapable of getting much done for the people/ workers, because of the constant left- right bickering ... so they say ... push it, and get it done! As far as Texas Lt. Gov. Patrick telling us it's patriotic for us to work and die of coronavirus, if necessary, as our sacrifice to save this cesspool of financial misery he thinks everyone loves ... don't be silly, no need to do a thing, except get the Fed to pump billions more into society, as they do for all the corporations/ banks. Where does the money come from? ... it's called the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (Prof. Richard Wolff).

In Texas, our methods from testing to quarantine are flexible, Dallas County has the tightest lockdown rules in the DFW Metroplex, but surrounding counties are slow to get on board. A couple weeks ago, they ordered all bars, restaurants, churches, etc closed ... so folks who wanted to party, just went to Fort Worth, Addison, or other suburban cities to party or whatever. Slowly, other suburban cities/ counties starting getting on board. You still have considerable traffic in this town, much more than a town like NYC. And that is because you have what's considered as "essential businesses" in Dallas and Texas, that have to stay open, such as pharma stores, groceries, construction related, hospitals/ clinics, emergency services, etc. You can get food delivered here, from restaurants, grocers, you can go up to restaurants, go inside and order, but not sit or dine- in, or have them bring the food out to you ... but, what is open and closed is so confusing to keep up with ... and quite a bit is open, but with many restrictions. At first Dallas closed all gun stores, there was a big surge in gun sales (as well as San Francisco, which is a bit unusual) ... folks couldn't buy them in Dallas City, so they went to suburban towns/ counties to buy ... not sure where it stands today, I haven't done any firearms shopping. My daughter and her husband, said the best time to go to Target store, is early in the morning when they first open, because they restock early before opening, there are limits on things like paper towels, for example, 1 pack per customer, you can buy a dozen rolls or so in a pack, max. But most items been restocking/ replenishing okay, considering the condition. But everything you touch you have to basically disinfect, remove packaging, discarding it properly, and importantly, washing hands after you touch it, and not touching your face. Example, I got a large Listerine Mint antiseptic mouthwash the other day, I wiped down the bottle entirely, and also washed my hands immediately after, for a good 20- 30 seconds. We are at a point now in America, to where we think too much about markets and money over anything else, including our lives. We don't like trillions going to banks and corporations, and every time we have a crisis, we get soaked for billions/ trillions by these entities, to keep us scrounging, dependent, and in debt and servitude to them. As Dylan Ratigan said in the video above, this was the easiest fix they could do fast, but it doesn't make significant beneficial changes for all in the financial system, just sustains everything we have, including the problems within it ... which also means, extracting anything we have of value, including "rights".

When we get a better handle and control on this virus, I don't think we should jump right back to business as usual, but move with high caution, you don't want to jump start another wave of it. Looking at this right now, I'm expecting quite a bit of economic trouble to follow. I also am expecting an uprise of angry citizens after this smooths out, right now, we're locked down because of the virus, but once the financial misery sets in later, people will have resentment, and this resentment will also be targeted at politicians too. This also makes us think twice about expanding our political choices, and possibly starting a new 3rd party that represents the majority of people. Sure, the $2 trillion is great and a big help, and Thanx to the pressure from Wall Street to make this happen. But you already have apartments in Dallas that are giving out eviction alert letters (and I'm sure in other cities coast to coast), although, no Dallas courts will sign any eviction notices, and it would be a few months before any could get signed off legally. Apartments are calling it a warning, and denying when asked, that they are evicting anyone, but look to get big late fees and such, and many folks will use credit cards, small loans or whatever, when money runs slim. Small business needs to pay rent/ mortgages, sure they'll get some help, but how long will it last? Folks are going to have to lay off/ cut employees, regardless of what the President sayz about business will be booming through the roof ... I see several complications coming, on that end. Also, some of your biggest investors, are going to be looking for a big home foreclosure amount to come ... and they know it, because they want to buy up as much as possible dirt cheap ... remember, even in a recession, while most lose ... few gain big profits ... this is America, to not expect these things, would be foolish. These temporary orders to not evict, foreclose, etc ... will run out after awhile, and will have to be extended or some new policies worked out, money gets folks desperate, desperation leads to extreme greed ... as soon as any of these protections run out, and a green light turns on, the vultures will come out of the woodwork. Right now, even several places are offering advances, on the stimulus checks that you haven't received yet, they will charge fees for an advance, like these tax prep services do, if you don't put limits on those fees, they could go through the roof. I could go on and on ... expect alot of game to be played, because there are many with scams and wayz to capitalize off this ... plan a strategy ahead of time.

As far as the $2 Trillion stimulus, and the generosity of it, don't be so quick to give credit to simply politicians, bipartisan love, or whatever ... this was mandatory, even your biggest of banks pushed for this. This is to basically protect the country from going in the shitter, this virus hit everyone unexpectedly, and hit market hard, everyone been scrambling. This is why I also put this in the "Neoliberalism" series. Even some airlines within the last year, before this crisis, claimed they could survive any recession, they are crying now for bailouts. The $2 trillion given to keep us hanging on, was because many trillions will go to the top players/ corporations/ investment banks, etc ... they realize they need to give some socialism, because they are taking so much. This talk of no stock buybacks and excessive CEO pay or whatever, may not last long, unless it's solid in law, and even then, the lobbyists/ lawyers make loopholes, changes, etc ... the Coronavirus Relief Bill is nearly 900 pages. See "Motley Fool" link above, on how importante stock buybacks were to generating large wealth expansion for big players. Good thing is, this makes even the wealthiest and everyone else see the importance of social safety nets, and trying to do something about out of control healthcare costs, we will probably need more stimulus before we have a good handle on this. The importance from a wealthy investor perspective, is to maintain social order and the flow of business ... leaving the workers/ consumers taking too much burden, can backfire with mass civil disobedience and even out of control pockets of anarchy, so this also makes people top to bottom, even think twice about things like UBI (universal basic income). This new stimulus/ bailout, will also contribute to fulfilling the global neoliberal goal, it's going to make these too big to fail entities of wealth, even that much larger, and more powerful ... basically what we once called democracy, will never be the same. It's already to the point where corporate neoliberalism are controlling ALL establishment politics in this country, and have politicians in fear of challenging them. This will bring more privatization of anything or assets that the public has remaining, with wealthy investors buying everything up ... that's why the wealthy are more than happy to throw us billions, while they milk us/ government for trillions. Do not pay atencion to those politician's statements like "where will the money come from", "we have too much debt", we need to pay down debt", etc, etc ... thinking about debt is silly, and they (politicians) know it, we would never even be able to pay down a fraction of the interest. This shows you, how over the last decade, the Fed just pumps endless money into the banking system, that we supposedly don't have ... and can suddenly drop a couple trillion as well, in a heartbeat. Whether it's 9/11 and following war in Iraq, the 2007-2008 Great Recession, or the Coronavirus crisis, the money alwayz appears somehow, and we take one further step in privatizing democracy and our government, and becoming more dependent on the oligarchs.

Word Out ....



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. I've never trusted information put out by the Chinese government either, including about economic growth. It's a fascist regime. There is tremendous anger among the Chinese people now against the regime, for behaving as if covid-19 is defeated when they all know it is not. I've heard that hospitals in China are being ordered to record new covid-19 cases as flu or pneumonia, to disguise the situation.

    As for people who are exploiting the crisis to extort money from the desperate, that's essentially the same as looting. People who are caught looting during a disaster are normally shot without trial.

  2. Infidel: I think all new cases in China at first, were just diagnosed as flu/ pneumonia ... I feel even here in the U.S. Yeah, the Chinese are just trying to get the markets/ business flowing ASAP, and I expect that they will say anything to get that ... Trump is the same way, but Trump is also less efficient, as far as getting a handle on anything.

    Especially in Texas, looters know what to expect in some cases ... alot of gun owners here, who do like you said. I'm not that concerned on looters, as much as I want to be aware of ALL the many scams that will be played on us/ folks ... these SOBs will even try to take your money before it even gets put into your bank acount ... SOBs will steal it on computer while in route, or have some other con job to get it ... that's a whole lotta checks/ deposits being set in motion. I guess cyber- thieves are extra excited this year ... they have their eyes on the usual tax returns, and now they have this massive stimulus payout ... they see "opportunity".
