Monday, April 27, 2009

"SILLYISM" ..... the quest and ability to stay "silly" .... ( and the topic of same sex marriage )

The title here is actually misleading for this post...but quite fitting for what inspired this posting. It could apply to several thing's...but in this case I will use it for the issue of Same Sex Marriage.

In one of my earlier posting's titled "What is Gay Marriage? .... another form of marriage...", I pointed out many different kind's of marriages throughout our history... that was anything beside's ..."one man and one woman". :) This isnt a subject that I focus on much... because for one...I never had no interest in marrying a man ... and frankly bored of wedding's.. besides liking food and drink's ... but loathe the dressing up in formal wear.... and standing around socializing with people who I would rather not even talk to... who tell each other impressive lies about all what their doing now ... and all they have accomplished. Besides...the hypocrisy and expectation's of it is sometimes nauseating. "...Till death do us part...."? ......pleeeease.

I ask myself ..."Why are we so protective of gay people?" are they "special"? No really .... all caca aside ... half our people for morality reason's say they oppose SS Marriage's. Yet many gay folk's say they simply want to be as miserable as many straight married couple's are...and have the legal right to sue each other...cheat, divorce, have custody battles and enjoy all the rest of the thing's that come with marriage that straight's love and practice so much, and the whole lovely hypocrisy of the vow's they agree to in the eye's of God. Gay folk's pay taxes like anyone of us, should they not be entitled to the same miseries and right's as anyone else? If they are in sin ... and it is against God... well....dont worry about it ... it's no skin off your hide .... God will deal with it.

I married a female and had kid's, and those kid's had kid's,etc. Marriage to me has been between a man and a woman... well.... all my life. Whether gay's marry....or folk's have multiple spouses, or marry their cousin's... or even if we tried to get feline's and canine's to marry... hell... it doesnt effect me and my relationship... even a tad. There are gay folk's....period.... they are citizen's and by "law" should have the same legal right's as every other citizen ... the way I see it. Some may worry that it will turn folk's gay? Dont be silly. Will it degrade the institution of marriage? Well ... if your worried about that... let's look at how much straight folk's degraded every inch of marriage, believe's couldnt take it much lower than it has been taken already. Other than that.... if gay's are denied the right to marry....I propose that they only have to pay half the taxes of straight people... since they dont get the full package of being citizen's with equal right's.

We call this a battle of morality...when it's actually just plain ole "sillyism" and a waste of our goddamn time! Why? because slowly but time passes ... state by state if's are going to be allowed to join in some form of marriage. Why? Not just because it's outright discrimination, but because there is money to be made from it...all around. Think about the divorce lawyer's,court's, wedding planner's,florist's,tux/gown businesses...and I could go on and get the picture... plus it also imposes law's on them to be accountable in these relationship's to each other and to society... where they cant just walk away so easily... in a way... marriage keep's folk's in line to a degree.

One thing for sure is... it's an issue that doesnt risk national security,or take food off the table ... or do a damn thing for any of us who are straight, and if God dont like...God will deal with damn sure is not my job. We got a schlew of real problem's that need grave attention...besides worrying about folk's personal sex lives and love affair's. This is not just a waste of's downright...


  1. I agree with you it's sillyism to make such a fuss over gay marriage but when you've been taught all your life that accepting homosexuality is the road to ruin, well...
    I believe as you say that it's only a matter of time. After many gay people are allowed to marry many of them will probably wonder what all the fuss was about. But just imagine what would be like if you wanted to marry someone you loved & legally couldn't!

  2. I know Ms.Rita ... when you say just imagine that you wanted to marry and couldnt... you are so right...and that is exactly why it is not fair in any stretch of the is downright discrimination any way you slice it...and moralist's who alway's rant about it should be happy gay's want to marry actually... they alway's talk about living in sin for instance...well... gay's marrying would make them commit to similar moral obligation's.

    To me Ms.Rita... marriage is a business too. If I love someone and want to be with them...and they with me... I damn sure will make it happen whether society approves or not. But I understand the legality issue here as well.

    Thank You for your input on this Ms.Rita.....

  3. Marriage...been there, done that! Now it's all about me, me me....Bwahahahah!
