Wednesday, June 3, 2020

BIBLE STUDY, BARBEQUE, BEANS & BULLSHIT ... From Thrills on The Hill to Saving up to $537 on Yo Bill ... The "Sappy Happy" Edition ... (AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM PT.18)

Nancy Pelosi brandishes her OWN Bible as she slams Donald Trump ...    
Bible Study                                                                    BBQ & Beans

This posting will serve as Part 18 of the "American Exceptionalism" series of this journal/ blog ... this one is just some morning humour. I had no intention of doing a posting this morning, as a matter of fact, I get so scatterbrained from time to time, I never know what I'll be thinking from one minute to the next, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) But these folks done it for me, so I would have something to post. Just woke up this morning, laying in bed, grabbed the remote to turn on the tele to get a quick news briefing. This is what I get for part of the news ... I see Speaker Pelosi reading from the Bible, and President Trump just showcasing it, not even sure if he actually reads it, or anything besides Twitter ... but Nancy did, and threw a couple extra pages in it, from fellow political allies, and bless her little heart {:-) These dayz, when I see wealthy/ rich politicians reading from Bibles in public on camera, I figure they're either worried that the people are on to them and their scams, in trouble, or going to fuck us out of something (like entitlements, services, etc ... to give our taxes to their rich friends {:-) . Now ... here's the kicker, that even started making me laugh harder ... in between news clips, I got hammered 3 times this morning with this AAA auto insurance commercial ... with testimony from this young couple, on how much money they saved with their insurance, and all they would be able to do that year with their big savings ... I believe they saved over $450, but YOU can save up to $537!! (but you can bet, they'll fuck you on something else throughout the year {:-) I'm not even sure if $537 would pay for lunch of Pelosi or Trump ... but they should look into it, if they actually drive, and maybe they can hustle up a few bucks too! {:-) But I'm sure, between the Bible Study, Barbeque, Beans & Bullshit, and a chance to save money and get rich ... this at least will be a sappy happy pitch to Americans, to make their day better ... where else in the world can you get this? ... Enjoy!

Donald Trump bible: Tear gas used to clear protestors for photo op ... Thanx to The Telegraph

AAA TV Commercial, 'When We Switched' ... Thanx to

JUST IN: Pelosi reads from Bible, slams Trump ... Thanx to The Hill 





***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. Auto insurance? Those companies should be giving us a break -- they must be making a shitload of money with everybody on lockdown and hardly driving, so there are hardly any crashes or claims, while the insurance companies keep raking in the premiums. It's over two months since I last put gas in my car and I've used up less than half a tank.

    Of course Trump doesn't read the Bible. It's more than 280 characters and he's not even mentioned in it.

  2. Infidel: Yeah, the way I see it, is Trump wouldn't read much of anything over 280 characters, unless he's making money some how off it. I knew a guy like him years ago ... he wouldn't read much, never watch a movie, tele or whatever. I asked him why? he told me ... "if I'm watching a movie or reading a book, how will I be making money?" ... well, he got me there, I was young, and didn't know how to respond. He was a Trump type, alwayz about a buck/ money (of course, not as wealthy as Trump) ... alwayz had some kind of money making thing going on, that was his entire life.He married about 4-5 times, he only liked blondes with oversized breasts, and they cost him plenty too {:-)

    I utilized my insurance, and was glad I had it when I needed it, but only because that is all I had to fall back on. I have noticed a huge increase suddenly of insurance commercial, in particular auto ... haven't figured out why, yet, but they are spending out the ass recently on prime time ads ... maybe they got a bunch of bailout money? ... no ... because I figured that much they spend on ads is a business expense tax write off(?) ... I don't know, I'm missing something. All these joints know how to squeeze, to maximize profits though.

    Not bad on your gas usage ... but I can understand, too. You probably don't drive much, and Portland is so compact in layout, I also found the bus/ rail system there to be pretty good, having used it myself. Dallas is so different in layout, so spread out, having to drive like 60 miles or whatever to cross town. You have to drive fast here, which means eating more gas, because you can't get any damn where driving 55mph. You can do 80mph here in the left lane (fast lane), and you got folks driving up on your tail to move, because they need to pass you. A few weeks back I was buying gas for about $1.20 a gallon, traffic was so light because of the shutdown, yesterday I paid $1.59 a gallon, and the traffic is getting thick again. This "opening up" thing, that Gov. Abbott is doing, is not working well. Just in the last week, our coronavirus cases have been hitting record highs ... so I don't know, but I just think we're opening up too fast. Thanx for your voice.

  3. "if I'm watching a movie or reading a book, how will I be making money?"

    I sometimes think about this now that I have a real job with paid holidays. On MLK Day, Independence Day, etc., I get a day off work and still get paid just the same. So during what would normally be work hours, I can read a book, watch videos, jack off, whatever, and still think, "I'm getting paid for this!" Because it's still paid time, just on a holiday.

  4. That's exactly how I look at it too, I mean, on holidayz I got paid, etc. This guy I'm talking about, had so much going on, as far as money coming in. He also had a job as a Senior Manager of a large company, I myself made a few bucks off the guy. What little work he done at his company, and I mean little, being that he had his assistants under him do all the work, half the time he wasn't at work, and gave orders to them by phone. He was also ripping off the company big time, so they (company) was losing their ass all the way around. He finally got busted for embezzlement ... too long story ... but he made off with hundreds of thousands, for sure, maybe even over a million. He also collected antique Corvette sports cars ... old ones, when they put actual chrome metal bumpers on them.
